damn guys give Bethesda some credit sheesh. you try and make a 300 hour game without a few flaws
Of course we give Bethesda credit for what they do right. But for the quest-line that is the
#2 Quest-line in the game, the one most mentioned by NPC's, the one plot point that seems to affect everyone to the point where you can ask most shopkeepers, Jarls, and military figures 'how is the war treating you?' it just can't svck. If they should've put work into anything, it was this!
Ever since Morrowind I had looked forward to joining the Imperial Legion again and rising through the ranks, an option which was inexplicably left out of Oblivion, which took place in the
home province of the legion. Then in Skyrim you get shallow, repetitive quests and rewards with absolutely no personality. Right away they let me commission my own set of Imperial Armor in a light/heavy variation, which is great. After that, they're giving me generic longswords and shields scaled to my level. And then, when I at last finished the quest-line, General Tullius gives me the 'honor' of rewarding me his own personal sword. Which by the way, was a Dwarven sword for me - inferior to the Orcish one I had just crafted, improved, and enchanted. Oh and by the way, Tullius wasn't even using the sword he gave me and said was his...must've pulled it out of his-...