Cinna's Brink Impressions!

Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:40 pm

As Cinna said, operative might be a bit bad in comp, since normally comp disables radars, making one of operatives core abilities useless. But operative has abilities like EMP, caltrop grenade and whatever that smoke was called. And sticky bombs. These can make operative more appealing.
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Harry Leon
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:24 pm

As Cinna said, operative might be a bit bad in comp, since normally comp disables radars, making one of operatives core abilities useless. But operative has abilities like EMP, caltrop grenade and whatever that smoke was called. And sticky bombs. These can make operative more appealing.

Plus the ability to hack turrets without the opposition knowing, which would make for some cool strategy. An Engineer announces that he's laying down a turret to cover their flank, and then the turret opens fire on his team? Would make for some chaotic action. You could plan a whole attack around that.
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:18 pm

First of all, I have no idea why the title says Brick. Clearly a mod toying around, because I didn't notice it and when I bookmarked my thread yesterday evening to keep track of it, the name of the bookmark is simply the webpage name, and it displays "Cinna's BRINK IMPRESSIONS". It was also capitals.
So i have no idea what to tell you besides maybe a trolly mod lol.

Thanks for the information Cinna.

Concerning operatives, I would guess that one is probably going to be essential for a team, just for the interrogate map hack they can do alone.

A few questions, impossible to answer completely, but just your impressions.

- How did the gunplay and TTK amounts feel like? (CoD / BF / ETQW / W:ET most like?) and do you feel taking into account no aim assist on the PC, fast maneuvering / parkour will play a major role in battles rather than just a gimmick at high levels of play?
- Was there a substantial different in TTK amounts between head and body shots?


- Did you try sprinting and firing together, and if so how viable was it? Long or short sprint bar? Same question concerning parkour, how badly was the crosshair affected.

The TTK was definitely longer than cods. I don't really remember BF2s well, and hardly played QW. But I would say it is in between CoD and W:ET. I can't say a lot about TTK because I used the sniper, determined to find out about OHKs, but the SMG had a ttk far longer than CoDs, and comparable to ET. ET is fast kills when it comes to HSes, but without HSes, TTK is very long. Didn't seem so true for brink, I didnt get many HSes with the SMG, but its TTK was long enough that I was [censored] if i shot someone with a teammate nearby, because the TTK was long enough that him and his teammate could turn around and kill me likely before i killed the single guy, or right after I did.

I don't like your attitude, imho. but its YOUR Impressions.

This game from my point of view would never become another CoD.
Im gonna be a medic at start for the Points ( and cause im nice.. :whistling: )

But thanks for the... review.. :unsure2:

My attitude appears negative and cynical to people who find all the features to be important pieces of the game. Competitive players know that pretty much every competitive game (if not all) have trashed, ridded, and ignored many features, and weapons in games. It is true, I called them bad, but I look at that comfortably. I expect plenty of features to be dismissed as bad / useless that aren't core features, to be ignored in competitive, and then the game will go on successfully. it is dependent on your outlook. If you think disguises etc. need to be good, then you can see my thread as negative.

Thanks a lot for this, I've been wanting to get a competitive gamers impressions for a long time.

How big were the maps you played? Did you get any feel for how many people per team would be best for competitive games?

and based on that, how do you think class limits (if any) would be handled? I know you didn't play medic or operative much but did any class seem overpowered if there were more than 1 or 2?

Didn't get a great idea of the map size. I dont wanna guess around with it and be completely wrong, because I really didn't pay much attention and was confused regarding objectives for my first game.

I don't particularly think the classes were very overpowered. I think they all had usefulness, and weren't OP. Operative was very situational is all. I want everybody to understand that my operative opinion was quite the speculation, because I didn't see every ability. the EMP could be a godly core piece of competitive gameplay and become useful.
On the other hand, I DO think that class limits should be enforced, but lightly. A team in competitive should be able to be creative enough to heavy on one class and ignore another completely, but I think situationally, some combos will be OP. There might be a objective on 1 map with a strategy involving all defense but 1 medic switching engi or something, just for that chokepoint. Or some VIP mission with like 5 medics escorting it to heal it. First of all, these strats aren't particularly creative, 2nd of all, they tend to be zergy, and 3rd of all, they are just annoying. Class limits should certainly be enforced in competitive lightly to stop cheesy extremes, but not enforced to the point where you'll cap every class and have to have a teammate play operative cause all the others are capped.

And I doubt pubs will have class limits.

Gun limits are a whole nother' story I think might also be necessary, for the same reasons as above and quite possibly balance issues.
But I don't think it will be like ET and the panzerfaust. There will never be a godly gun that just wrecks so bad they only let 1 player use it (I hope anyway) but maybe some stuff like grenade launcher should be capped.
Class, weapon, and body size limits are a serious thing that we won't know anything about until weeks into launch, when people start scrimming. But I think they will all be necessary, some more than others.

