Chronicles of Buffy the Bowgirl II

Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:03 pm

Welcome to Buffy's second thread!

Those who have honored us by reading her stories know our girl well. You may want to skip right to the next post which contains her first story of this thread.

For those just joining us, the best way to learn about Buffy is to read her first thread linked It contains the first 25 chapters of her current 'book'.

If you choose not to read through the first thread, I still heartily welcome you. Here is a concise summary of who Buffy is:

* * *

Buffy is, at this point, a level 11 Bosmer/Breton young mystic archer who lives in Bravil. Although lethal, she struggles with many imperfections, flaws and vulnerabilities. She is not an 'uber' character. That said, the aspiring mystic archer can learn much from her.

Her stories are the factual account of her life in Cyrodiil. She is not creating stories, she is reporting her experiences from her own perspective. She plays, then writes in her journal. I then edit her journal and present it to you. If you read it, she did it - almost certainly within days of you reading about it. Part of my objective is to spark 'gee, I remember that' moments for fellow players of Oblivion. I take some, but not very much literary license with the game.

When the physical rules of our world and Cyrodiil collide, the rules of Cyrodiil prevail. In Buffy's world, she can 'zoom in' with her bow. She can sneak and shoot with a longbow that is as tall as she is. In her world, it is agility that counts; not the long arms and prodigious upper body strength to fully draw and hold the bowstring of a real longbow that it takes in our world.

Is Buffy good or evil? As with most people, the answer is a crystal clear yes, no and maybe sometimes. From experience, she has crafted her own guidelines, which now heavily influence that aspect of her life. To begin to understand her starts here, for she has forged this in blood:

The Buffy Doctrine: If you are kind to me, I will love you dearly; If you are mean to me or my friends, I will likely kill you.

She freely admits tendencies towards vengeance and cruelty. She has a passion for the bow, and gets cranky if she can't use it. She finds killing exhilarating, but will not violate her doctrine. On balance, I would submit she is more 'good' than 'evil'; But then again, I have read her doctrine - I am kind to her.

Quirks? By Mara, too many to list, but here are some: She dresses for one purpose: fashion. She loves her black mare, 'Superian'. She loves her bow, 'Slayer' which includes, most notably, a drain speed enchantment. She has an ethereal old paladin who lives in her head named Acadian who occasionally offers guidance. She lacks the strength, skill and interest to use melee weapons.

Mods that can affect her stories. I mention these to avoid distracting you if you read about her doing something that one does not do in the 'vanilla' game, such as setting up a camp for the night.
-Portable campsite. A bedroll, campfire and stool that can set up when needed.
-100% spell effectiveness even though she may wear bits of light armor. Her magic specialty is illusion and she dresses for fashion. Any armor she wears is just for looks. If she needs to increase her armor rating, she does it via potions, not armor.
-The ability to wear more than two rings - she does too many clothing changes to bother trying to enchant clothing or armor. She has more than two fingers, and uses them.
-Bag of Holding - she simply carries too many clothes and shoes for her low strength to manage. She uses the bag to unclutter her inventory and protect soul gems from use until desired. The contents are those items that are precious to her (like her journal), or that she needs infrequently (like an evening gown with matching shoes). She does not use it to carry 'loot' that she intends to sell. She will rarely pick up armor or weapons if they are heavy.
-Darn's dark user interface - changes the appearance of her HUD and menus - this may be noticeable in some screenshots.
-She uses a very small number of other mods that do not affect her stories at all (like petting her horse). Her appearance and wardrobe are 100% vanilla.

* * *

Where is this thread going? Buffy is about halfway through her first 'book'. This book faithfully tells her meandering stories, but also has a plot from beginning to an appropriate end. Once this book is complete, it is my intent that there be a second book.

I do not envision the second book as a conventional book like this one. Rather, an ongoing series of short stories that simply reflect her life and adventures in Cyrodiil. Hopefully akin to tuning in to a favorite long running TV series that continues as long as supported by ratings.

