I AM sorry to see this go. I was going to join as a subordinate in the DB, and maybe a consult of the Imperial Legion (since those guys are so hot on Imperial Law and a little lacking courtesies).
Still, a good character can be used for anything, I guess. *shrugs*
I can't wait for High Rock, although I'm a little intimidated by the idea of being Elysana. I've been careful not to make a high-power character for the timeline, lest I screw it up (I'm poor with tactics, good with being a sneaky [censored], and therein my problem lay)
Will the same role be applied about NPCs, or do I make a character sheet for Elysana?
I will have a subordinate character in all three major factions. For High Rock I was going to have a mid 20s arrogant french-esque noble, very handsome and clean and impressive but behind closed doors he is quite the animal. He'd be handling much of the military force of Wayrest directly as needed.
Oh, no politics is fine. I'm good with politics (although sometimes I get bored with it; I'd rather be manipulative of characters harder than politicians), but tactics, as in the controlling of armies, leaves me particularly lost. I've never had much of a wish to control large forces, and still don't, hence why I tend to go for a lower-ranking charcater rather than the boss.
To be honest, I'd especially like to be some crazy freelancer that I know immortal tries to stamp down on.
Well at first I was considering doing a very in depth academy setting but I figured it would be too complex and it would kill the RP. So instead there well be a mercenary company working for the different Breton Dukes and Barons etc in a very adventure like manner. So i'm all for crazy freelancers.

I'm thinking I will keep Hestion Alcheron and perhaps introduce him one day in a later rp. Speaking of which, why won't people post in SoS?! I'm stuck waiting!
Story is making the last thread I think. And then we'll get to it.
Damn. Sorry to see this go, Immortal. I know that I wasn't exactly posting up a storm myself, but if you don't mind, I think I have a couple of suggestions for if you decide to remake it.
First off, next time I'd say try to start a little smaller. I think one of the problems we had this go around was that we were trying to coordinate actions and characters across all of Vvardenfell, and I think that spaced things out too much. I'm not saying that all characters should be bound to the same city, but maybe if they were all initially confined to one area, say around Balmora/Caldera/Ald Ruhn. That way, all the characters are closer together, and you can get some initial interaction going more easily.
Second, I think other people are right when they say that too many RPs start off, and people flock to them before they really know what they're getting into. Maybe if you put an initial limit on the number of people who could join, and then added more at regular intervals, it might help people really think about how they're going to participate in the roleplay before joining.
Again, these are just suggestions; feel free to acknowledge or dismiss them as you please. And I hope that you one day decide to come back to this RP; it definitely has potential.
I think when the RP starts this time i'm going to let IB Timeline members pick first roles. So those who've RPed in Siege of Sentinel because I know they'll stick around. It's only fair to repay their loyalty. I hope to see you in High Rock!