Just remember that Bethesda designed the 2 factions to be equally flawed and equally virtuous. Not one is better than the other.
Though, I went for the Stormcloaks anyway.
Just remember that Bethesda designed the 2 factions to be equally flawed and equally virtuous. Not one is better than the other.
Though, I went for the Stormcloaks anyway.
Do we actually know that though? Both sides are flawed, sure. I'm sure the Imps consider their cause virtuous, but I don't think they're equal at all. Too many uncertainties. Such as the whole
They both have their flaws and good points, but equally is too idealistic.
I'm only trying to be fair to the Imperial supporters.
To me the issue is simple. The Thalmor, even though the "Great War" took a massive toll on both sides, are still incredibly powerful. Their goal is to literally destroy all life in some sort of religious cleansing-by-fire ritual. This is literally what they hope to achieve - the destruction of all life, including themselves, in some cult religious cleansing by fire.
If the Stormcloaks defeat the Imperials and Skyrim becomes independent then the empire will be reduced to the province of Cyrodiil. It will no longer be an empire. There will no longer be any form of unity AT ALL to stand against the Thalmor, and some sort of unity is the only thing that can stand against them and their bizarre religious cult and stop all life being destroyed to appease some angry volcano god or some crap.
Furthermore, if the Stormcloaks win and Skyrim becomes independent again the misery suffered by its people will be unthinkable. Skyrim will descend once again into its old ways of literally endless petty warfare. Ulfric will instantly be dethroned by some ambitious petty warlord, who will then be dethroned by yet another petty ambitious warlord. Meanwhile armies will roam endlessly, the population will suffer misery and starvation, it will be a barbaric backwater. The Thalmor will be able to walk right in.
So if you want to support the Thalmor in their quest to literally destroy all life - including themselves - then bend your knee to Ulfric, the racist, power hungry opportunist. If otherwise, join the empire.
Shouldn't everyone just copy their posts from here and have this one locked already? http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1467752-which-side/
I'll start: It doesn't matter which side you choose, the elves win at the end. Now you have a plot for TES VI. Or a book in TES VI. Probably the book.
The only thing that changes is what Guards spawn where and which person you have to listen to in order to kill bandits.
Just pick a side and go with it. By the end of it all most of the world still thinks the war's going on anyway.
A few things. One, people really really are overstating the Thalmor's power I think. The only reason they were even able to do so much damage is because they caught the Empire with it's pants down at their ankles. They are said to use maneuvering to fight, not great numbers, which me know the altmer don't have by lore and birthrates.
Another thing, armies tend to make alliances when a common foe threatens them. Leaders of countries do what they believe is necessary over petty grudges, and this will likely hold true when the Thalmor attack. Think that is wishful thinking? A few points. One, the nords and dunmer, specifically Almalexia and Wulfharth united against the ice demons, and we all know their history. And Mede signed a treaty and let Thalmor in his land to avoid more war. (foolish, but it shows my point) A Skyrim Cyrodiil alliance doesn't seem out of bounds when they both loathe Thalmor, especially when Skyrim wants to fight them more than anything, and if they attack first, Cyrodiil makes a perfect battleground for them and they can keep the fighting out of Skyrim.
To the last point, not even worth bringing up. You've been buying into Tullius's racist remarks for too long:
Yep. That's why the empire were forced to surrender so much just to obtain an unfavourable peace treaty.
What the hell does this matter? It's not the Talos worship that caused Ulfric and his Stormcloaks to revolt - everybody in Skyrim already worshipped Talos privately in their own homes until Ulfric the opportunist warmonger started kicking a beehive he knew was full of angry bees!
They weren't forced. They were tricked. Even the Imperials admit that the Aldmeri forces were smaller and defeated. They just didn't know it at the time. They know it now.
Except Cyrodiil will rebuild after the invasion. Skyrim will revert to their barbaric roots. It'll be barbaric until someone else conquers it. They're vikings. They carry on being vikings until someone converts them to a new religion or conquers them.
WRONG. Igmund called him up to defeat the Forsworn and do the Empire's jobs. He offered Talos worship. As anyone religious. Private worship is unacceptable. You shouldn't have to hide your worship.
No it was not. According to Cicero, much of the cities are ruined and also in the control of drug lords. The Legion can't do a thing about it because they are holed up on the border with Valenwood.
Well, aren't you the brightest and most knowledgeable bigot in this thread. Nice use of fallacies bruv.
Gooby pls.
Like the EMPIRE isnt going to keep taking land. They are Romans. They carry on being romans and being elitists.
Just becouse you said so : P i dont like saying races are that culture etc.. and so on but
I think it ultimately depends on your Roleplaying. If you Roleplay a character who wants to join the Imperials, then join the Imperials. It's the same with the Stormcloaks. If you Roleplay a character who is undecided (like you are) or a character who doesn't really care about the Civil War, then join none of them.
(in case of a Stormcloak victory)
This right here is one of the main refrains and myths among the Legion supporters,which is wrong.
Always amazes and amuses me when i see a legion supporter say that.
Not to mention that only a single nation would give the Dominion(in its current state,not the one before the Great War) a serious beating,specially a united Skyrim with a High King that can use the Voice and the Dragonborn as his ally.
And you do realize that the Empire needs to maintain a standing guard and do not have enough men even for that?
and was Ingmund even allowed to do that?
I will say again, the whole Civil War thing is pretty much even in terms of IN-GAME content, and talking lore ramifications is talking headcanon, and in the end, it is a choice of which Jarls you prefer or which person YOU want as High King/Queen.
When comparing the capital cities of Solitude and Windhelm, you get the idea Imperial controlled city is run better. Windhelm looks 3rd world compared to Solitude. Old worn looking buildings for its inhabitants that live in slums while Ulfric lives in a huge palace. A few radical Nords picking on outsiders trying to make life miserable for them.
Looks like Tullius is calling a spade a spade. Barbarians running a capital city is a dump. Even a true Nord in Mjoll called Windhelm a dreary place.