S.P.E.C.I.A.L Choices

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:58 am

Still haven't fully decided yet but most likely a bit more balanced with a few extra points towards A, P, I and L.

I have a feeling having a higher LUCK this time around will be very desirable. I'm thinking 6 at least. Playing New Vegas with a luck of 1 vs 9/10 made an insane difference in the casinos ;) $$$$$$$$! haha.

What ever my build ends up being I will probably take my first 3 levels to boost my SPECIAL if there are no base level restrictions to doing so.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:34 am

S. 1 - Harder game

P. 4 - Lockpick

E. 1 - Harder game x2 xD

C. 6 - Local leader

I. 6 - Science!

A. 3 - Sneak

L. 7 - Lady Luck xD

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:40 pm

I hear ya. Right now I'm only increasing my Intelligence to a 4, but I have strong reservations about that. The problem is that there are several other perks that I'm dying to try from the beginning (my Agility will be a 6, Perception and Endurance will both be a 5). But once I start exploring my focus is going to be on increasing my Intelligence. Hell, I may even cheat for once (which I normally abhor doing) and look up where the Intelligence bobblehead is! Unless, of course, I somehow find it on my own.

I'm concerned about it and at the same time I'm not. If you look at my build, you'll see I'm getting Hacking, Demolition Expert, Lockpicking, Action Boy, Armorsmith, Attack Dog, Chem Resist, Lone Wanderer, etc. So I feel like I'll have a well-balanced character. But again I will focus on Intelligence ASAP.
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Bitter End
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:55 am

I've been thinking of an Int of 9, because I suspect an EXP bonus, but I don't think I'll max it, because I also suspect there's an Int bobblehead out there that'll give me a point.

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Grace Francis
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:30 am

S 5

P 3

E 3

C 8

I 5

A 3

L 1

I always like to go with a high Charisma stat in these games. I never bother with putting points into luck.

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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:24 pm

Did they ever confirm what bobbleheads do? If its just a pure special increase, or a new perk?

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:34 pm

Definitely need more information on the perks to be able to plan out my build a little more. I typically go for more Intelligence and Perception, but with all the changes made to the Character system (ie lack of skills) I could possibly be more flexible and up my other SPECIAL's to get more perks I wouldn't have access to otherwise. Hard to put a point value on the desired SPECIAL's without knowing exactly which perks I what. I want to craft and build settlements...and not die when I go into battle.

I think crafting will help make any of the weapons perks more viable early on, as I would be able to mod a lot of the weapons I find into one that I'm trained with. I think Rifleman would be the best all-around weapons perk as it can give you mid-long range with some decent firepower, so if I had to choose one it would be this one. Add this with sneak, and I should be ok in combat, even without a ton of AP.

If the entire perk chart is released, I look forward to creating my actual build.

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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:45 am

S - 8

P - 2

E - 5

C - 6

I - 4

A - 1

L - 2

Going with a charismatic, tanky/melee 'paladin-esque' character, who sports power armor (or at least heavier armors, if power armor can't be used with melee weaponry) of course. Therefore, agility isn't really needed, nor is perception, especially since I don't plan to use VATS all that often.

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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:04 pm

Stealth CQC play style, using mainly one handed firearms (silenced pistols and SMGs) and Melee weapons (ideally a sword or knife). Might invest in a sniper rifle down the road but we'll see.


  • S- 5
  • P- 4
  • E- 4
  • C- 3
  • I- 4
  • A- 7
  • L- 1

Most relevant/vital Perks (Tier 1)

  • Sneak
  • Gunslinger
  • Lockpick
  • Little Leaguer

Useful perks (tier 2)

  • Avoidance
  • Ninja
  • Gun Nut
  • Medic
  • Pick Pocket
  • Weaponsmith

Helpful Perks (tier 3)

  • Sandman
  • Cap collector
  • Hacker
  • Armorer
  • Lone Wanderer
  • Lady Killer
  • Life Giver
  • Rifleman
  • Toughness
  • Chem Resistant

Maybes (teir 4)

  • Demolition Expert
  • Engineer
  • Scrounger
  • Strong Back

The way I've organized Perks into tiers demonstrates which are most pertinent and which are merely handy or supportive of my proposed play style.

