Growing up playing RTS games like Age of Empires and Empire Earth has made me see these as the classic type of RTS. What I mean is the advancing ages and the hoarding of resources like Stone, Gold, and food using civilians and then using those resources to build your empire and armies.
I want to play some more games like this so I was wondering if anyone here had any suggestions for classic RTS games? I know there are fantastic strategy games like Shogun 2 out right now but I've never really liked that huge focus on war and armies. I loved how in the older RTS games you could put hundreds of NPC's to work and it was amazing to see it all flow and your empire build.
I don't mind trying out older games but I would prefer games that weren't pre-2001. Empire Earth graphics are fine and even Age of Empires. But anything lower I don't think would look good on my screen.
Many thanks