Some thanks, and a new story.
I continue to enjoy this story everytime I read it. I am one of those fans that checks this thread multiple times a day, and just can't wait for the next post. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much Dignity!
:rofl: I thought I was the only with headgear "issues". I don't like putting anything on my characters' heads, either. I like how your character's story is developing.
I am so pleased to see you over in fanfic. Thanks for reading. Did Buffy mention that those silly hoods also squash her ears?
This has become my favorite chapter so far; (in spite of the fact that we both have Ocheeva stopping us from killing Vicente! We must think alike!)
Wonderful writing, it really makes you feel for what Buffy is going through.
Favorite? Wow! High praise, especially from Buffy's best friend! :twirl:
SubRosa, welcome to Buffy's world! Thank you so much for reading. I hope you will catch up with us and stay. I like your insight already! And thank you for sharing? Buffy appreciates the validation.
Ha, i knew that this was going to happen. And to think i redecorated the spare bedroom just in time for the arrival of Buffy. :lmao:
Promise me you'll go VERY evil on the next character.... Please ?!?
I did love the way you used the desparate need for accceptance and a new family as a way to introduce the brotherhood. A nice touch.
I can try to guide her a little bit, but she dances down her own path. :dance: Thanks for staying with us Wolf!
A brilliantly written work. Another character might have chosen a different path. What I like (and to me is the most important thing), is that Buffy chose on the basis of being true to herself. IMHO, that is the highest calling for each of us.
There aren't enough kudos to say how much I am enjoying this series but if this was a commercial fiction I would buy it and recommend it to my friends.
BTW: the additional touch of adding illustrations is great.
Bobg, you and Angel are what inspired me to grow as close to Buffy as I have. I can only hope to 'paint' with words someday as well as you do. I will work hard to improve and hope someday to match your skill.
Please permit Buffy's scribe a rare prologue as we are at 22 stories and near 150 posts. I am overwhelmed by the acceptance Buffy and I have received here at fanfic. So many of the comment have brought a tear to my eye.
All her previous stories have required Buffy to sit impatiently in front of her fireplace, interrupted only occasionally for a screenshot or running off somewhere to check dialogue or scenery. I have simply been reporting her history - the path she has already traveled. Her future path will be determined by her, as she lives and adventures in the beautiful, but dangerous land of Cyrodiil. Now, I am not totally without influence. The seeds indicating the end of her path have been sown and are known to me. Her journey to the end of that path however, is for her to decide. I would not choose it for her if I could. And frankly, isn't the journey often more important than the destination? I only hope her journey is a long one.
The rate of publishing her stories will slow now. From this point, her adventures must be played, entered by Buffy in her journal, then edited by me for posting. I am also finding myself spread a bit as I support the Oblivion forums and some of the wonderful writers here in fanfic. Instead of the somewhat hectic pace of posting every other day, I expect a more leisurely pace moving forward.
If someone were to ask 'who is Buffy?', I would ask them to simply read this next story. Even though the span of time involved is less than one hour, it displays many important aspects of Buffy's character. There are no epic deeds here, nor heroic quests. She has arrived. The child is gone.
22---------- Her True Colors ----------With a cup of tea warming my hands, I was enjoying the quiet on the front porch of my house. The morning guard patrol was systematically extinguishing the flickering streetlamps, as their light was being replaced by the promise of the coming sun. Daenlin was returning from a night hunting trip with a small doe over his shoulder. Dressed for a local hunting trip myself, I planned on heading out just as soon as I finished my tea. I toyed with the idea of cancelling my outing and just inviting myself to dinner with Daenlin. No, I decided - this Wood Elf needed the outdoors. Some of the mages were up and about. Carandial was headed out, no doubt for more research at the Alyied Ruin, Anutwyll.
Pondering my exposure to the Dark Brotherhood had occupied much of my time the last few weeks. I had spent hours of reflection inside the peaceful comfort of the Great Chapel of Mara. I didn't share everything with the priests, but they had taught me the Ten Commands of the Nine Divines. Since they were priests of Mara of course, they emphasized the Third Command.
Mara says: Live soberly and peacefully. Honor your parents, and preserve the peace and security of home and family. I set my tea on one of the posts supporting the rope railing at the front of my porch, and pulled my journal from my pack. Just as I had a map to guide my travels, I had a page of my journal now devoted to guiding my actions. I reviewed that page, which had been refined and reduced to its simple essence by my recent experiences and reflection:
The Buffy Doctrine:
If you are kind to me, I will love you dearly; If you are mean to me or my friends, I will likely kill you. I didn't discuss my 'doctrine' with anyone. Most would disapprove. I didn't care - I understood perfectly what it meant and how to use it. And I knew I would live out my days by it. Putting my journal away, I reached for my tea.
I felt the warmth on my face, as the sun peeked over the walls of Castle Bravil. Beautiful shimmering reflections now danced upon the surface of the river in front of my home. I saw Kud-Ei standing on the rear porch of the guild, also enjoying the sunrise. Shielding her eyes to see me against the early sun, she returned my wave across the river. The wise Argonian guild head was quite perceptive, and always looking out for her mages. After I had returned from the Sanctuary in Cheydinhal, she sensed a change in me.