  • Teir 1= invest in right away, all perk points for the first 10 levels will support these perks exclusively. Ultimately want all to be fully upgraded

  • Tier 2= usually invest after level 10, only buy about 3/5 ranks on overage for most of these perks (gun nut and ninja may be exceptions).

  • Tier 3= Not really necessary for core play style but will satisfy breadth requirements for being successful in the wasteland. Invest at most 2/5 perk points, but usually 1/5.

  • Tier 4= look interesting but not necessary for core play style and will often require me to purchase an extra S.P.E.C.I.A.L. rank (or find a bobble head) to use. In some cases buying these perks is contingent on what they do (i.e. if Demo expert allows you to disarm explosive traps it will be more necessary than just making explosives more deadly).

Please provide some feedback and share your character builds as well.

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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:22 pm

S - 1
P - 4
E - 1
C - 6
I - 5
A - 8
L - 3

I love agility.

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James Potter
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:18 am

S: 2

P: 6

E: 4

C: 4

I: 5

A: 4

L: 3

I am going to play as a Medic first and foremost. Being able to heal myself a lot and never have to worry about that is something I really like (Not sure if the Endurance is slightly too low though). Then I will be some kind of sniper/soldier. I like rifles so that will work nicely for me I guess.

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Daramis McGee
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:17 am

Might as well add my two caps

S: 1

P: 1

E: 10

C: 1

I: 9

A: 1

L: 5

I am going for a heavy drug user build. Max endurance will ensure I get the max health possible (even if I am losing a free special point from the bobblehead) and high int will pay for itself in the mid to late game by giving bonus experience levels. I surmise each point of INT will boost XP gained by 5%. I will take the bonus loot luck perk first to get maximum loot, then take chem resistant and chemist. I will buy and make tons of drugs and never fight anything without buffs from consumables. This will make up for the poor combat stats. Eventually I will raise my stats to the point where I can craft a heavy automatic plasma rifle and put perk points into commando.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:13 am

I'm going to alternate between a male veteran survivor and a very brainy female engineer.

I want to see how different the dialog and quests are between the two.

I'm going to let them develop naturally so they will likely go in different directions later in the game.

Male veteran with decent intelligence (used GI bill for a Computer Science degree).

I'll have good perception (for a high chance to hit in VATS) and a good agility for sneaking and all the other things you can do with agility.

Likely need a decent Strength.

I'll take a two or a three in Endurance, Charisma, and Luck since the SS has been a civilian for a while (and asleep for 200 years).

S: 5

P: 5

E: 3

C: 3

I: 4

A: 6

L: 2

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Erin S
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:26 pm


Strength: 3

Perception: 4

Endurance: 3

Charisma: 3

Intelligence: 6

Agility: 3

Luck: 6




Better Criticals

Gun Nut








Life Giver

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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:56 am

Hey guys!

I haven't posted on the forum before today, but I would like to share my build, as I have thought it out for now:

Strength - 3

For the *Armorer* perk. (Might be boosted to Str 6 for the *Strong Back* perk, once I need to salvage a lot for settlement building.)

Perception - 2

To get the *Rifleman* perk. (May be boosted to Perception 4 if lockpicking becomes an issue.)

Endurance - 3

For getting *Life Giver* early.

Charisma - 6

I will be doing a lot of settlement tinkering, so *Local Leader* is a must. (I will also pick up *Cap Collector* and *Attack Dog*,

and being persuasive is an added bonus)

Intelligence - 6

I will propably be picking up all the first 6 perks of the Intelligence tree, but I really want the *Science!* perk and *Gun Nut*

(Intelligence might be boosted to 8 for *Robotics Expert* in the late game.)

