I've just read some news, that Bethesda will consider making DLCs based on player feedback, so I came up with an idea I think most of us neat people will like.
Since Fallout 4 seems to be putting some focus on rebuilding, I was asking myself "why not take it a step further". I envisioned a DLC that allows the player to completely clean up the Boston area, removing the dead, the garbage, the withered flora and collapsed buildings and replace it with the pre-war state of the world. Fallout 4 is a sci-fi game, so the notion of placing a radiation removing handheld machine or some other terraforming gadget in the hands of the player is not that far fetched.
Cleaning up the world, one area at a time would allow extended gameplay and would certainly create a heap of things to do, when nothing else remains.
I assume this would be no small feat to pull of as a player, since it would ultimately mean you would have to restart the heart of the industry and create factories, but I believe the term "rebuilding" already fits the goals of all the reputable denizens of the Commonwealth.
I really hope my personal OCD can get the satisfaction it longs for, and not only can we start new settlements in the future, but also make an effort to do it right.
To alleviate the concerns of those, who think this would be boring or the focus should be more on the RPG aspect of the game:
Imagine the back story needed to create an experimental anti-radiation tool. Would it be good for everyone, if the whole system of the old world returned? Just look into yourselves! Some of you want it, while others want to keep the desolate look of the wasteland. What more proof do you need, that this could turn out to be a great conflict in the game world?
The ghouls tolerate radiation, and live exceptionally long because of it. The raiders want nothing less than a strong law enforcement and order, the fauna of the wasteland has also adapted to the new lifestyle and is likely to attack the less rabid and feral animals of the long past. So there's plenty of opposition, which the player could join and rise to the top of, instead of helping rebuild.
Even the poll reflects how much conflict there is whether you would help build or stick to the new world order, so I feel even more confident, that this DLC would work out perfectly for everyone.
Let us reclaim the land.
Thanks for your consideration.