Long live the Empire! Traitorous secessionists must and will be brought to trial and found guilty of high treason.
So sue me. And catch me if you can

In seriousness though, I'm completely pro-imperial; voted option 1. Keep the continent together under the empire, unified and at peace... it fosters cosmopolitanism, increases trade leading to economic growth, and probably most importantly stops war from breaking out, or at least makes it much less likely to occur. :shrug:
So, provinces should give up their native culture and traditions, in order for some wealthy, greedy traders to fill their purses and fill those of the governors, while in the streets people still try to survive working 18 hours a day in a farm, or begging a coin for some pityful cheap shoes? I think not

Besides, how many wars and deaths have the Empire provoked, and how many ONLY at the time of it's creation?
With the empire in place, we had a Pax Septima in place. With all the provinces free, who's to stop them from getting at each others throats? Case in point: Black Marsh invading Morrowind. :confused:
If Skyrim actually manages to secede, I wouldn't be suprised if they attempted to annex areas of High Rock and Hammerfell as has occurred in the past. :shakehead:
Maybe. And maybe not. Not all cultures are so beligerant as the Nords. Although I admit I find annoying the territorial politic of my fellow kin. If they could just leave Skyrim at it's current frontiers, I think things would be peaceful...more or less. There's no need of an entire Empire to do that, though.
And if not...well, that's life for you

Much better than a fake peace and de-culturalization.