Civil War quest line bug.

Post » Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:57 am

Heres my problem. I join the Imperial Legion, started the MQ, did Season Unending, killed Alduin, and reported back to Tullius to move on to my next CW quest; Which would be Message to Whiterun. However, Tullius still acts like the peace treaty is still in effect and Alduin is still alive. Also may be an issue due to the fact after returning to Nirn from Sovngarde, the usual dragon greeting did not happen. I've tried everything I know to try and done everything I know to do. Which includes my trying the console to force start the quest and restarting; cant force start as I've found out. I've no previous saves before this as I put alot of hours in before I went back to Tullius. Is my CW playthrough on this character forever bugged, or is there anything else I can do that I do not know about?

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Claire Vaux
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Post » Mon Aug 19, 2013 2:33 pm

In what exact quest you are in ???

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KRistina Karlsson
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