Anyone want to have a go at mine?
It's a Gif and I don't know how to edit them... :violin:
Oh it's easy. Simply split up the frames, and edit them individually.
I can put a Santa Hat on it for you, if you like. Give me a minute..
Edit: This is going to take a lot longer than I thought. The frames in between are transparent pictures. A background is made behind them when I split the GIF, so now what I have to do is put them onto the original image as a layer, then erase everything except the required region. It may not look as good as you would like it too, so don't feel obliged to use it, but Im going to complete it anyway.

Edit 2: Okay, was obscenely hard to do, and it doesn't even look all that good, but if you like it, Feel free to use it. The pause between the flashing of the teeth has been nerfed, but it's the best I can do.