But first, we must see if she can survive her first book; And if so, will she still have a spirit for adventuring? Cyrodiil can be such a dangerous place?.
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:28 pm

26 ---------- Namira's Shrine ----------

Rubbing the mare's neck, I contemplated what I was about to ask of her. We were standing at the water's edge at the northern end of Imperial Isle. In fact, we were quite close to where I had emerged from the Imperial Prison so long ago. I looked at the far shore of Lake Rumare. "Superian, you've never failed me. And you know I would never cause you harm."

Forming a powerful mass of energy in both hands, I touched Superian and let it flow into her body. Quickly jumping upon her back, I leaned forward and whispered, "Let's go girl". She stepped tentatively onto the surface of the water. I sensed her unsteady confusion and disorientation as I patiently encouraged her forward. After a few steps, she adjusted to the odd sensation and calmed down. My knees gently asked her for speed and we began to fly across the surface of the lake.

The quiet spray from her hooves changed to a dusty thunder as she continued at a dead run beyond the opposite shore. We stopped only upon reaching the Roxey Inn up on the Red Ring Road. I dismounted and buried my face in her neck, hugging her fiercely. Although the spell had drained me, given its duration and Superian's speed, I believed we could have completely circled Imperial Isle on the surface of the lake if we had so chosen. "Thank you Superian."

Acadian had placed a blue mark on our next destination, Namira's Shrine. Looking at the angle of the sun getting low in the west, I said for the benefit of Acadian and Superian, "Tomorrow will be an easy day's ride up the Silver Road towards Bruma, but we'll stay here tonight." As I reached for the door to the Inn, I giggled at the thought of talking to my horse and a paladin that lived in my head. I looked over my left shoulder at Slayer, the enchanted bow, "Should I tell you of our plans as well?" Oh well, at least I wasn't lonely. I recalled the chill of the Bruma area and dreaded the idea of having to wear my ugly fur cuirass the next day to stay warm. I hated looking ugly.

* * *

"Why are you here? You are too pleasing to speak with Namira. Begone." The sarcastically snarled words came from one of Namira's followers, Hjolfrodi the Harrier. She was a Nord woman that? well, I believe her appearance could have stopped a charging zombie.

"Too pleasing?" I hadn't come all this way to be told 'begone'. Slightly irritated, I pressed. "I've travelled a good distance to see Namira."

"You are too pretty to speak with our Lady of Squalor." She sneered. "Come back when you are? less pleasing."

I had never considered myself pretty. But neither was I ugly, once you got past my big ears. I readily admitted to being quite fashion conscious. Could I compete with Hjolfrodi's stunning vision of ugliness? I flopped down on one of the benches under the shadow of Namira's shrine and rummaged through my pack for ideas. Good thing I carried a lot of clothes (Did I say I was fashion conscious?). I took everything off. Then I put on a horrible, scratchy sack cloth shirt and pants. Loosing my ponytail, I leaned over, shook my hair and mussed it all up with my fingers. Then I rubbed a bit of dirt on my face and returned to Hjolfrodi.

"You are still much too pleasing. Begone!"

Bristling now, I was a lot more than slightly irritated. I stifled the urge to use my bow to 'displease' her, and returned to the bench. Think Buffy. You're the scholar now on Daedra Lords. Namira. Her sphere is that of ancient darkness. Ruler of 'repulsive creatures which inspire mortals with an instinctive revulsion'. Maybe it wasn't just my appearance. The followers here were not only unattractive, they were downright rude. They had the personality of mudcrabs; Worse in fact, for mudcrabs didn't talk.


A couple bottles were in my pack, sure enough. I carried cheap wine when I traveled near Bruma to help keep warm. I don't think it actually helped, but it did seem to make me care a bit less about being cold. It was known to make people get pretty unfriendly. By the time I finished forcing down two whole bottles of wine, the sun was low.

"Ah, much better." Hjolfrodi's severely lined face cracked an ugly smile. "Now, you repulse me; At least to a degree. Approach the shrine."

I was too drunk to manage a clever retort. Wobbling up to the shrine unsteadily, I struggled to try and focus on what Namira might tell me.

