» Sat Sep 04, 2010 4:02 pm
I've been playing on Prince...standard level. I've several started games, and have finished one, and nearly finished a second. At this level, the challenge is sufficient for me: This is a game, not a second job.
First completed game was with the Germans. I started out for a conquest victory, but won a science victory. With the Germans I found myself awash in free barbarian units, which really allowed me to concentrate on science and economics. I played on a large continent map and, after capturing the continent I started on, played a defensive game and pile drive the science.
My current game is with America, on a large continent map. I intended to repeat the science/economic model, but have found myself, after about 350 turns, very close to a conquest victory. I have the last player, along with a hostile city state, bottled up against the edge of an hour glass shaped continent. I did an Adrian's wall at the narrows and am leaving them alone, mostly, although I think I could destroy them in detail. I have about 30 B17's and a couple dozen fighters. The city state has airpower, but the remaining AI player does not. I have tanks and Mec INF along the border and warships all over the coast. I'm flush with gold, but my science is lagging a bit.
I bring this all up because I think it's interesting the way, in my mind anyway, the results vis a vis the civilizations are reversed.
Next time I'm going to try an historical England mercantilism strat and see how that works.
A couple comments comparing Civ V with Alpha Centauri/Civ II:
-Auto controls make management easy...too easy. I had worker zooming all over the world...often THROUGH enemy territory. I haven't been able to find a way to auto auto the workers so that they stay in their own city.
-AI is somewhat better, but still not perfect.
Several other minor annoyances, but I'm still having quite some fun.
Oh, and Washington looks like he wants to rip your head off....