Is there anything that can be crafted, or any other use for clay mined from Clay Deposits?
Is there anything that can be crafted, or any other use for clay mined from Clay Deposits?
2. Ctrl + F
3. Search Clay
5. Profit
Rebuilding the Blades....they've failed to see the potential of clay
It's a shame Hearthfire didn't include a pottery wheel. As it is, once you've built the houses, there is nothing much to do with clay deposits. Imagine if your child ran up to you with their usual "You're home, did you bring me anything?", you could say "here is a clay bowl that I made myself, just for you, it's a little lopsided, but enjoy!" But, you gave Runa a Wooden Sword, it's not fair, I never get anything good.
Got my answer: Clay is good for building Hearthfire Homes only.
I guess there isn't much more to be said about clay. Should a mod pass by, this thread can be locked.
I wish clay had more uses. Not just for building houses but making more stuff.
In Morrowind the best building material was a brick-shaped pillow, limited only by the hard number of pillows in the game.
However with Hearthfires, you can build a clay brick fort from infinite resources
Someone should mod a "Clay Golem" spell into the game to rectify this oversight.