I've finally made up my mind to play Fallout 3 again after getting slightly bored playing the vanilla release last year (I'd barely scratched the surface of the game). Now I've discovered the mod community!
So I've read all the info on mods and how to install them, but I want to make sure I'm doing it right. Here's what I've done so far:
1. Install 1.5 patch
2. Install all official expansions
3. Install FOSE
4. Unpack FO3Edit
5. Duplicate and rename FO3Edit.exe to FO3MasterRestore.exe
6. Activate ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated!
Now, I've read streetstar5's detailed load order guide, but it's a little complicated for a first time mod-user, so I'd like to be totally sure and ask on the forums directly!
Here's a list of recommended mods and mods that sound good to me:
FOOK2 (Fallout Overhaul Kit)
FWE (Fallout Wanderers Edition)
WMK (Weapon Mod Kits)
XFO (Fallout 3 Balance Overhaul)
MMM (Mart's Mutant Mod)
EVE (Energy Visuals Enhancement)
CFW (Classic Fallout Weapons)
Fellout Weather Mod - Greener Grass
Megaton Lighting Overhaul
Fallout Street Lights
Wasteland Street Lights
10 inch Desert Eagle
ZL-ACR (Adds Customisable ACR)
Quantum Convergence Mod V3
Pipboy Readius
RH Iron Sights
Warhammer 40k Space Marine Armor
So now I'm slightly hesitant to start because it seems as though it's a very convoluted process in which so much can go wrong! There's also the matter of custom setups in the bigger mods, which have too many variations (e.g. MMM, XFO)!
Please help