S.P.E.C.I.A.L Choices

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:50 pm

S. 6
P. 5
E. 3
C. 3
I. 6
A. 3
L. 2

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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:51 pm

Working on other builds

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matt oneil
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:50 am

Here are the most up to date builds for my male and female characters. The numbers in brackets are my target stat levels including bobbleheads. Note that these are long-term builds, with an estimated maximum of level 111 for each character.


Uses ballistic rifles, mostly single-shot and sniper, as well as pistols and explosives. Crafts his own light armor. Highly skilled in stealth and infiltration. Sole companion is Dogmeat.

S 3 (6) Armorer, Strong Back
P 8 (9) Pickpocket, Rifleman, Awareness, Lockpick, Demolition Expert, Night Person, Resonance, Sniper, Detection
E 5 (7) Toughness, Lead Belly, Marine Boy, Rad Resistant, Adamantium Skeleton
C 4 (5) Attack Dog
I 3 (4) Gun Nut
A 3 (8) Gunslinger, Commando, Sneak, Action Boy, Avoidance, Ninja, Rapid Reload
L 2 (3) Scrounger
Uses heavy weapons, energy rifles, fists, melee weapons, and power armor. Specialist in hacking and manipulating advanced tech. Primary focus on building settlements, networking and leadership.
S 4 (9) Iron Fist, Big Leagues, Weaponsmith, Big Guns, Size Matters, Slayer
P 2 (3) Riflewoman
E 3 (4) Life Giver, Chem Resistant
C 6 (7) Cap Collector, Man Hunter, Local Leader, Party Girl
I 8 (9) V.A.N.S., Medic, Hacker, Engineer, Science!, Chemist, Robotics Expert, Fusion
A 2 (3) Commando
L 3 (7) Fortune Finder, Bloody Mess, Pot Luck, Better Criticals, Kill Shot
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Wayne Cole
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:28 am

S 2

P 8

E 1

C 1

I 4

A 5

L 7

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Sophie Miller
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:42 am

S: 3 (Armorer)

P: 3 (Awareness)

E: 3 (Life giver)

C: 8 (Inspirational and settlement building)

I: 6 (Science! perk)

A: 3 (for a decent amount of AP)

L: 2 (High luck for a 2nd play through)

I hope high charisma + the inspirational perk can net me a 2nd companion.

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Your Mum
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:19 pm

S. 3 - for armorer
P. 4 - lockpick
E. 1 - I just don't think I'll need it, I plan on bring far away from people.
C. 6 - local leader sounds cool, and I can't wait for settlement building.
I. 5 - will eventually raise higher for Science!
A. 3 - sneaky sneaky
L. 6 - better criticals
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Anne marie
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:03 am

Part of me just want's to make straight 4's, part of me wants to customize the SPECIAL to get the exact perks I want, and part of me says just screw all that and put the points where you want them and just role-play. Sadly I feel that designing characters for Perks is going to become the norm (as you can clearly see in this thread) which just takes away from just playing how you really want. Not that this is a new problem. In prior games most of my characters had high INT so I could get more skill points ... not because I particularly wanted to play someone brilliant.

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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:16 am

Even though he has a military background, I'm not quite sure what exactly he did in the military (if it's already been specified then sorry, must've missed it) but I'm going to roleplay he worked in intelligence in the army, so have him as the science/tech guy with a preference for small arms.


S 3

P 5

E 2

C 3

I 8

A 2

L 5

Edit: with that said, I'll probably change my mind right as I'm picking my SPECIAL, haha.

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jason worrell
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:04 am

If you have no idea what you wanna do, just distribute your skill points to reflect your skills in RL. See what you like doing most in the game from there. I'm taking a leap of faith with a Charisma of 8 for settlement building and specific perks; I may very well get bored of it. Alternatively, pick 1 random SPECIAL and make it 10. I'm sure it'll make for an interesting playthrough.

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Paula Ramos
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:50 am

Well I'm sure I'll have a base 3 in each attribute anyway as I can hard see how someone could even function in society to the level the PC is if he/she was hampered in such a way. So I imagine the range will end up being 3-6 based on the RP I'm playing.

