I spend most of my time discussing Fallout on Reddit, but I thought I'd come here to see what you guys thought about a post someone made there.
I think the reason people are getting so butthurt over the graphics is because it's indicitive of the level of effort Bethesda is putting in to their games. I wonder if they're putting max effort in to their games, or if they're half-assing it knowing people will buy it anyway. People say graphics don't matter, it's about gameplay, but the poor visuals make me think that if they're half-assing it in that area that they might be half assing it in other areas as well.
Sure we haven't played the game yet so it might be great. I'm just giving an explenation as to why the visuals have people worried.
Anyway here's the post I was reffering to:
"If you compare this to N64 games or Fallout 3 (2008), it looks great.
But if you compare to today standards, it looks very dated. Here are some modern open world games with huge worlds and massive amounts of content:
Witcher 3
Hell even Dying Light arguably looks better, https://i.imgur.com/PEC3IOU.jpg and that's not even particularly noted for its graphics. (edit: credit to https://www.reddit.com/u/ipurangi_wahangu for the in-game screenshot)
If you are a really devoted fan of Falllout 4, before you knee jerk downvote this and start insulting me for daring to question the all perfect Bethesda, please realize I'm not saying Fallout 4 is a bad game or that this means its gameplay or story or depth of characters will be bad. I'm simply saying the graphics look dated, and don't meet standards for a AAA game release when its nearing 2016. The things we expect like high quality textures, ambient occlusion, high quality tessalation, soft shadows...etc are simply missing. Its still using an updated version of the Skyrim Creation Engine for Christs sake! Its downright lazy from Bethesda.
On the other hand we just saw CD Project Red drastically raising the bar with Witcher 3 for all open world games with quests, showing that you can have incredibly deep storytelling and rewarding gameplay in massive lore-rich worlds with amazing graphical fidelity. That old excuse that Bethesda fans used to give that you can't have both a huge complex world full of content and great visuals has been demonstrated thoroughly false. CDPR has put out its dike on the table and now everyone else has to compare theirs to it. Unfortunate for Bethesda, their http://i.imgur.com/2ESRIML.jpg isn't measuring up to that http://i.imgur.com/Oj76GBb.jpg
And lets not even get into the http://imgur.com/sf5Ebrd that we saw in those videos, or the terrible facial animations that look straight out of 2008. They way the characters moved in those videos and the way their cloth stayed stiff as a board looked http://gfycat.com/BlushingWarmEelelephant"
Btw people please stop comparing FO4 graphics to Skyrim and FO3, of course they look better. FO3 is almost 8 years old and Skyrim is 4 years old.