@mALX- Thank you! Acadian tried to tell Buffy that arranging for a reporter was a bit vindictive, like twisting a dagger after a thrust. She of course responded: "And your point is?" as she sipped wine in her birthday suit.
By being cloaked with 100% chameleon when she cast the spell, her act of casting was undetected. I love the Sanguine quest and my characters have never had a problem with that technique. In visibility would have evaporated upon casting so that would not have worked. :bolt:
@SubRosa- Thank you so much for the detailed comments! Wow! :twirl: I am so very pleased that you picked up on everything I tried to tie together here. This story was clearly the culmination of her Leyawiin Expedition.
@Leydenne- Welcome back! I am delighted you dropped in! Oh my? it must be getting close to asking you to once again to employ your post limit gentle key of locking. Fortunately, Mazoga has already given Buffy her third journal so she will be ready. Thank you so much for reading!
@treydog- Like SubRosa, I thank you so much for pointing out some of the details that caught your eye. I am honored that you recalled the significance of Earana's death. I chose not to directly refresh the fact that Buffy killed Earana here because it was not key to this story - again, thank you much for remembering that from so many stories ago.
@mcbeanie- Thanks! Buffy is full of many swirling currents; Therefore she can make things like a simple party trick more complicated than they need to be. :ahhh:
@Wolf- Trust me, Buffy would rather be in simple clothes, swapping archery tips with Daenlin in front of a fire. Or perhaps in no clothes, drying after a swim at some waterfalls catching up on her journal. With friends like Kud-Ei, Tar-Meena, the late City Swimmer and Mazoga, how could she not love Argonians and Orcs? Although she doesn't know too many of the beautiful cat people well, I'm sure she will become friends with a Khajiit in the future.
@RemkoNL- Thank you! Buffy's not really trying to make a statement. Rather she's just loyal to her friends - and many of her friends don't happen to be Imperials. She really does perceive things that I never would without her.
@Digz- Ahhh? ^_^ (that was a contented sigh). If Digz likes it, then Buffy and I are happy! Thank you so much my friend!

A 'well done' from you, my friend, is music to my ears!
@Destri- Wow! Thanks so much for catching up - 65K words of story and counting is not a light task! :read: I thank you also for your kind, insightful words.
43 Leyawiin Expedition - Assistance* * *BLACK HORSE COURIER SPECIAL EDITION!
DINNER PARTY MARRED BY PRANKSTER Leyawiin - - Countess Alessia Caro held another of her formal dinner parties recently. We have often reported these events as somewhat dull, somber affairs. This one however was revealingly different.
At some point well into the evening, an unknown assailant cast a spell that literally stripped the event of its dreary predictability. In fact, the mischievous magic quite removed every bit of clothing from the lovely Countess and her fellow diners. The guests included the Invels, well known members of high society from the Imperial City. Other attendees included visitors from as far away as the City of the Great Oak. Even one of Leyawiin's own knights, also a guest at the dinner, fell victim to the spell.
Word is spreading of a possible motivation for the assault. Leyawiin is a city well known for tension between Argonians and Khajiit. Rumors even exist of the Countess' own dislike for the beast races. When asked about a possible connection, a spokesman for the castle flatly denied any such rumors as idle and malicious gossip.
The commander of the Leywiin Guard, Captain Caelia Draconis has ordered increased patrols, and launched an investigation in the wake of this grave breach of castle security. Given the lack of any evidence about the perpetrator, no arrests have yet been made.
Hildara Mothril, the Countess' chaplain and advisor, made a brief statement confirming the Countess has no dinner parties planned for the near future. The Countess herself was unavailable for comment.* * *"Have you caught the scum yet, Captain?" demanded a red-faced Marious Caro.
"Not yet, Your Lordship." The Imperial woman wore the uniform of a Leyawiin guard. "My men have interviewed the entire staff and have yet to turn up any leads. The only unusual person in the castle last night was that reporter. His credentials and noninvolvement have been confirmed."
"Bah! Reporters. No doubt responsible for-" the Count waved a copy of the Black Horse Courier, "
this!" He then noticed my presence. "I wish I could say good afternoon Buffy, but this is dark day. Forgive my manners. Dame Buffy, this is Caelia Draconis, Captain of the Leyawiin Guard."
The Imperial and I nodded at each other as the Count addressed the throne room, "please excuse Dame Buffy and I for a moment." The small entourage moved into the great hall, leaving the Count and I alone.
