Right a company that releases the tools to hack its own game. Do you think we wrote the G.E.C.K?
Who said anything about console? Helloooo whatcha smokin?
Meant? There's some sort of holy testament for it?
Say what you want I don't give a damn. Just make some sense.
Personal opinion. I know a website full of people that would disagree.
There's nothing opinion based about numbers. 80>62 the end.
lol your website of people that like modding the game are nothing in comparison to the players that DONT mod. you lose that statistic 10 times over. the ONLY reason the G.E.C.K. was made for people like you is to prevent people from modding the game with their OWN tools. you clearly have a problem with the fact that i called you out on your stupidity, i have better things to do then argue with kids over the internet about a video game so ill make it short and sweet.
I, along with a very large portion of the fallout community play this game on CONSOLE. if YOU would like to play it on computer and MOD the game, so be it. but dont come here after youve done it telling people you can mod a unique weapon through the use of mods, on a thread that was made to discuss a totally different weapon, not to mention, it was obvious that he meant in the un modded version of the game, or he would have stated otherwise.
go right ahead and play the game the way you want it, but using your knowledge of mods to try and make people feel dumb and like they can mod unique weapons, when the weapon in question IS better, without mods, liek the guy who MADE this topic clearly plays. go find a forum to [censored] talk the legit players of this game. because your input was not needed, or appreciated. im going to work now because i have a life unlike you who has all day to play video games and bash this games TRUE players on bethesda's forums. have a good day, kid.
to all the non-arrogant people who have posted on this topic im sorry this guy is a tard and trying to prove me wrong when i play the game differently than him. :sadvaultboy:
:flamethrower: keep burning folks!