[WIP] City of Balmora: Hlaalu Expansion #2

Post » Wed May 02, 2012 2:36 pm

City of Balmora: Hlaalu Expansion

By Praedator

Previous Thread: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1229844-city-of-balmora-hlaalu-expansion/


City of Balmora (CoB) is an expansion for House Hlaalu and all its settlements; the capital Balmora doubled in size,Suran was completely redone and increased threefold in amount of interiors on nearly the same space, a new city calledMathi Agea (Homes of Wisdom) in size slighty larger than Suran located on an island SW off Hla Oad, Gnaar Mok doubled in size, and also Hla Oad has doubled in size, with its own lord and utility.

The three large cities now have markets and stalls scattered thoughout the city. Nearly every movable object in game is available on stock at one merchant or another. You will be able to restock for reward at every custom merchant, and you can put your savings on the bank for 3% per year, and put in jewels to get some additional ever needed fame.
High end service of armor/weapon smithies becomes available at some point, also some high end trainers are scattered. There are rich and poor merchants, but also weak and strong ones, just don’t always believe what you see. So many many merchants and also many reasons to become either a Hlaalu warrior or mage. Fortified with the two new factions; Great Hlaalu Guard (GHG) and Young Mage’s Gathering (YMG) which will have a good, long and challenging questline.

I am considering content and quests about Morag Tong (MT) and Camonna Tong (CT).

There is more than enough ‘food’ for the thieves, like NPCs carrying rings etc, cellars with good stuff, shops that have everything on display, I saw no need to do anything to enhance it in matter of a new faction. However many bandit lairs, sewers and rich merchants and some quests make it interesting to play as a thief or combo of warrior/thief or even mage/thief.

If I decide to include CT there will be the ‘good’ imperial thieves of the Thieves Guild, and the ‘bad’ Dunmer thieves of the CT. Also the faction would then be joinable and Orvas Dren your sponsor to have a thieves approach to become Hlaalu Grandmaster.

I want to make CoB, Necessities of Morrowind (NoM) and Morrowind Crafting (MC) compatible. Also Vurts Leafy West Gash and Bitter Coast replacers will work without any serious problems (99% not even bleeding and looking good) For the rest and mainly duet o my cluttering style, anything that alters Balmora or Suran, or anything that modifies the Mathi Agea cells will conflict.
I also include scattered dungeons throughout Vvardenfell, if entries happen to be at the same place as another custom mod, they will conflict. Similarily for spots in WG, AI and BC where all the Hlaalu towers and strongholds that I have placed are situated.

There will be an alternative sponsor for House Hlaalu, one that has a background in GHG, with its own questline, to fullfill duties upto Grandmaster. So no longer the vanilla way of raising ranks in House Hlaalu is required. Once you are Grandmaster you are allowed to buy your own Manor in Balmora (huge interior). You will have to choose between Rethan Stronghold or player Manor in Balmora which will cost you, but has many privileges and is in center of town.

Shortly this mod will conflict with many mods, at least 99% with those that alter the exterior of any Hlaalu settlement. Vanilla interiors are always left untouched so no trouble for all settlements except Suran, as Suran still has the old interiors but on a different spot, except Oran manor and the Temple.

I do not add much custom objects, except some necessary banners, tea and goods, and the completion of many vanilla armor sets like Imperial dragonscale, studded, newtscale, Nordic trollbone, dreugh and dragonbone. The latter only included as ingame artefacts to be found in some hard to find, or hard to get through locations.

All 3 cities will have completely custom makeshifted sewers, again giving way to special interiors and dungeons. Note that some areas are not very safe for low level players, so save often.


120+ NPCs. (Max ref. count 1.720+, 1.2 mil. faces)
Several trainers max level 85 sometimes membership required.
Some other services only for members
Orcish armor/weapons for sale
1 ownable Manor

Balmora has several new districts;

The Shanty Town North: 6 shacks mainly poor fishermen and a roadside alchemist.

The Shanty Town South: a dozen shacks between Southeast Gate and
Fort Moonmoth crossing. On Fort Moonmoth side is Outlanders’ Meet Inn, and near to it the entrance to Balmora Glass Mines. It also has a pawnbroker and a trading farmer. In the mountains south of the Shanty Town South lays Souteastern Stronghold, a fortress that oversees all towers in the area, as well as the narrow entrance at the entrance of the Foyada Mamaea from the Ascadian Isles (AI).

