» Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:31 am
Zege, that sounds like M'Aiq's Wereshark or whatever it was.
MortX, if you're going creature, choose a level to compensate for the lack of ability to equip stuff.
Give Cha'Gir and Kita'Gir a pet, such as a friendly Kaugiti (or whatever those things are called, under little advice people sometimes say "Run like a..." then the name of that creature). Name it "Licker" and make it's dialogue contains stuff like "[%Name licks you when you come close.]" and "[%Name looks like he wants you to pet him.]". Also, change Cha'Gir to "Won't Trust" and Kita'Gir to "Does-Trust" to make sense with the disposition, and change Does-Trust's disposition to 80. I'd appreciate if Won't-Trust mumbled complaints about the player and such.