Using a '4' as an average score I can also make some assumptions: Since the guy is giving a speech I'll assume that CHR may be above average. The Female has the Law Degree so we can assume a high INT for her. Military skills assumes at least an average STR and AGI. So just fill in the others from there as desired.

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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:10 am

S 3: Big Leagues, Armorer

P 8: Rifleman, Lockpick, Sniper

E 1: Toughness

C 6: Lone Wanderer, Local Leader

I 8: Gun Nut, Hacker, Engineer, Science!, Robotics Expert

A 1: Raise to 3 for 'Sneak' down the line

L 1: Raise to 2 down the line for 'Scrounger'

Things could change once the full perk descriptions are released.

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Nathan Risch
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:55 am

S :4

P :4

E :3

C :4

I :7

A :5

L :1

I want to roleplay a guy who attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology but had to drop out only a few months after starting to join the army and fight in the Resource Wars due to a few personal tragedies, hence the inteligence and luck.

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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:46 pm

After the perk chart has been leaked I'm thinking of doing this for my sneak/sniper build:

S. 3 - for armourer and some carry weight
P. 4 (8) - starting at 4 for rifleman and lockpick then raising to 8 later into the game for sniper. I don't think you will need sniper early, but will be nice later after more essential perks, unless snipers sway lots, then I will rush it.
E. 1 (3) - starting low as I don't care about it as I plan to be far away from targets, maybe raise for life giver if I need it.
C. 6 (8) - cap collector, lady killer, attack dog, maybe animal friend and local leader. Larter raising to inspiration, and if it turns out to be good then wasteland Whisperer.
I. 4 - hacking and gun but. Want to keep low for luck though.
A. 3 quickly (7) - for sneak but will raise for ninja quite quickly
L. - 6 fortune finder, scrounger, bloody mess, idiot savant and better critical. If 4 intelligence makes idiot savant useless then might not get it, but your still quite stupid with 4 surely?

Thats my plan assuming that the leaked perks are accurate, any suggestions?
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:14 pm

well lets see, depending on Boblehead aquisition..

Str 3 is for armor mods, so maybee 2

Per 4 gives lockpicking, so 3

Endurance 1 depending on how I feel about it at the time

Charisma Local leader is 6 so 5.

int 3 is gun nut so 2....

Agility Ninja is 7 so 6

4 Ricoshet is 10 so 9

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Yama Pi
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:49 am

S - 6
P - 2
E - 5
C - 3
I - 9
A - 2
L - 1

For Science!

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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:42 am

Stealth/sniper who uses energy weapons and maybe explosives. I'm gonna boost perception, agility and luck to 9 as soon as possible
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:36 pm

S 1

P 8

E 2

C 3

I 6

A 6

L 2

Intelligent Sniper. Just like having the INT rolls in convos and the ability to access terminals and reprogram turrets and robots. Figure the first couple of levels will come quick enough and the enemies wont be to much to handle with such a low Endurance. Plan on hitting the main story line first before roaming all over so the S will have to do for now.

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jason worrell
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:36 am

S: 2 (+1) for Armorer.

P: 7 (+1) for Rifleman, Awareness, Lockpick, Demolition Expert, Night Person and Sniper.

E: 1

C: 2 (+1) for Lone Wanderer and Attack Dog. (When I'm traversing the wastes I'll take Dogmeat along, but when I'm in dangerous interiors I'll go solo.)

I: 4 (+2) for Gun Nut, Hacker and Science.

A: 7 for Gunslinger, Commando, Sneak and Ninja.

L: 6 for Bloody Mess and Better Criticals.

I've calculated that it should take me until about level 70 to get all the perk ranks I want which seems reasonable.

I'm going to build up my criticals as soon as possible and find (or craft) a sniper rifle at the first opportunity.