Odai Harbour: reaching from old south gate towards the Odai canyon to new Odai Gate, and southeast over the bridges until the new Southeast Exit. It holds a guardtower at Odai Gate, a warehouse, the shipmasters’ house, the large Odai Crossing Inn, a house, a bookseller, 4 traders with stalls, the Great Hlaalu Guard HQ and the Great Hlaalu Guard training facility as well as a lone shack.

Balmora Market: a gathering of many stalls on the old square at South Exit, including a house. Many low end traders with only specific goods also through the rest of the city, like basketsaleswoman or hunter that trades hides and meat.

Balmora Sewers: Old Balmora now has a complete sewer system, divided in 3 cells (max ref count 1600) and completely makeshifted out of mainly Hlaalu exterior parts. It holds several underground interiors, mostly makeshifted.

Balmora Fortress: This is the large fortress atop of the mountain range between Balmora and Bitter Coast. It overlooks the city as well as Hlormaren and commands the over land trading route between Hla Oad and Gnaar Mok.

Balmora Outposts: Northeast and North of Balmora are two Guardtowers, the NE Tower oversees all other towers and Foyada Mamaea just above the Daedric Ruin Assarnatamat. The other tower oversees the valley in front of Caldera.

Other Balmora Enhancements: there is about 10 loose interiors like houses and a herbalist shop, magical clothing shop, and orc armorsmith scattered throughout the city. Literally 1.000s of objects have been placed to enhance the cities look and utilizing.

~80 NPCs. (Max ref. count 1.300+, 0.95 mil. faces)
Few trainers max level 85, might require membership.
Some other services only for members (spellmaking/enchanting)
Adamantium Armor/Weapons for sale

Also Suran has new districts;

Suran Poor District: The northernmost part of the city, 4 small Hlaalu houses, a Carmonna Tong hideout, West Gate Tower, Great Hlaalu Guard Barracks, and stiltstrider service.

Suran Merchant District: is situated North and East of the Market District, in an inverted “L” shape. It holds nearly all housed merchants (10) in town, from Old Suran like Dunmer Clothier, Dunmer trader and Dunmer Apothecary as well as newly added ones like Imperial Jeweler/Altmer Enchanter, Dunmer Smith, Altmer Fine Alchemist, Dunmer Herbalist and Imperial Bookshop. Also some stalls scattered in the streets. Like in Balmora lots of stuff will be available. Furthermore there is two competing Inns, the Suran Tradehouse and a Dunmer Tales Inn.

Suran Market District: is like the belly of the town, on lowest parts of Suran, bordering all districts but the poor district. It has about 10 market stalls, and surrounding services of House of Earthly Delights, Slave Market, Orc Smith, Great Hlaalu Guard Armory, Dunmer Outfitter and Breton Alchemist. West part is bordered by the Suran Public Harbour, for sailing services to other hlaalu settlements, it has a publician and a food trader at the port entry. Southwest is the Bulk Harbour for cargo.

Suran Manor District: Adding 4 new manors to the Oran Manor, as well as a Suran Council Hall. One Manor has utility building and brewery, and Oran Manor also has a utility building now. Furtherjmore Temple remained where it was like Oran Manor and a tower was placed near Temple. Manor District is beloved for its many little gardens.

Suran Bulk Harbour: this is southermost part of the harbour, there for trade from all over Vvardenfell, and real trade hub with guardtower, large warehouse and harbour office, not to forget a pawnbroker. It has lots of containers as you expect, but guarded well.

Suran Sewers: in planning.

Mathi Agea:
~100 NPCs. (Max ref. count 1.500+, 1.05 mil. faces)
Few trainers max level 85, might require membership.
Some other services like spellmaking/enchanting
Boat services to all Hlaalu settlements, as well as Ebonheart, Molag Mar, Sadrith Mora and Dagon Fell

Mathi Agea Industrial Harbour: it is the southwest part of the city and holds several factories, GHG headquarters and an imperial agent, as well as a guard tower. It has an exit into the wild of the rest of the island and borders with the mainland passenger harbour.

Mathi Agea Mainland Passenger Harbour: it is the harbour for one passenger ship with a guarded entrance of 2 towers and holds the granary, harbourmaster and a warehouse. It has exits to Bulk Harbour, Rich Merchant District, and Manor District

Mathi Agea Bulk Harbour: it is the west, and southwest part of the city, bordering he Mainland Passenger Harbour and Rich Merchant District. It holds a Harbour Office, Shipmasters’ House and a warehouse as well as a pawnbroker and an outfitter. On the south end is a guard tower.

Mathi Agea Rich Merchant District: 7 different rich shops with good merchandise, and an inn. Reachable from Mainland Passenger Harbour, Bulk Harbour, Market District and Poor District.

