I have a Nord who uses One-Handed axes, Sneak, Illusion, Restoration, and Light Armor. What would his "Class" be?
I have a Nord who uses One-Handed axes, Sneak, Illusion, Restoration, and Light Armor. What would his "Class" be?
I'd go with either a Rogue, Assassin, or Rogue Assassin.
Naah, an Axe is to Brutish. Assassins need something small (as easy to Conceal) that swings fast and is light, Like a Dagger, or something from a distance like a bow or crossbow.
OP, I'd call it a Rogue
Sounds like a monk (if you replace axe with an imagery hand-to-hand skill.)
That's what I was thinking, but I use and axe. Maybe a nightaxe?
How do you prioritize those skills? That's a good way of determining a nice class name. Primary, secondary, possibly tertiary? Do you do any type of crafting with them?
Primary: One-Handed, Restoration, Illusion
Secondary: Smithing, Light Armor, Speech
I'm currently using Elven Gilded Armor, an Elven War axe, and an Adept Hood.
as House would say "There is an exception to every rule"