We look for players with a KD of above 2, a W/L of over 2, a team-player attitude, and who are willing to work for the clan and do their bit.
We look for talented players of the Eurozone and US East Coast. If you are looking at this and are on WEST COAST, I would recommend you take a look at Solaris and uT.
If you think you got what it takes to fill one of our places, visit xtremecrysis.webs.com and file an application,
email me at andrei_dascalescu@yahoo.co.uk with the following details;
K/D Ratio.
W/L Ratio.
FPS's you have played in the past.
Clans you have been in the past.
Your timezone and location.
Your email.
And the size of your genitalia...wait...what?