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Charity Hughes
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:40 am

Technical Shadow Sniper

Strength - 4 (Armorer, Weaponsmith)

Perception - 8 (Rifleman, Sniper)

Endurance - 2 (Toughness)

Charisma - 1

Intelligence - 5 (Gun Nut)

Agility - 3 (Sneak!, Commando, Gunslinger)

Luck - 5 (all the stuffs, except Mysterious Stranger.)


Have a feeling this build will utterly dominate.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:43 pm

S: 6 Strong Back (More Storage)

P: 4 Infiltrator (Pick Locked)

E: 4 Chem Resistant

C: 6 Local Leader (Attack Dog, Local Leader)

I: 6 Science (Gun Nuts, Hacker and Science)

A: 1 Gunslinger

L: 1 Fortune Finder

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Rachel Hall
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:06 pm

My first char will be charismatic, stealthy, kleptomaniac specializing in energy weapons(a bit fragile, but I will be playing on normal):

S 1

P 4 (pickpocket, rifleman, lockpick)

E 1

C 8 (lady killer, inspirational)

I 6 (medic, hacker, science)

A 7 (sneak, ninja)

L 1

I am not using VATS, so perception or luck is not that important to me. Action points are still handy for sprinting if need be. My previous char was a bit less agile, but once I saw what the ninja perk really does, it was a must have, same goes for lockpick / hacker. I recommend everyone to take a look at orcz perk chart as at least ranks 1 of each perk are finally confirmed (the entire chart was clicked through in the leaked gameplay video). It really helps with planning your character.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:54 am

Why not use VATS? I think its the best/unique feature of F4 gameplay..

Im going for the inteligent charismatic leader:








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Crystal Birch
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:46 am


Gun Nut
Cap Collector
Local Leader
Robotics Expert
Attack Dog

These are the perks I intend to fully rank up. I enjoyed having a high INT and CHA in the past games so that won't change. I plan on using small guns, mostly semi-auto, snipers, and assault rifles/smgs. I definitely want to take advantage of the crafting, power armor, and settlement system as early as possible since I like to drag out the main quest as much as possible. I usually do a fair bit of sidequests, exploration, and general foolery in between main quest missions.
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:02 am

S - 6
P - 4
E - 5

C - 6
I - 1
A - 1
L - 5

Going for the lucky idiot build to get xp quickly in the beginning to have more points spread out for late game to cover all my bases of exploration and construction both of weapons and settlements. This explains why I went 5 points in the Luck, for the Idiot Savant perk and leaving Intelligence at 1, to maximize my chances of 3x the xp. I went 6 into Charisma just in case settlements come quickly in the beginning of the game, I can start building my empire for end game with a nice head-start. Endurance earns 5 points for the Aquaboy perk. I would hate to miss some valuable loot because I couldn't tread the water fast enough without succumbing to radiation death. The same goes for the 4 points in Perception, I want to lockpick as soon as possible. I hate leaving behind locked boxes and I hate even worse, remembering where they were so I could backtrack. No problem now! Lastly, 6 points in Strength so I get that Strong Back perk and can carry a [censored] ton of loot also while having the ability to fast travel. This will compliment my settlement and weapon crafting.

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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:55 am


Strength: 3

Perception: 4

Endurance: 3

Charisma: 3(4)

Intelligence: 6

Agility: 3(7)

Luck: 6(8)

Essential Perks

Commando (5 Ranks)

Rifleman (5 Ranks)

Sneak (5 Ranks)

Medic (4 Ranks)

Gun Nut (4 Ranks)

Science (4 Ranks)

Armorer (4 Ranks)

Lockpick (4 Ranks)

Life Giver (3 Ranks)

Mister Sandman (3 Ranks)

Ninja (3 Ranks)

Better Criticals (3 Ranks)

Requires: Level 54

Useful Perks

Scrounger (4 Ranks)

Fortune Finder (3 Ranks)

Attack Dog (3 Ranks)

Cap Collector (3 Ranks)

Grim Reaper’s Sprint (2 Ranks)

Action Boy (2 Ranks)

Scrapper (2 Ranks)

Requires: Level 73

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