This auto-aim thing will be pretty bad on the consoles then I guess :/ I hope they make the default auto-aim lower, or remove it alltogether

They will have to keep autoaim to help their console game to sell well to casuals. A couple things that could happen is that console leagues could enforce no autoaim (GL WITH THAT...) Autoaim could become as large in hipfire as it is in ironsight, think halo, making the ironsight less important, or they could stratch auto aim altogether. Autoaim imo is a horrible thing in its own, but by the far the worse part is, when it becomes four times as effective when iron sighted, it adds an extra incentive to iron sight beyond accuracy and control, which is a shame and yet again, will make the game more slow paced than intended for console.

In the long run, I think the Operative will face the same problem as the Spy in TF2.

In Team Fortress, The Spy generally depends on an uncoordinated team's mistakes to turn a game around. However, a highly efficient competitive team will make very few mistakes, and effective communication will reduce the chances of the Spy being useful in any way whatsoever. This makes the Spy one of the least played utilities in competitive games. I believe this will also be true with the Operatives.

Works great in pubs, in scrims, not so much.

Exactly. The operative has a UAV-like feature too, but comms over ventrilo is all that is needed and as I said, radar wont be in competitive I don't think. It dumbs down a huge aspect of teamwork and cooperativeness.
But again, it could have some skills we didn't get to see that might make or break its situational/usefulness.

I don't think competitive players want to miss the ability to highlight enemy team members on their radar. So at least one of them will be a designated Operative most of his time.

Again, competitive players want a high skill ceiling for every aspect of the game. Making comms between your team detailed and important is a huge piece of the game, and we don't want things like radars to interrupt and make it easier.
For those who don't know, for a long time CoD4 competitive on PC has had 0 enemy interaction on the radar. Even shots do not reveal yourself in competitive CoD play. Same will happen for Brink, I guarantee it.
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:44 am

Same here Super :D.

I'll use the automatic pistol in order to finish off my targets :).

O WAIT, this is Brink, we could totally use SMGs... :woot:

More ammo and damage :thumbsup:
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 5:07 pm

O WAIT, this is Brink, we could totally use SMGs... :woot:

More ammo and damage :thumbsup:

But slower speeds ;)
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:10 pm

Are you the president of some competitive gaming club or something? You seem to be taking on the speaker role for a group you imply is huge.

I don't know much about competitive gaming, I only heard about it a few days ago. It is a niche of a niche from what I can tell-- a small portion of the people who play videogames play online FPS games, and a very small portion of that small portion get all super serious about it and modify games to suit their playstyle or something. That is what I have gathered about this competitive gaming club.

I know that Splash Damage is aiming to get a lot more people playing online FPS games with Brink.
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:57 am

Thanks a lot for the answer, very interesting read, and while I havn't played competitively for a LONG time I do enjoy pubbing on servers with experienced clan / good teamplay orientated pubbers, which makes your opinions very valid for me.

Shame about TTK's, was looking forward to a W:ET type experience where accurately HS'ing while flying around like a lunatic was the way to go, emphasing the aim / fast unpredictable movement coordination skills that were more prevalent in those games than the slow paced, positioning and reactions in nearly all recent shooters.
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:11 am

The aim-assist could be adjusted with a slider in the demo I played.

Cold it be turned all the way down to zero?

[censored] awesome... :confused: really hope this doesn't actually happen.

I seriously doubt it will happen. Cinna, as he stated in the beginning of the thread, is a competitive PC player. They're opinions of console players and what they're capable of is pretty low.

So yeah, biased.
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emily grieve
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 6:58 pm

Are you the president of some competitive gaming club or something? You seem to be taking on the speaker role for a group you imply is huge.

I don't know much about competitive gaming, I only heard about it a few days ago. It is a niche of a niche from what I can tell-- a small portion of the people who play videogames play online FPS games, and a very small portion of that small portion get all super serious about it and modify games to suit their playstyle or something. That is what I have gathered about this competitive gaming club.

I know that Splash Damage is aiming to get a lot more people playing online FPS games with Brink.

...No of course I am not a president. I am speaking as a voice from the community. If this concept seems to distract you to the point where you generalize my voice to be all of competitive gaming, thats your loss dude. I don't know why a single poster making a single thread can't be visualized ad a snigle persons opinion...

I don't particularly see why people are freaking out, saying I think competitive is the best and is needed for the game to survive. I am simply talking about competitive and brink. Of course it isn't a big part of the game, but for a lot of games it is.

SC2's competitive is huge, but not as huge as the public and custom games. But do you know what it is? It is also the face of the game. It is on tv nationally in South Korea. It is on MLG. Its not the majority, but it is the face. The same most likely won't be true for Brink. I seem to have tainted you guys' image of "competitive."