Mathi Agea Market District: Many market stalls with low end sale, surrounded by several shops, 2 guard towers and 2 inns. It has access to the Rich Merchant District, Poor District, and Manor District.

Mathi Agea Manor District: It holds the Council house, one manor with two utility buildings, and 5 more manors. You can reach it from Passenger Harbour, Market District and Poor District.

Mathi Agea Poor District: It is the outer rim southeast to northwest of the city, the lowest more damp areas with moss and undergrowth prone to flooding.

Mathi Agea Sewers: under construction.

Gnaar Mok
~20 NPCs. I have added 10 shacks to the south of Gnaar Mok, expanding shack number to a decent 17 shacks. Also two guardtowers to defend the town and a brewery with utility building for Arenim Manor.
Also a new dock with longboat service is available to all Hlaalu settlements.

Hla Oad
~10 NPCs. Hla Oad has been expanded with 6 shacks doubling the original amount. Furthermore it now has a Manor with guardtower and utility building. A dock has been made and boat service to all Hlaalu settlements is possible.

~10 NPCs. Ceymora is a small fishing village at the foot of Fort Muckmoth, just North of Mathi Agea. The village has a shop, a tavern and several shacks. Two guar herders carry goods between Fort Muckmoth and Mathi Agea.

Fort Muckmoth:
A medium sized Imperial Fort just North of Mathi Agea. It has its own docks and is well fortified & defended with high towers to oversee the whole Bitter Coast and its shipping lanes, from Vivec to Gnaar Mok.

Hlaalu Regional Structures:

1. Trading Posts

- Northern Trading Post:
located NE of Gnaar Mok, just east of the dunmer stronghold within the West Gash region at the roadfork between Caldera, Ald'ruhn and Gnaar Mok.

- Southern Trading Post:
located NW of Vivec, near entry of Hlaalu Canton, on road fork between Seyda-Neen-Ebonheart-Vivec-Pelagiad.

2. Strongholds & Outposts

- Odai Mouth Stronghold:
located at the mouth of river Odai, in the Ashlands near the bridge. It is a basis for aquatic assault troops.

- Caldera Pass Stronghold:
- Gnaar Mok Stronghold:
- Ashlands Stronghold:
- East Ascadian Stronghold:
- Northeast Ascadian Stronghold:
- Vivec Crossing Stronghold:
- West Ascadian Stronghold:
- Northwest Ascadian Stronghold:

For recent updates, screenshots and videos please see http://praedatorsnest.blogspot.com/.

Even though it runs pretty well on a Dualcore 2.0 Ghz, with 256MB videocard and no MGE this mod is not for old systems with MGE due the fact that the main Balmora cell now holds 1700+ references (1.2 million faces), and surrounding cells 500-1200 refs. Also some interior cells have 1500+ refs but these do not create much lag at all.

The original Morrowind content has been touched minimally, all interiors in Balmora, Gnaar Mok, and Hla Oad are left untouched, and the buildings are all on the same place. My mod enhances the original content but does not modify location, general shape or designation for these cities.
However Suran has undergone a major overhaul, I have been keeping original interiors and their exteriors intact but have relocated and sometimes rotated them, with minimal intervention in mind. The Suran Temple and Oran Manor with its walls have been adapted to my new Suran, and haven't changed place.
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Wane Peters
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:24 am

I am planning to make an add-on for this for Plantations and Manors. (Because you wont do them :wink:)

EDIT: Feedback on the sewers, (not flaming) they seem too bright for sewers.
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James Baldwin
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:37 pm

feedback about balmora sewers, nice and detailed, but one suggest, I think the whole tileset looks too low, 2X higher would be better.
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Sian Ennis
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:16 am

I am planning to make an add-on for this for Plantations and Manors. (Because you wont do them :wink:)

EDIT: Feedback on the sewers, (not flaming) they seem too bright for sewers.

indeed light settings aren't optimalized :) it is all still too WIP to call finalized....

feedback about balmora sewers, nice and detailed, but one suggest, I think the whole tileset looks too low, 2X higher would be better.
TY, it is not a tileset :D The sewers are 100% makeshifted out of building parts.

That also explains the reason for them to be low, which I quite like really.
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:36 am

I'm very interested in the Young Mage’s Gathering. That's a separate faction from the Mages Guild? How is it different from the Mages Guild? Is YMG for novice mages only? My character is young and still learning magic so this YMG faction sounds very applicable.
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Lady Shocka
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:57 am

I'm very interested in the Young Mage’s Gathering. That's a separate faction from the Mages Guild? How is it different from the Mages Guild? Is YMG for novice mages only? My character is young and still learning magic so this YMG faction sounds very applicable.