I remember what Kud-Ei had said. "Buffy, something is different about you. I see sadness in your eyes? and something else. I don't know what happened to you in Cheydinhal, and I'm sure I probably don't want to know. They say wisdom comes from experience - and experience comes from bad judgment. Somehow, it looks like you have discovered that for yourself. Your eyes show a quiet wisdom, and the scars of one who has paid for it. The wisdom is quite attractive on you, but I hope the scars will fade." Kud-Ei had smiled and gently placed her hand on my cheek. "I believe you have grown up, my Apprentice."
My city was waking to a beautiful day. Taking another sip of tea, I questioned why I had ever looked for family beyond Bravil. My parents were dead and I had no real brothers or sisters; However, I had finally learned that I had all the family one could wish for. The people of this city
were my family. Kud-Ei was right. I had grown up.
A small disturbance by the Chapel of Mara caught my eye. It was City Swimmer, with a guard in pursuit. I chuckled. For all her 'sly sliding unseen' bravado, my wonderful friend was, quite frankly, rather poor at sneaking. She had likely stolen an apple or perhaps pickpocketed a septim while inside the church. I had seen this scenario unfold numerous times. If she had money for the bounty she would be home in an hour; If not, she would be carted off to jail, only to emerge none the worse for wear a couple days later. In fact, she probably ate better while in jail than she did at home. Sometimes I would intercede and pay off her small bounty. I would have thought by now that she should have learned to sneak better or give it up. Apparently not. My musings were cut short.
"Drop that dagger!" the guard shouted as he moved his hand to the pommel of his longsword. I watched as my heart jumped to my throat. City Swimmer was attempting to resist arrest! What was she thinking?
She lunged clumsily with her dagger. With practiced precision, the guard deflected the dagger with a left sweep of his shield. He drew his blade as he stepped back quickly to optimize his range while negating City Swimmer's. The guard then moved two paces to his left to place the sun directly in City Swimmer's eyes and declared loudly, "Drop it! I won't tell you again."
My tea cup rolling on the porch, I was half way to City Swimmer by the time she lunged at the guard again.
Once again, with a left sweep of his shield, the guard deftly brushed the dagger aside and stepped back. This time though, at precisely the correct range for his longsword, he struck once. The tip of his blade sliced horizontally through the flesh of City Swimmer's abdomen. It was over as suddenly as it had begun.
City Swimmer dropped her dagger, clutched her midsection and fell.
I slid to a stop on my knees next to her and screamed at the guard. "What did you do!?!"
"City Swimmer, can you hear me?" I pleaded. Blood was pumping from her gaping wound. I ripped off my brown blouse and pressed it to her wound to try and stop the bleeding. "You'll be ok my friend." I didn't believe that.
City Swimmer looked at me dazed, her breathing labored. Frantically, I grabbed a healing potion from my pack and tried to have her drink. It was no use - she was retching blood now and couldn't drink the potion. With each spasm, I could feel her Argonian organs attempting to emerge from her wound as they pressed against the makeshift bandage. She tried to speak. I lowered my face to hers. "Waterfront? midnight? Garden, Daraloth. Gray Ffff?. Her words trailed off. I channeled magicka through my fingertips directly to her wound, trying several times to heal her. The damage was just too much. She went limp in my arms and her beautiful orange eyes slowly closed for the last time.
I jumped to my feet, bow in my hands. Stepping back from the guard while nocking an arrow, I spat the words, "Why did you have to kill her?" I could recognize the guard now. His name was Gladius and he was perhaps 10 years my senior. Well respected in Bravil, he had a reputation for being firm, fair and totally dedicated to his profession.
The tip of Gladius' sword was still covered with City Swimmer's blood. He did not raise it against me now, nor did he position his shield to block my arrow. There was no fear of my arrow in his eyes - only grief for City Swimmer and compassion for my pain. Our eyes met. "Buffy, I had no choice. She refused to stand down from her attack."
Gladius had spoken the truth. There was no target here that could ease my pain. I unnocked the arrow and returned it to my quiver. "I?I'm sorry Gladius. I should not have threatened you. I cannot imagine what possessed City Swimmer. You did what you had to do." I returned my bow to my back.
The veteran guard quickly but carefully wiped City Swimmer's blood from the tip of his sword. A wet steel weapon would encourage corrosion.
Kneeling again by the lifeless City Swimmer I held her to me. I heard the sword being returned to its scabbard, then I felt Gladius' steel-clad hand upon my bare shoulder. "I'm sorry Buffy. I wish there had been another way."
I stared at the body of City Swimmer, covered with blood. After a long moment I reached up with my bloody hand and grasped the gauntleted hand that had killed my friend. I squeezed Gladius' hand and said, "I know." This Bravil City guard was part of my family too.
City Swimmer had spent her last moments of life trying to give me something. Knowing the contents of her humble home, I had no doubt it was indeed her most valued prize. She intended me to have this secret in return for saving her life on a trip we had made to the Imperial City. I never had the heart to tell her that a beggar had long ago imparted the secret of the Gray Fox to me. Someday, I would visit this Garden of Dareloth that City Swimmer deemed worthy of her dying breaths.
"Goodbye, my friend." I whispered to the not so stealthy, not so bright, but beautiful Argonian.