I also don't see how you mistake competitive to be a club.
Do you know what the definition of it is? If not, go find it out.
Then adapt it to Brink, or videogames.
Then come back.
Thanks dude.
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:59 am

Are you the president of some competitive gaming club or something? You seem to be taking on the speaker role for a group you imply is huge.

I don't know much about competitive gaming, I only heard about it a few days ago. It is a niche of a niche from what I can tell-- a small portion of the people who play videogames play online FPS games, and a very small portion of that small portion get all super serious about it and modify games to suit their playstyle or something. That is what I have gathered about this competitive gaming club.

I know that Splash Damage is aiming to get a lot more people playing online FPS games with Brink.

Brink will likely have a disproportionately large competitive community anyway, since a large number of the fans will be people coming over from SD's other games. And anyone who is still playing W:ET or ET:QW is probably a competitive player.

Since you aren't concerned with competitive play, you should just take what facts you can from his posts and ignore his opinions since they don't apply to you. There's no reason to be offended by someone looking for different things in games.
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:39 pm

Cold it be turned all the way down to zero?

I seriously doubt it will happen. Cinna, as he stated in the beginning of the thread, is a competitive PC player. They're opinions of console players and what they're capable of is pretty low.

So yeah, biased.

My concept of how the gameplay will change on console due to auto-aim kicking in from ironsights isn't biased from a Pc perspective.
i don't see how me playing Pc affects this idea at all, lol?

If you can headshot FAR easier when iron-sighted in, and headshots do DOUBLE damage, why wouldn't people...
I own a xbox, ps3, and have grown up on consoles too. While a lot of my impressions are leaning onto PC and competitive, I have as much console experience as many others. I play many xbox games casually and if it matters, I have tried xbox games competitive if that helps.

I wasn't regarding console players at all, I was talking about the auto-aim feature, and how iron sights change it.
Please tell me how I have a bias that makes that theory less legitimate.

Holy [censored]. Just because I am mostly comparing a game to PC doesn't mean I don't have experience pubbing or playing a console and I have never done those things or something.
Please don't make generalizations on someones experiences by eliminating every possibility that they do not mention in their thread.
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Cat Haines
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 6:23 pm

I'm just trying to wrap my mind around this stuff. It is kind of crazy to learn that there are people in south korea that play Starcraft2 for a job. And there is something similar trying to emerge elsewhere. That is kind of weird to me.

And this

is just foreign to me.

That doesn't sound remotely appealing to me. To each his or her own though.

I didn't mean to personally attack you or anything, but you were speaking in really broad terms and being very... declarative. "Brink will have to do this and this and this to work for competitive gaming." Non-competitive gamers (the majority of gamers) are called pubbies, which is usually used with negative connatations.

Some really "leet" players are cool, some are jerks. See the Youtube channels of some of the Black Ops guys. Some are cool, some are all "damn greenie pubby took my care package! what an [censored]!"
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 6:12 pm

I'm just trying to wrap my mind around this stuff. It is kind of crazy to learn that there are people in south korea that play Starcraft2 for a job. And there is something similar trying to emerge elsewhere. That is kind of weird to me.

And this

is just foreign to me.

That doesn't sound remotely appealing to me. To each his or her own though.

I didn't mean to personally attack you or anything, but you were speaking in really broad terms and being very... declarative. "Brink will have to do this and this and this to work for competitive gaming." Non-competitive gamers (the majority of gamers) are called pubbies, which is usually used with negative connatations.

Some really "leet" players are cool, some are jerks. See the Youtube channels of some of the Black Ops guys. Some are cool, some are all "damn greenie pubby took my care package! what an [censored]!"

Ive had semi-pro friends that have won thousands in different FPS tournaments. Its really not much different than poker tournaments (other than being more skill based), you pay to enter and the ones who make it to the end get parts of the pot.

In America, its more difficult to become a full pro, since there's so much competition, but if you're good enough its a nice way to find some people worth playing and maybe win some cash.
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:32 am

auto aim can turn into a real problem, look at Red Dead Redemption, it made playing competitively a joke, even playing the advanced game mode was a little of a joke due to lag/hit detection. In FPS it should have never been in at all, granted auto aim is for casuals and SD is trying to appeal to everyone, if the advance mode has auto aim off, i will not play normal at all.
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:46 pm

I didn't mean to personally attack you or anything, but you were speaking in really broad terms and being very... declarative. "Brink will have to do this and this and this to work for competitive gaming." Non-competitive gamers (the majority of gamers) are called pubbies, which is usually used with negative connatations.

Some really "leet" players are cool, some are jerks. See the Youtube channels of some of the Black Ops guys. Some are cool, some are all "damn greenie pubby took my care package! what an [censored]!"

