So sue me. And catch me if you can

So, provinces should give up their native culture and traditions, in order for some wealthy, greedy traders to fill their purses and fill those of the governors, while in the streets people still try to survive working 18 hours a day in a farm, or begging a coin for some pityful cheap shoes? I think not

Naw, the whole idea that imperialisation is occuring and removing the local culture is a bit exagerrated I'd say. Look at Morrowind; the empire obviously had a military presence there keeping the peace and yet it let the Tribunal and the Houses be. It didn't outlaw silt striders or local insults like swit; no Cyrodilisation happened. Morrowind was Morrowind, and that's that. Sure it was part of the empire but it still had it's
very strong regional identity, and the imperial bureucrats seemed to respect that from what I gathered. (Hell, if anything, it's Cyrodil's local culture that's being invaded by the provinces! Bravil and Leyawin from Elsewyr and Black Marsh, Cheydinal from Morrowind, Anvil from Hammerfell and Bruma from Skyrim)
(Oh and if anyone argues that releasing the Nerevarine was an imperial plot to influence Morrowind's political system... well I'd chalk it up to prophesy and destiny and not to the Empire :tongue: )
@raminus: Are you saying slavery is evil/immoral?
There is no right answer to many issues. Slavery and taxes happen to be two of them.
I'm not commenting on the moral issues of the topic, though those should be generally clear anyway regarding slavery. I'm just saying that it's detrimental to the general good - if one community, e.g. Dunmer, is allowed free reign over another, e.g. Argonians, then things can get quite bad quite quick. A historic rivalry may form that culminates in terribe relations if not outright war that can quite easily drag other provinces in. The Argonians' invading of Morrowind just screams retribution for the slave trade imo :shrug: I can imagine Blackwood for example getting svcked into that political quagmire, and there may be economic repurcussions across Tamriel - provinces that won't trade with Morrowind because they're slavers, others that boycott Black Marsh for the invasion, etc etc...