» Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:58 am
Bloody hell. Look, I'll clarify.
My username is "fatwabbit"
My SteamID is "STEAM_0:1:20535267"
These I cannot change.
My display/friends/nickname is "Daystar | t.KK"
My profile's URL is "http://steamcommunity.com/id/daystar"
These I can change.
If you mean using the same name you use for Steam friends, in-game, then yes I think it will and it should, like other Steam games. Your tag goes as part of that name, for example, like I am in Team KritzKast for Team Fortress 2. It's my main game, my main team, and so that's the tag I use. I am also in other communities etc. which I don't use the tag of; that's irrelevant. I'd rather it wasn't like Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (and others I'm sure), which have you have a different name in-game (with a specifically different box to write a tag in) that you have to tell everyone and add to a different friends list. I presume that by "Brink uses Steamworks" they mean you'll be able to connect with Steam friends in-game, using everything from Steam: like your name (and possibly avatar too).