"You dare approach my shrine, Child of the Light? In Anga, my Forgotten? basking in misery? Priests? intruded upon their squalor? help kill these Priests of the Light? Cast? reward you?."

My head swirling from the wine, I grabbed my journal and tried to scribble down what I remembered before passing out.

* * *

I awoke shivering in the morning sun. I was freezing, my head was pounding and my stomach hurt. And I was? oh no! Wet! Guzzle two bottles of wine and pass out. What did you expect, Buffy? I sure fit in with this repulsive crowd now. I quickly built a fire to try and warm up and dry out my horrible sack cloth pants. Washing them was out, as the only fresh water I had was just enough for drinking. I sipped a potion to help my head and ate some bread to try and quell the nausea. It was noon before I felt elven enough to review the scrawlings in my journal from the evening prior and get ready to travel.

* * *

Anga. I wasn't completely sure what Namira wanted here. My drunken notes weren't very clear. Something about helping Namira's followers kill some Priests. I guess if the details were important, Namira should have thought about that and told me what she wanted before watching me drink two bottles of wine. I changed into my Shrouded Armor, got ready to fight and entered the Ayleid Ruin.

No candles, no Ayleid blue lights, no wall torches. Total blackness. Plenty of life signs though, thanks to my two rings.

I slipped on a third ring. That was a secret I had never told anyone. There were enough odd things about me without getting myself ridiculed for being the only one in Cyrodiil that could wear more than two rings. It made perfect sense to me. I mean I had more than two fingers, right? Besides, I carried too many outfits to keep up with trying to enchant them. Anyway, wearing this third ring, I could see clearly through a blue tinge.

I wasn't at all taken with the idea of killing Priests, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to investigate. I crept towards the closest group of life signs. They were followers of Namira, dressed in rags and skulking around in the darkness. I backed away. Infiltration Buffy, that's the plan.

I changed into bare feet, my hunter's top and those disgusting sack cloth pants. Re-approaching the followers, I wrinkled my nose. They smelled worse than I did. I crept amongst them, trying to blend in.

"Leave us to our squalor, creature of light."

I took my unwelcome sneering reception to mean they saw through my disguise. I also took it that they were clearly no threat. Suddenly they began to scurry around like startled sewer rats. A light was approaching!

I slipped off my rings to eliminate the blue and pink distractions, and better see the torch bearer as he drew closer. Namira's followers scrambled to avoid the light as the green robe walked past, chanting prayers to Arkay. He continued, ignoring the protests against his bright torch. This was clearly one of the Priests Namira wanted killed.

I now had a clear picture of what was happening here. I didn't support the Priests of Arkay trying to 'save' these followers who clearly wanted no help.

On the other hand, I was still angry with Namira's followers for their insults. I would have quite enjoyed killing something, or several somethings.

On the third hand (if I had one), Arkay had been a mortal who dedicated himself to a study of life and death. On his own deathbed, he had prayed to my beloved Mara as a last resort, begging for more time to complete his studies. Mara allowed him to become a God, charged with balancing life and death.

Arkay was one of the Nine Divines. At the moment however, I was the one charged with balancing life and death. My decision was easy.

There were no targets for my arrows or spells in this Ayleid Ruin.

I would report back to Namira. If she wanted to have a chat with the Night Mother, one of my dark brothers or sisters might perform her task, but not this bowgirl.

I turned towards the exit to Anga. "Acadian, did you doubt what my choice would be?"

'Not for a moment' was the clear feeling I got in response.

"You know," I rubbed the fingers of my right hand together as I walked. "My bow finger calluses are starting to get soft; That's a hint my paladin." Approaching the exit to Anga, I quietly admonished. "Oh, and kind of like the last time, nobody but us needs to know I peed my pants."
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:49 pm

Ok, I enjoyed readying the introductory post even though I have read the entire last thread ;) . It was nice to see a summation of who Buffy has become, and what it is that drives her to press on.

