1. I want a city (not a town and most definitely not a settlement) that feels fresh, that feels new and not in the artistic design, but that'd be a plus too. No I mean I want a city like Vault City or Shady Sands (NCR), which isn't filled with trash, rubble and cracked asfalt everywhere. I want a city that some actually took the time to build or renovate from scratch. (Could be a vault dweller city who used a GECK)
2. I'd love to see a town on an island that is heavily into fishing as a produce.
3. Reservation.
4. A Legion city.
5. A town on a mountain or very higher ground.
6. A town that is in a underground pre-war military complex. (They're very isolated and have strict rules for outsiders. (No they are not anything like the BOS)) They mine into the earth for ore and minerals and construct their own weapons and ammunition. They are one of the most successful weapon manufacturers in the wasteland with top notch gear, but they charge heavily as they don't have a lot of food as they're having problems to grow it underground.