I post about this too much, but I will continue to do it anyway because I like talking about it and hearing what others plan for their characters.
This will be for my first character and will likely change when I finally see what all of the perks actually do.
S: 1
P: 3
E: 1
C: 1
I: 8
A: 8
L: 6
Plan a sneaky energy weapons focused character who will deal devastating critical damage. Trying to replicate a play style I did in Fallout 3 where I would sneak up on enemies and deal awesome critical damage with the Metal Blaster. High Intelligence to have access to what I hope is a variety of useful technical perks, and of course energy weapon modifications (must make me a plasma shotgun!). High Agility for the sneaking, VATS, and whatever can make my character a bit more agile. Just enough Luck to hit Better Criticals. And enough Perception for some lockpicking benefits.
This is bound to change if the Perception perks don't seem as beneficial as I thought, and those two points put into Perception will be put into Luck so I will be able to hit Grim Reaper's Sprint right off the bat. But regardless, the more I play, the more I plan on increasing some of the attributes through the training perk and eventually get Luck to 8 from Grim Reaper's Sprint anyway, Agility to 10 for that Gun Fu perk because it sounds useful enough. Not sure about increasing Intelligence considering its just this unknown I9 perk and Nerd Rage which was a useless perk in previous games, so who knows what its like here if it is I10. And getting Perception to 4 for lockpicking benefits.