The new chapter was awesome I found myself experiencing a wide range of emotions this time around. I was quickly pulled in by your opening sentence, and never turned away after that. I was impressed by Buffy's creativity with the water walking on touch spell, and how she rode over the water was just fun to see (Screenshots are fun). Then when she was talking to her horse and the voice in her head it felt like something I would do. Yet what really got me was when she looked back at here bow and said, "Should I tell you of our plans as well?" ... "our plans" got to love it. The humor of the entire shrine scene was so fun to read, and a great way of explaining the shrine requirements to anyone who has never done it. Heck I even got a kick out of how she tried to blend in with the followers (again screenshots are fun :D). Then I felt like I was learning a bit more about the lore with the "History lesson" portion of the chapter. Which then took a more serious tone with Buffy deciding NOT to go through with the quest/killing. All in all it was one of my favorite post, if not my favorite, yet. Keep up the good work, and as always I will be here to read it.

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Nicole Mark
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:45 pm

Ahh, Buffy is back and playing with the Daedra again. Very cute at the beginning. Although if she peed her pants, would she not have been disgusting enough for Namira's followers in the ruin?

I also found a typo you made in the 3rd paragraph. I am not sure exactly what you meant it to be:

The quite spray from her hooves

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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:03 am

Buffy part 2 - Yippppeeee :twirl:

Great writing, as always very anolytical and thought out.
My, my, Buffy getting drunk on cheap wine. What would Kud-Ei think ??. Lucky that Bruma is so far away... :lmao:

(i have done that quest so i do understand why, still it is a laugh).
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:06 pm

Rest assured that your avid readers have followed you to this next chapter :D

A very pleasurable read once again Acadian. Can I once again say that I also love all the little tips and insights into the game that Buffy's adventures contain.
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Post » Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:39 am

Interesting how she reacts to the shrine worshippers.

(P.S. I think the intro helped me understand who i'm reading about more)
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:03 am

Each little part of this journal entry was a delight and yet the whole was greater than the parts. Life lived and affirmed.

Once again, thanks for sharing. This story made my day.
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:25 pm

A quick pop in to say congratulations on your second thread - you have jumped from one thread to another, and in doing so you have made a perfect three point landing and caught the first cable!!
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Jade MacSpade
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:48 pm

Well done again. It is so enjoyable to follow Buffy along her path of destiny (whatever her destiny may be). Please keep up the good work.
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Meghan Terry
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Post » Wed Mar 23, 2011 2:53 am

Heh - the last line of the installment was very funny. Glad you are continuing the saga. :)
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Post » Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:28 am

Great chapter Acadian! At the end I have to say...ARGH! She didn't get the ring of Namira! Lol - Awesome writing, I loved the part with the horse especially well. Sorry it took so long to get over here to read it.
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Queen Bitch
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:15 pm

Great installment my friend! :) I've been in Buffy's "situation" a few times in the past only it was Jagermeister instead of wine lol :P

Keep up the great work! :goodjob:
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michael flanigan
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:15 pm

This is really good stuff, and very funny. I hope you write many more installments.
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Post » Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:36 am

Amazing as usual :thumbsup: , didn't have a chance in the last thread so wanted to say that i enjoyed the humor you put into the previous thread 'banhammer' got to love it :lol:, this is quite an unexpected turn, Buffy hasn't turned down a Daedric Prince yet, i am also interested to see what she would do with that spell Namira gave, i'm guessing you are saving that for something. Anyways great post, favorite was definitely the shrine part, looking forward to the second book :)

LONG LIVE BUFFY!!! :intergalactic:
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Post » Wed Mar 23, 2011 1:39 am

A new story and some comments:

@Digz- Thank you for summarizing what you perceived. It is so very helpful in letting me know how close to my target I was.

@SubRosa - Because you caught my typo, I was able to quickly edit the sentence in question. My intent was for the sentence to be fairly powerful and thanks to your quick eye, I think it is now. Buffy tried everything she could, and still did not fit in with Namira's followers. Perhaps it was the massive longbow on her back. Perhaps the wine had worn off, making her more 'pleasing'. I shudder to think what might have happened in Anga if Buffy had decided to once again try the wine approach to fitting in?.

