I don′t feel like I can vote cos the pipe does not mention it being a moon sugar pipe in particular. And just because there is tobacco and paper it doesn′t mean the people on Nirn have or will ever figure out how to use them to make cigars, we got milk, strawberries and a few other ingredients but it doesn′t mean they know how to make strawberry ice cream, it could go something like...
A bowl full of strawberries
Two full bowls of cream (they must know how to work it by now)
Two full bowls of milk
Two table spoons of Nirnroot essence (haven′t seen vanilla in TES so far so... Nirnroots will have to do)
Put all the ingredients in a large bowl that you can mix them in without spilling, cast multiple restoration spells on the chef to increase strength, agility and speed, have the chef stir as hard and fast as possible (without breaking the large bowl) until everything is in liquid form and then put it in a thin container that can be closed. Place the container in a hole that you fill with snow and cast frost spells on the area regularly to make certain it keeps cool, store it overnight and then dig out the container.
Strawberry ice cream, TES style. So if they learn to work tobacco I want to see some strawberry ice cream!
But best is just to keep to the moon sugar and skooma.
Spoiler Ice cream recipe inspired by
actually don′t know how to make anything.