Please do not turn this into another Imperial vs Stormcloak thread, (I know it will happen to an extent anyway as I have put the dreaded words 'civil war' in the title, but try to keep your instincts under control). Anyways, the Questline is completely linear and repetitive the legion lazily and poorly implemented, there are no real signs of war in skyrim outside of the quests devoted the CW and becoming a high ranking officer in either faction has absolutely no significance, but above all, it is BORING AS HELL. There is so little imagination in this questline, go there and kill some soldiers then get a random, meaningless reward, go there and kill some soldiers and get another useless reward, so there and kill some more solders, rinse and repeat. The CW has been a point of contention since 11-11-11 and many players have very strong opinions. With such a strong and divisive topic, do you not think that it has been implemented incredibly poorly?