im having a hard time chosing what type of character im going to play as.
Im thinking about a Legolas like character, a viking, or a gandalf like character and now when beards are in the game, that would be friggin EPIC!
so what type of character do you think i should choose, what character would you like to play as?
If you like beards Legolas is out.
This is my character.
Two old hunters near a cave;
- What's he up to?
- Up to what now?
- That guy over there. Is he going in to that cave like that?
- Yeah, man. That's the Underdog. You aint heard of him?
- No man. He has a pair of pants and a rusty knife. That's some slim pants to, no potions i guess.
- Do not need aid, I've heard him say.
- Well, I like him.