Wheres the post

Yes sir! Coming right up.
In my last post, I commented that a book format is in some ways superior to this one because it gives the reader some clues as to what to expect. During edits to this story, it occurred to me that this format allows for the advantage of receiving helpful comments between chapters. I suspect both Bobg and SubRosa will detect their influence in this next story - not to change the story mind you, simply to improve it.
25 ---------- Postgraduate Study ----------The first clannfear runt fell at my feet, but that only cleared a path for the second one right behind him. Two scamps behind that were forming fireballs meant for me in their bony hands. How did I let this happen? The clannfear leapt. There was no time for arrow or spell. All I could see was beak, teeth and claws. I opened my mouth to scream?
"Buffy! Buffy, wake up!" The gentle but insistent voice of an Argonian woman evaporated the horror. "You were having a nightmare!"
I raised my head with a start. "Oh Tar-Meena! I'm sorry. I grabbed her hand, still on my shoulder. "Daedra. I didn't mean to disturb?."
"Well! I am not surprised. Look at these books you've been pouring over all night. You do realize it's morning?" Tar-Meena grabbed several of the dozen or so volumes spread around me. "I think you have every book in the Mystic Archives on daedra and Daedric Princes here. What in the name of Akatosh are you doing?" Her orange eyes blinked, waiting for an answer.
"I've just been fascinated by the daedra for quite some time now. I guess I need a break though? Here, let me put these away and I'll go get some air." I gathered up the books to return them to the stacks.
A few minutes later I was seated on a bench in front of the University's alchemical garden enjoying the fresh coolness. The morning sun provided for a brilliant blue sky overhead, but had not yet scaled the tall University walls to shine upon the garden. Why was I fascinated by things daedric? Why couldn't I just be satisfied collecting wine for a hobby? Seventeen Daedric Lords and sixteen planes of oblivion. I felt like a walking volume from the Archives myself. Fifteen Daedric Shrines; In fact, I had mapped out most of their locations.
I hadn't detailed them all in my journal, but I had completed several quests for these Daedra Lords. It wasn't for the artifacts. My spare chest on top of Daenlin's upstairs porch already contained the useless staves of Sheogorath and Vaermina. Oh, and Malacath's warhammer that I could barely lift. I carried Meridia's Ring of Khajiiti with me in case I needed something valuable to sell or trade. In fact, Azura's Star was the only Daedric artifact I used. Looking at the garden again, I watched the butterflies dancing from one flax plant to the next amidst the explosion of color.
"Acadian, I need you. You got me started with that Shrine to Azura, but now, every time I find out about one of those shrines, I have to investigate." I didn't have to close my eyes to know his answer. Something about testing my character and building experience. "Hah! Like that funny Sheogorath? He needed a head of lettuce! Make me fall in love with a cloud? Stealing cheese? Burning dogs from the sky? How silly had that been? Oh well, it was kind of fun and no one tried to kill me during that one. I guess I'll keep plodding along then. Maybe I
am learning something. I've been jumped by vampires, necromancers, daedra and marauders doing those quests, and we're both still here."
"Acadian," I continued hesitantly. "You know there's another reason for my interest too, don't you? Uriel Septim said I must stand against the Prince of Destruction. That means Mehrunes Dagon. I'm sure he is responsible for that Oblivion gate in Kvatch. Ungarian said portals like that are held open by sigil stones - that means they can be closed! You know someday, I will have to deal with that.?" The reaction surprised me. "Why Acadian, was that a wince I felt from my paladin?" I closed my eyes as he requested.
A vision formed. It was a place like none I had seen. The land was dead, as was the sparse vegetation. Thunder rolled through the canyons and lightening streaked across the red sky. Lakes of fire split the rocky Deadlands. Stone bridges were broken and had been pushed up into useless angles by violent movements of the land. Twisted towers marked the horizon. Daedra roamed, hunting for mortals. Slowly, the translucent spirit of an adventuress emerged from one of the lakes of fire. At first, I thought Acadian was showing me my destiny. As I looked closer however, I could see it was a young Breton. I did not recognize her. The vision faded.
I was speechless for a long time. Finally I whispered. "By Mara, Acadian. If you were trying to frighten me, you did a good job. I shall have to think on this." A shudder ran from the back of my neck down to my toes. At least I now knew what the plane of Oblivion controlled by Mehrunes Dagon looked like. Deadlands. I?.
"Beautiful, isn't it?"