I've never heard of the term "pubbie". Pubber means someone that only plays public games. Thats not negative.
Yeah, my impressions were very declarative. Partially intentional and part of my personality, but a lot of it was laziness.
We are all often very declarative in our opinions, but some people take the time to not show it.
I could've took more time to write out every impression to make it seem more fair and speculative, and less certain and declarative. But I'm just not going to take the time to make the thread's impressions less harsh.

And competitive isn't always the idea of going pro, playing all day, and winning money.
If you are a competitive person, and you like to win, it is fun. You get a good tight knit group to call a team, get on a couple nights a week, and play to win, but for fun at the same time. It is a type of progression, is like playing with a clan, and it adds this new sense of improvement, which is teamwork, and you have to all work toward improving it together. Its all a lot of fun, and you can do it all without making a single cent or entering a single tournament.
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daniel royle
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:38 pm

Pubber or pubbing is in no way derogatory, all the hardcoe competitive players enjoy a good match on a public server as much as everyone else..

It's in no way a judgement on peoples skill or teamplay either, and yes that while people who scrim a lot are generally more skilled (as they generally play a lot more than everyone else and practice advanced strats), I've played against pubbers who could have easily been top competitive players but just don't have the time / motivation etc.
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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:51 pm

While a lot of my impressions are leaning onto PC and competitive...

Yeah, that's called being biased.

And you saying you play on a console every now and then doesn't really help either.
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Gaelle Courant
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 12:49 pm

Yeah, that's called being biased.

And you saying you play on a console every now and then doesn't really help either.

I am saying that i am biased.

But im also saying it doesn't affect the auto-aim thing I was talking about at all. I demoed the game on a console and I understand autoaim. I dont understand how my like for PC affects how I understand autoaim.
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 2:16 pm

I just noticed the title actually reads "Brick Impressions". Hm.

Woops, that's my fault. It was spelled right originally but I screwed up when I reduced the capitalization :o
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Janeth Valenzuela Castelo
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:36 pm

I'm just trying to wrap my mind around this stuff. It is kind of crazy to learn that there are people in south korea that play Starcraft2 for a job. And there is something similar trying to emerge elsewhere. That is kind of weird to me.

And this

is just foreign to me.

That doesn't sound remotely appealing to me. To each his or her own though.

I didn't mean to personally attack you or anything, but you were speaking in really broad terms and being very... declarative. "Brink will have to do this and this and this to work for competitive gaming." Non-competitive gamers (the majority of gamers) are called pubbies, which is usually used with negative connatations.

Some really "leet" players are cool, some are jerks. See the Youtube channels of some of the Black Ops guys. Some are cool, some are all "damn greenie pubby took my care package! what an [censored]!"

Yeah, as a casual Xbox gamer, the competitive scene seems a little too much for me too. I'm here to waste my time doing something fun with some people (hopefully friends, but as long as randoms play nice I have little issue with them). The only competitive aspect for me is simply trying to win. I'm not out to be the best (because I'm not, so I won't even bother), so I simply enjoy the experience as presented to me because I honestly believe it is what the programmers and developers intended.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:53 am

Cold it be turned all the way down to zero?

Technically it could, I guess. The slider could be "emptied" all the way. However, in the demo-version I played, the whole aim-assist thing was very buggy and made you "aimbot" one time and don't help you at all the next.

Woops, that's my fault. It was spelled right originally but I screwed up when I reduced the capitalization :o

What were you thinking!?`:lol:
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Zach Hunter
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:49 pm

What were you thinking!?`:lol:

"The texture of this brick is non-consistent at best. A good brick has a 1.18mm tall bump with a radius of around .36mm squared about every .5mm on every surface..."
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Amy Masters
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:10 am

A reply from Splash damage dev regarding my impressions on operative, enjoy:
Originally Posted by Exedore
Welcome to the SD forums!

Just to comment on all the Operative angst, this is something specific to how we've been demoing the game... as we've said before, the Operative abilities are tactically the most advanced of all the classes, so we held back on most of them as it's hard enough for a lot of people to grasp the core gameplay in a short session. At low levels they are somewhat underpowered (intentionally), but at the high end they more than make up for it.
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le GraiN
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:04 pm

If the Operative class has disguise anything like the KZ Infiltrator... They are going to be annoying as heck.
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Post » Sun Aug 08, 2010 4:59 pm

auto aim can turn into a real problem, look at Red Dead Redemption, it made playing competitively a joke, even playing the advanced game mode was a little of a joke due to lag/hit detection. In FPS it should have never been in at all, granted auto aim is for casuals and SD is trying to appeal to everyone, if the advance mode has auto aim off, i will not play normal at all.

THIS X1000 !!!!
rdr completely [censored] up with their auto aim bull chit.
but yea... this guy saying its a slow paced cod scares me..... alot.
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