The YMG is a guild for Mages of a more secretive manner, they gather for tea parties, and exchange knowledge in arcane arts, as well as alchemy and properties. Naturally the Mages Guild doesn't like it, but not much they can do against a couple of people gathering somewhere in town. It is not that they offend or harm anyone.
Like any other faction it has a hierachy, and you can join them and advance in their ranks.
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Ernesto Salinas
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 6:52 pm

Personally I am not so fond of the Redoran set, it is hard to make something nice imo. Though Scamp used it to the fullest in Baan Malur (TR).

Baan Malur is also the reason I started working on Ald'ruhn, originally I was just going to work on the ashlands. Also, the Redoran set is a pain to work with :tongue:
About the guilds: you're adding how many? So far I know of the Hlaalu guards and this YMG guild mentioned above...
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:29 am

The YMG is a guild for Mages of a more secretive manner, they gather for tea parties, and exchange knowledge in arcane arts, as well as alchemy and properties. Naturally the Mages Guild doesn't like it, but not much they can do against a couple of people gathering somewhere in town. It is not that they offend or harm anyone.
Like any other faction it has a hierachy, and you can join them and advance in their ranks.
When you said tea parties I laughed. XD
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:19 pm

Baan Malur is also the reason I started working on Ald'ruhn, originally I was just going to work on the ashlands. Also, the Redoran set is a pain to work with :tongue:
About the guilds: you're adding how many? So far I know of the Hlaalu guards and this YMG guild mentioned above...

Those two guilds I add, and I give new content on House Hlaalu. Furthermore I am thinking of Camonna Tong (joinable faction), and maybe Morag Tong quests.

When you said tea parties I laughed. XD

You will understand why ;)
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 3:37 pm

I have a quick question:

Will the fortresses / trading posts be there on the mod start-up (like I assume the new settlements and the city expansions to be) or will they be built up over the course of the GHG quests? Like, will the Hlaalu suddenly have all this stuff or will it be a quest process of expansion (a la RoHT).

Regardless, I'm very excited. Everything looks amazingly well done. You do great work, with this and the Karthwestern screens.
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Avril Churchill
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 5:53 pm

All the buildings will be there on startup, no quests needed to find them.

Thank you, I do my best to make it as good and nice as I can :)
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:03 am

Just got done looking at all the screenshots for this up on your website, and I really like the strongholds you're putting all over the place, it's exactly the kind of thing Morrowind needs.
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CSar L
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 6:02 pm

Thank you TA, good part is that you can always see another stronghold from a top a stronghold you are on, and there is a quest related to it. This way the strongholds cover the defences of the whole Hlaalu territory.
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vicki kitterman
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:23 am

You might be able to, I won't. No Distant Land in my game. :P
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noa zarfati
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 3:05 pm

You might be able to, I won't. No Distant Land in my game. :tongue:

That's a shame :/ (sending you a decent vc and some RAM :P)
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:21 pm

Lol I wish I had more RAM. And a better processor. I will be getting a better one next year in February. I'm glad you are expanding the Hlaalu cities. I tried to find a good Suran expansion but the only ones that actually add enough aren't available. Now that I see you are expanding most of the Hlaalu places, I'm just gonna wait for your mod. More Worth it. :D
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CRuzIta LUVz grlz
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:52 pm

How far do I need to draw the view distance?
Mine's always at 5cells, that enough?
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 4:04 pm

The further the better, but not required perse.
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Danny Blight
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:18 am

I meant to see the other strongholds.
I actually dont like a very high view distance.
Makes Vvardenfell fell small.
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Eve Booker
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:15 am

Depends on which one you are, and which one you want to view ofcourse. Don't know the exact distances, but I think 10 cells would reveal most in any given area.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:14 am

I can just imagine a Telvanni version of this with their strongholds in the east. XD AWESOME!!!! I like the strongholds, it makes Vvardenfell feel more settled.
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noa zarfati
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:38 am

I can just imagine a Telvanni version of this with their strongholds in the east. XD AWESOME!!!! I like the strongholds, it makes Vvardenfell feel more settled.

Why don't you make it?
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 1:51 pm

Well, poor ole Khan doesn't have enough time for much modding according to him. Maybe someone will do that one day. :D
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Angel Torres
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:43 pm

Heh, Yeah, one day.
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An Lor
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:13 pm

I really have no time as I work on 2 provinces, a secret project and CoB. Also I like gaming in between :P
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Lawrence Armijo
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