@Wolf- Thanks so much for your steadfast encouragement and cheerful support.

@jaycar- Game tips and insights - Thanks so much for that feedback. T'is an odd style for fanfic, but Buffy comes from the OB general forums. I try to achieve a balance.

@mcbeanie - I'm glad you found the first post intro helpful. Yes, the quests are the same, but Buffy does have a different perspective on many things.

@Bobg- Thank you for noticing the several moving parts in the Namira Shrine story. And for your continuing inspiration.

@D.Foxy- I am delighted that you continue to grace Buffy's stories with comments. I have learned so very much from you. Thank you. And 'Roger, ball'.

@ D'Emjii- Thanks so much!

@Leydenne- Since you were featured in Buffy's last story, you are now obligated to keep reading. Like an Imperial Legionnaire protecting our forums, I hope you will continue to stop in, have a tankard and check up on Buffy.

@mALX- As always, you are my inspiration. Thank you so much. The ring is merely a trinket. Buffy is beginning to realize, there are very few trinkets she needs; And some are not worth the price.

@Shadow- Thank you my old friend, for popping in to check up on Buffy!

@Cenron- A very warm welcome to Buffy's world! My problem is not ideas; Rather limiting them. So yes, there will be many more installments.

@Unknown- Thanks for the kind words. Yes, I decided to mix in some off the wall things at the end of thread one. I accept Buffy unconditionally, so the choices she makes are hers. I am however, proud of her growing confidence to make hard choices.

27 ---------- Action in the Presence of Fear ----------

"Well, you're up early this morning young lady." The guard remarked. "Going hunting again? "

"Good morning Gladius." I smiled at the veteran Bravil City guard in the dim predawn. "No actually, I'm off to the Imperial City. How did you get the front bridge watch out here by the stables this morning?"

"Oh, just luck of the draw I guess." Gladius grinned. "I'll go wherever the Captain sends me. Besides it's been deadly quiet here lately. I think over the last few days, you've killed every beast within a day of Bravil."

Puffing myself up and putting my hands on my hips, I attempted my best impression of a Legion soldier. "We're here to serve, citizen." We both burst into laughter. I was pleased my joke had deflected Gladius' interest in my hunting activities.

"I see the sound of your laughter has attracted some company." Gladius nodded towards the stables as Superian approached.

Superian nuzzled up next to me and was rewarded with an apple. I led her the few paces to the stables and retrieved our tack. Adjusting her saddle, I called out to Gladius, "Well, I guess we'd better get started for the big city." I climbed upon Superian's back. "I want to get there before the shops close."

"Ha! Shops. Women." Gladius grinned and waved. "Have a safe trip Buffy."

"Thank you Gladius. Keep our town safe." We started north along The Green Road. I leaned over to pet Superian and whispered to her. "You didn't believe a word of that did you?"

I had been quite frustrated after my experience at Namira's Shrine and Anga. I had humilitated myself, been insulted and learned little. I wanted to know how to fight and survive within the Deadlands controlled by Mehrunes Dagon. I was hoping to learn some of what I needed from his fellow Daedra Lords. Namira and her followers so frustrated me that frankly, I just wanted to kill something.

Gladius was right about the area being safe. Over the last few days, I believe I had killed every hostile creature near Bravil. "Superian, you understand. You're the fastest horse in Cyrodiil and you need to run. I'm an archer and I need to hunt. We both get cranky when we don't get to do what we were built for."

"Acadian, you can chime right in here if you like. Why do sometimes I wake up and feel stronger and more skillful? That happened again this morning. You know that's why we're on the road." The sun was now warming our right side as we slowly moved north. "Every time I wake up with that feeling, I'm drawn to the Arena for another match. When I checked my raiment this morning, I counted the notches. This will be fight number twelve."

