I have one major gripe with ESO.... The terrible classes. Why is EVERY class a magic user? Not only does that ruin the fun of choosing a caster class, being that every class uses magic, but it utterly breaks the lore of TES. Magic required years of study and practice to use, it was a skill acquired and refined through extensive training. Every fool off the street was not tossing fireballs and lightning bolts. It cheapens the feel of things. I can see pvp now, it is going to be all flashy lights and explosions. The game will lose its visceral steel clashing feel. I know there are some players who could not give two craps about lore, or the rpg elements, but this lore breaking system cheapens the game for me quite a bit.
Sure, you can go out of your way to make your dragon knight a no magic using warrior, but at what cost? By gimping your character by going out of your way to not use any class skills? Who will actually do that? Nobody. Every class is a mage of some sort in this game. Regardless of whether you are wielding a two handed sword or a destruction staff, every class is a magic class. The "use every weapon, wear every armor" thing is just a ploy to mask the pigeon holes we are forced into. Why even make a "sorcerer" class? Why even include classes to begin with? Why not just make the classes individual skill trees and allow players to pick which trees they wish to use, without forcing them into some specialized magic class? Every Tom, dike and Harry was not a sorcerer in TES. It required magical affinity, intelligence, and great skill to use magic. It just totally breaks it for me when every person running around is the "soulless one" and some kind of mage. That's not TES.
Best bet is to do away with forcing players to choose a class. They are uninspired, boring, classes anyway. Turn the skills from the classes into their own skill trees, and allow a character to pick from scratch the skills he wants from whatever tree he likes. That way my warrior is not running around with some ridiculous title like "dragon knight" that never existed anywhere in any piece of TES lore ever. I cant even believe Bethesda let them drop such a hot steaming pile of crap on their lore like this. This is TES, not WOW. We are TES rpg fans, we made this label what it is today with our support, and we fell in love with what made TES great, the lore!