I can't read your lips m8, I don't think new classes are pointless, they allow you a wider variety of choices starting templates and themes, I haven't seen any type of monk class or a skill line that allows me to create one, now there's an idea for a class all on it's own, with class trees related to hand to hand combat, healing, and melee combat with a staff or spears, I think we need another class with a healing tree anyways. But I do agree adding skill lines is a good solution, a skill tree for melee fighting with staves, or hand to hand combat, but those skill lines don't resolve the theme problem, I don't want to be a dragon knight with dragon knight themes running around pretending to be a monk, every class has themes related to them, for sorcerers it's the mage, magic and summons, dragon knights well, it's dragons and melee fighting, nightblades are your rogue sneaky dagger wielding type and Templars are your holy warriors, but those themes don't fit with the character I want to roleplay. I can dress them up and pretend to be something I'm not, but those underlying themes will still be there, in their class skills and (maybe?) class-specific armor. And it's not like I'm asking for a billion new class, or even 5, I just think 1 or 2 more classes would do no more harm, hell I think 1 would do just fine, make it a Ranger, a class skill line focused on bows, a skill line with traps, and a skill line focused on beast mastery or melee.