below is one of the attempts at getting this to work, any insights would be incredibly usefull, thanks in advance
if ( getav blade > getav blunt && getav marksman && getav destruction && getav alchemy )
player.additem ZPTBladeShikai 1
player.Equipitem ZPTBladeShikai
elseif ( getav blunt > getav blade && getav marksman && getav destruction && getav alchemy )
player.additem ZPTBluntShikai 1
player.Equipitem ZPTBluntShikai
elseif ( getav marksman > getav blade && getav blunt && getav destruction && getav alchemy )
player.additem ZPTMarksmanShikai 1
player.Equipitem ZPTMarksmanShikai
elseif ( getav destruction > getav blade && getav marksman && getav blunt && getav alchemy )
player.additem ZPTDestructionShikai 1
player.Equipitem ZPTDestructionShikai
elseif ( getav alchemy > getav blade && getav marksman && getav destruction && getav blunt )
player.additem ZPTAlchemyShikai 1