» Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:42 am
*sigh* yet another one of these "I'm bored" threads with the game being barely 2 weeks old off the shelf. :shakehead:
just an FYI: this isn't WOW, Diablo, or Crysis Warhead. :rolleyes: More specifically, it's an RPG designed to be significantly deeper than a designated hack, slash and anhilation of anyting that moves in the game. That means you've got to take the campaign/faction fighting in stride. There is a crapload of fighting you can do in Skyrim, but just not on that scale. Sounds a lot like you're a hard core "achievements player" and already "beat the game" with the Theives Guild, Dark Brotherhood and other numerous faction/miscellaneous side quests. :rolleyes:
If that's the case, you might get lucky with the modding community. But if you're craving more battle field glory achievements to brag about , then consider picking up a vintage copy of Age of Empires or Medieval 2 Total War....