I looked around. My enchanted rings indicated no life signs in the sun dappled undergrowth. A breeze carried the wonderful outdoor smells of the moist forest and caused the leaves to gently dance. I glanced up through the trees at the clouds, then felt something from Acadian. I almost forgot that I had indeed asked him a question. His answer was a question as well. "Acadian, why do you pose a question we both know the answer to? You know my worst fears. If I'm going to survive, I need to learn how to deal with them. Getting charged by those melee brutes in the close confines of the Arena with no place to hide is pretty near the top of my fear list. That's why what Boderi taught me is so helpful. When that gate drops, I may not survive, but at least I'll have a plan." I frowned. "Oh and don't you think for one minute I didn't catch that other thought you tried to retract. This has nothing to do with being a woman."

"Superian, you've been very patient, just peacefully plodding along for me." I crouched forward, my face in her mane. "As soon as you're ready girl." Instantly she dug in and we lunged forward. With thundering hooves filling my ears and trees racing by, we flew down the road towards Imperial City. By Mara, she was fast!

* * *

Owyn told me I had a couple hours before my match. I was on the bench in the Bloodworks, preparing. The Grand Champion of the Arena was beautiful to watch. The half-Orc with the grayish green skin was relentlessly destroying another wooden target. His majestic grace and power reminded me of Superian.

Agronak gro-Malog paused his training and reached for a water bag. "Buffy, I see you're on the schedule this afternoon. Good luck."

"Thank you Agronak, but I know you say the same to my opponent." I carefully sighted down the arrows I had selected to make sure they were perfectly straight.

"You're right." The Gray Prince smiled. "I shall congratulate the victor and mourn the vanquished. That is the nature of life and death in the Arena."

Satisfied with my arrows, I returned them to my quiver. "Why do you do this Agronak?"

"Buffy, I am a half breed with no real family. In the Arena though, I am the Gray Prince, a hero." He took a deep drink. "Why do you compete? You're kind of small for this business aren't you?"

The question caught me by surprise. Then I smiled. "Well, I'm a half breed with no real family just like you. I don't feel like a hero though. In fact I'm scared to death every time I approach the gate. That's why I'm here though. To conquer that fear."

The Gray Prince set his water bag down and looked at me appraisingly. "I see." He was three times my weight and his rippling arms were as big as my waist. "When we stop being afraid, it's time to quit. Many believe courage is the absence of fear. They are wrong. Remember this Buffy: Courage is action in the presence of fear."

I had unstrung Slayer's stave and was now installing a new bowstring. "I know an old paladin who tells me the same thing." Thankful for Agronak's encouragement, I looked up and added. "And you're a hero to me Agronak, whether you are in the Arena or not."

Agronak smiled, picked up his longsword and returned to his training. I would surely never rise to the position of having to challenge the Gray Prince.

Digging through my pack, I continued preparing for my match. In my mortar and pestle I added some water, then ground in several herbs - milk thistle, dryad saddle polypore cap, harrada and green stain cup. The special poison that resulted contained four effects.

* * *

I paused at the bottom of the steps and looked up at the afternoon brightness of the Arena. The sun would be on my left side for this match. I poisoned my arrow and mentally rehearsed one more time. Just because I had a plan didn't mean my opponent had to cooperate. I cleared my mind now and hoped for the mental agility to be able to adjust my plan if needed. I knew a couple things for sure. This fight would be measured in seconds instead of minutes, and I could afford precisely zero mistakes. With Slayer in my hand, I started up the stairs.

"Good people of the Imperial City?." The booming voice silenced the crowd. The announcer then changed his tone to a thundering guttural growl that ignited the crowd to cheering. "Welcome to the Arena!"

For the twelfth time in my life those words brought my heart to my throat. Buffy, execute your plan! I quickly stuck two bodkin tip arrows in the ground in front of me so I could reach them quickly. Grabbing a small handful of dirt, I tossed it into the air to assess the wind. Nocking my poisoned arrow, I aimed through the gate at my opponent.

Concentrating on my target, I pulled him more clearly into view. I was expecting to see the Orc, but my heart still skipped a beat. The sun glinted off the blade of his axe. I swallowed hard. I could not afford for my first arrow to miss. Action in the presence of fear Buffy! As the gate came down, I applied full tension on the silk bowstring, adjusted my final aim point and loosed the arrow.

