Sacrilege comes to mind. Why polute and degrade an already perfected artform. I have nothing against composers using electronic instruments in orchestral music however, as long as it doesn't genre hop. In fact that brings us to the question are we discussing classical music as a broad style or as a period such as Romantic, or Baroque were. To quote Wikipedia;
"The dates of the Classical Period in Western music are generally accepted as being between about 1750 and 1830. However, the term classical music is used colloquially to describe a variety of Western musical styles from the ninth century to the present, and especially from the sixteenth or seventeenth to the nineteenth."
I'm guessing the latter from all of our posts so far. I prefer to say Orchestral music to avoid confusion especially when describing my own compositional style.
Food for thought

You bring up a good point there, ragholio. What do we really mean classical? For me it's with an orchestra, and most times, it's from the age period you mentioned, but I would add in Hans Zimmer and John Williams as well, since they use the orchestra just like Betoveen or Bach would. If we use moderen instruments, electrical, I would add Yanni or Mike Oldfield as well, but then it wouldn't really be classical. I love instrumentals.
I was looking for some current remakes, and was shocked to see one group I never herd of. They were Heavy Metal, or really hard core, and they were using Chelos. CHELOS!!! I was shocked! I guess for most, wouldn't like it, but I like Heavy Metal as well, and I appreciated the talent they had. That takes alot of guts, to play classical music with chelos in heavy metal style, I had to say I was impressed. I would post a link, but I don't think it would be appreciated here since this is for classical music.
I have to wonder what Betoveen or Bach or any of the greats from hundreds of years ago, would do with todays instruments.
It has been awhile since I listend to classical muisc. I forget who this was. I think he was like a trickster. He would play his music softly, and people would like fall asleep and then all of a sudden it would be so Loud that he would shock people awake. Anyone know who I am talking about? This was from a few hundred years ago I believe.