My eyes shot open, my head snapped towards the voice and I jumped to my feet.
"Forgive me Buffy, I didn't mean to surprise you." It was Boderi Farano. As she saw my face, her red eyes opened wide. What's the matter? You look like you've seen a ghost?"
"Boderi!" My smile was genuine; It just took a moment for me to bring it forth after the place Acadian had just taken me to. "Beautiful?"
"Yes, the alchemy garden this time of day. I often come to this very spot to think in the mornings." She opened her arms and we hugged. "It is so good to see you my Apprentice. Tell me of your travels."
I looked at the garden. Boderi was right. The sun had climbed above the University walls and now caused the morning dewdrops on the vibrant flowers to sparkle. It was lovely. "Sit with me Boderi."
The graceful Dunmer battlemage had been my advisor while I was training at the University, and was also a wonderful friend and mentor. She was one of the few who understood my passion for the bow.
I spent the next two hours with my journal open, recounting the adventures of Buffy the Bowgirl since I had last seen Boderi.
My advisor listened intently until I closed the journal. Her ability to capture nuances and remember details had always impressed me.
"Buffy, you have come a long way indeed. Based on the service you provided Azura by purging Gutted Mine, should we now call you 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'?"
Wrinkling my nose at Boderi, I giggled and pretended to rebuke her. "No no. Just Buffy is fine, or perhaps 'Buffy from Bravil' if I need a title."
"You have the physical skills and magic you need to be a potent mystic archer." Boderi then continued cryptically as she gently wagged a finger at me. "It is your mind that you must focus." There was always more to Boderi's meaning than her words conveyed.
"Explain, my mentor." I prompted her. "How can I better survive? You know my strengths and weaknesses."
"Alright Buffy. Pay attention." She began. "There is a reason you are uncomfortable with blades. Your forte is not the split second action and reaction required by strike and parry combat. You are at your best when you control the situation. Your strengths are your cunning and patience - you are an archer first, a mage second and a skirmisher not at all. Work with your strengths. When you entered Howling Cave and were confronted with numerous necromancers in close proximity, what did you do?"
"I disappeared, so I could have a moment to come up with a plan." I replied, tentatively.
"And you prevailed because you
had a plan." She continued. "Now, why did you not do as well during your recent episode with that mountain lion and the Legion soldier in the meadow just south of here?"
I cringed as I remembered watching that lion kill the soldier over the tip of my arrow. "Because they were moving too fast for me to get a shot without risking the soldier?"
"No Buffy." She shook her head slowly. "Think. Pretend they are still fighting, frozen in time. Come up with a plan. Think it through."
I pretended there was no rush and thought. Suddenly it was so simple. "A command creature spell!" I said excitedly. "Even if I missed on the first cast, it wouldn't hurt the soldier. I could have immobilized that lion!"
"Perfect, young illusionist!" Boderi beamed. "Now, why didn't you do that?"
Learning from Boderi was always a circuitous adventure itself. "Because I didn't have time to come up with a plan." I shrugged my shoulders. "I can't freeze time!"
"You can't?" The battlemage raised one eyebrow sharply. "Let me ask you Buffy, if you encounter the same situation tomorrow, will you stand there helplessly with your bow?"
"No. Of course not Boderi. I would know to use a command creature spell instead." Then it hit me, and I added excitedly. "Because I froze time today!"
Boderi dropped her chin towards her chest for emphasis as she said the word. "Precisely." Then she looked me in the eyes and continued. "Your battles should be decided before they begin. You need to anticipate challenges and determine solutions to them before they actually occur. Very few of us can come up with an ideal solution in the span of a few heartbeats - and you are not one of those few. When you are fighting to protect someone or you have your horse nearby, you cannot disappear and think. The thinking must be done before the situation arises. If you can imagine a fight, you can determine how to win it before it ever occurs."
Boderi was brilliant as ever. "Thank you my wise advisor. As always, I owe you so much. I shall heed your words."
I put my journal away and we stood.
The Dunmer looked up at the sun, judging its angle. "Goodness, I have a class to teach." She hugged me again and walked away. After a few paces, she turned around briefly and smiled. "Buffy, I'm very proud of you."
My mind returned to the image of the Deadlands. "Acadian, you realize you have revealed that you are concerned for my safety. Might there be a heart somewhere inside that armor?" Rather than wait for an answer, I quickly continued. "We shall set out for? somewhere tomorrow. It would quite please me to find a blue mark on my map in the morning my friend."