Marious Caro's face softened as he motioned to the empty throne beside him. "Sit."
My eyes flew open wide. "Milord?"
"I'm not promoting you. Just sit."
With a soft jingle of mithril chain, I did as ordered.
"Buffy, I'm sorry for the embarrassment this fiasco caused you last night. I might find naked nobles humorous, but such an assault to the dignity of one of my knights is another matter. As you can see, we are doing everything we can to identify and bring the perpetrator to justice. The Countess and I will, of course, compensate you for the loss of your gown. Allesia is humiliated and refuses to leave her bedchambers. Her guests all left Leyawiin in a huff."
"Poor thing," I lied sympathetically. "Please do not worry yourself on my account Milord. I am a Wood Elf and quite used to running around? well, without much clothing."
"I have warned Allesia that her haughtiness would bite her on the bare rear end some day. She is convinced an Argonian or Khajiit is responsible for ruining her party. Although I can't say I would blame them, I do not jump to such conclusions." He lowered his voice and shook his head sadly, "I know full well of Allesia's foul attitudes regarding nearly half my subjects. I was so hoping once I brought her here from Chorrol, she would change and grow to appreciate the wonderful residents of my county - all of them."
I gulped as I contemplated the audacity of what I wanted to say. Could a knight be imprisoned for having a big mouth? "Milord, if I may be so bold with words for your ears only, are you not the Count of Leyawiin?" He raised one eyebrow, but I did not sense anger. Emboldened, I continued, "the Countess is a subject of your court. You would not tolerate such attitudes from your other subjects. Teach her the wisdom that is in your own heart on these matters. Love her yes, but lead her as well." I squinted and cringed a little, fearing his response.
The Count rubbed his chin and looked at me. A smile formed. "Knights should be known for courage and wisdom. I see both these qualities in you and shall think upon your words." He removed his hand from his chin, formed it into a fist and placed it firmly on the arm of his throne, closing the subject. "Now, what brings you to my throne room today?"
I wrinkled my nose and asked sheepishly, "First Milord, may I stand? I really do not belong seated at a throne." The Count nodded and I rose. "Your Lordship, I come before you to ask your support for a quest that I undertook long before joining your court. I feel bound to assist the small band of soldiers defending Kvatch from that portal to Oblivion."
Marious Caro slowly svcked in his breath, clearly surprised. "I have heard of the deplorable situation there. Like many, I'm mystified why the Elder Council does not dispatch a large raid force." He thoughtfully nodded his head. "Your quest is indeed noble Buffy. How can I help?"
"I ask your permission to leave Leyawiin. I am trying to gather assistance from several sources, as well as improve my own ability to fight daedra. I also ask that you assign Sir Mazoga to my quest. She is a ferocious warrior and willing to take up my cause."
The Count steepled his fingers and thought for a moment. He then separated his hands and clapped them together once. His patiently waiting entourage returned to the throne room. "Captain Draconis," he began, "Dame Buffy has undertaken the task of assisting the beleaguered force defending Kvatch. I have granted her leave to proceed, but would like to provide more? direct support. She has suggested assigning Sir Mazoga to the mission. Your thoughts?"
"Milord, thank you for seeking my counsel regarding this worthy endeavor," the Imperial continued, "however I do not recommend Sir Mazoga for two reasons. Firstly, County Leyawiin needs at least one of our knights to control the Black Bow Bandits. Secondly, as effective as Sir Mazoga is for the independent job of hunting down and killing bandits, she is not well suited for the task at Kvatch. She may be a formidable combatant, but she is not used to the discipline required to function as part of a military operation. The Kvatch commander, I believe his name is Matius, needs a soldier, not an independent fighter." While still addressing the Count, she looked at me with a professionally measured, but earnest smile. "Dame Buffy's mission would be better served by the assignment of one of our own Leyawiin soldiers to Kvatch."
After listening carefully, the Count turned to me. "Dame Buffy, what say you to the Captain's counsel?"
"I cannot dispute her wisdom, Milord. Despite my affection for Sir Mazoga, I must agree. I know Captain Matius. It is indeed, disciplined soldiers he needs most."
The Count announced, "so shall it be done. Captain Draconis, please detail one of your finest to Dame Buffy. It is late now, I have business with the Countess." With that, he rose and departed the throne room.