The Orc was fast. He was halfway across the Arena before the impact of my arrow and Slayer's enchantments caused him to pause. My poison flooded into him, darkening his green skin. He collapsed, briefly paralyzed, taking frost damage, losing health and having his speed slowly but permanently reduced. Within seconds though, he struggled to his feet and resumed his charge, slightly slowed now.

Calling forth the magical energy of Cobra's Dance, the spell flew from my fingertips. The streak of energy was still in the air as I reached for one of the arrows staged in the ground at my feet. The magic hit the Orc in the chest, adding more damage over time. He collapsed, paralyzed again. Momentum carried him within two paces of me. I knew within the next few seconds one of us would be dead.

I waited with my arrow nocked. I didn't want to risk angle-skipping this arrow off the heavy raiment of the prone Orc. He stirred. I knew he would be on his feet in a moment. As he struggled to his elbows, he looked up at me. Instantly I loosed my arrow into the exposed flesh where his throat met his chest. The impact at this range caused his hulking mass to jerk severely.

It was over.

I stood looking down at my dead opponent, the announcer booming meaningless words and the crowd roaring. Shaking now, I had controlled my fear for only as long as had been necessary.

Looking up at the crowd of timid souls cheering in the stands, none of them were worthy to polish the armor of the almost unstoppable combatant at my feet.

"Rest in peace, Warrior."

I turned and headed down the tunnel to the Bloodworks, blinking back a tear. Whatever stupid lust I had for battle was gone now. In fact I felt sick. Quickening my pace, I got to the Renewal Basin at the end of the tunnel as I started to retch.
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Jah Allen
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Post » Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:10 am

Great read. Combat advice, poison advice, great pics. Everything.

Juggling Buffy's friends has now become as complex as writing the stories... :lmao:
It is great to see so much feedback for you.
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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:50 pm

I really likes this chapter. The mix of humor, deep thought, description of preparation, and the final moment of compassion ALL mixed with the action and anticipation of the actually Arena fight was epic. Great work yet again my friend. Keep it up.
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Sunny Under
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 9:44 pm

Acadian old friend, how delighted I am to see that you have incorporated all the little touches I have told you about bow fighting, and not only that, but fleshed it seamlessly into the plot of the story!

You have finally "got the six o clock position" of fighting now.

And the touch of sadness in mourning for a dead warrior...only Peleus on this forum does that better. And that is a HIGH standard to be measured by, Acadian!

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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:56 pm

Great read again! I could really envision the Arena part in my head :)

My wife is an avid reader and a forum member as well so I've just turned her onto Buffy :D Don't be surprised to see praise coming from her soon! ;)
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:49 pm

The balance is perfection Acadian, yours and bobg's wonderful characters are alive for me, and to be honest I can think of no higher praise than that. If either Angel or Buffy meet their ends, I will mourn.
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:49 am

Puffing myself up and putting my hands on my hips, I attempted my best impression of a Legion soldier. "We're here to serve, citizen." We both burst into laughter. I was pleased my joke had deflected Gladius' interest in my hunting activities.

This was hilarious. I always find interjecting humor into my writing difficult, but you have been able to fit it in quite naturally.
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:16 pm

I've already PM'd you with my favorite parts of this, I have another to add to my favorites - Awesome Acadian!
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:36 am

I love Buffy. Not for what she looks like but for the person she is. I have the feeling that Acadian likes her too.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:34 pm

That was great, and i believe i see even more improvement in your writing, i do remember in the first post, when someone was talking about sticking arrows in the ground, the bowstring factor and those things, great work :goodjob:, i would have thought that Buffy wouldn't go back to the arena though, the entire closed space meaning no element of surprise, coupled with her fear and panic of being detected, sort of made me think that the arena would be one of the last places she would go, especially with her close-call in her first fight. Anyways, it's nice to see Buffy growing up, shown by her feeling of getting stronger while she sleeps reference, great work. :thumbsup:
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Dan Scott
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