Agility - 2

For the *Commando* perk. (I may put one extra point in Agility if i feel like doing more sneaking)

Luck - 6

Mainly to get *Better Criticals*, but also *Fortune Finder*, *Scrounger* and *Bloody Mess*- Because I have used that perk since the first game.(*Pot Luck* is an unknown to me at the moment.)

And that's it.
Only 13 days to wait guys! Woo!


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Lily Something
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:57 am

S 1
P 2
E 1
C 6
I 6
A 6
L 6

I know it seems abit.. Of a weird setup but i really dont see why people are avoiding luck this time around. Even with the new critical system, a lucky gunslinger will still fare well. Infact, all it does is allow me to time when i want my glorious headshots.
Then theres lootchances increasing with luck.. Which i imagine will actually make a difference.
Ive chose charisma so i can build up a settlement; itll help ease the fact i wont be able to build higher tier power armour parts for a while, require more stims and to be honest - it looks like a really cool system and you require a decent charisma level to start bringing people into it and opening shops.
Ill ofcourse bulk up all the SPECIAL stats (starting with perception) but, at the start? Im fine with being a lucky gunslinger-kinda character
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:32 am

Going for a smartypants smooth talker. Same as my FNV character.

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louise hamilton
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:53 am


I want to be as close to a Super Mutant as possible.
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David Chambers
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:07 pm








A charismatic sniper that likes to get his own way and is pretty selfish.

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Tha King o Geekz
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:36 am

S - 3
P - 4
E - 3
C - 6
I - 4
A - 5
L - 3
And my first 3 perks will probabaly be:
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:40 am

S - 1
P - 5
E - 1
C - 6
I - 5
A - 7
L - 3

Smooth talking undercover operative
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:30 pm

S-1 I'll raise it to about 3 for armor modding, but out of the gate I don't think it'll be extremely necessary.

P-6 Spotting enemies sooner and better Vats accuracy. Gonna raise it up to ten for concentrated fire.

E-3 So I'm not extremely squishy and I can sprint a little. Probably gonna keep it at 3.

C-6 Dialogue, and the lone wanderer perk to increase my carry weight to make up for my low strength early on. Raising it up to ten for intimidation

I-5 Raising it to six for the science perk so I can make that energy sniper rifle (;
Also experience points

A-6 Sneaking, vats, sprinting and stuff

L-1 None of the luck perks seem eye catching, and I'll be relying on sneak criticals more than anything.

I wanna build a laser/plasma sniper rifle to pick off single targets, and then I'll probably use explosives for groups of enemies. For close quarters I'll go with a plasma rifle.
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:22 am

I choose specials based on perks which I will get (hope so). Done at vault111.com

S: 5 - Iron Fist, Big Leagues, Armorer, Weaponsmith and Big Guns

P: 4 - Pickpocket, Rifleman, Awareness, Lockpick

E: 4 - Toughness, Lead Belly, Life Giver, Chem Resistant

CH: 4 - Cap Collector, Lady Killer, Lone Wanderer, Attack Dog

I: 6 - VANS, Medic, Gun Nut, Hacker, Engineer, Science

A: 3 - Gunslinger, Commando, Sneak

L: 2 - Fortune Finder, Scrounger

But not sure if it will work this way, or you will pick three perks when creating new character as was in FNV.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:46 am

i'm inclined to agree with you here as I can plan all I want in advance but the moment I actually start to play it my plans usually completely change. Lol
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Star Dunkels Macmillan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:02 pm

S: 3 (5) Armorer

P: 3 (8) Rifleman, awerness, sniper

E: 6 (7) Toughness, adamantium skeleton

C: 2 (3) Lone Wanderer

I: 8 (10) Medic, Gun nut, Engineer

A: 3 (6) Gunslinger, Sneak

L: 3 (10) Scrounger, Better critical, Fighting irish

Intelligence to get more xp points.

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