I can't complete my first safehouse mission Mercer safehouse and clear taffington boathouse are both glitched. Cleared every bloodbug in house, searched under the house in the lake near by, cleared the sewer nearby that the note leads you to, cleared every enemy for about 150 square in game meters from as far north as the building with the w icon as far east as the neighborhood the super mutants took over with the underground bunker as far west as the next town and as far south as the bridge with mines and gasoline all over it. Completely nuked the boathouse and called in artillery left mines and waited hours both in game and real time and still it says to clear all enemies before using the workbench. Needless to say I'm pretty annoyed I'm about 4 days into my play through level 50 and have stopped playing because of this. So many people are having problems with this why can you not just make ballistic weave a perk? It should be available to every player, I'm sick and tired of this f***ing vault suit. Also my Preston is glitched guaranteed he doesn't hate me because he gives me the "I don't even know why you agreed to become the Minuteman general" speech and loves me whenever I tell mama Murphy I'm not getting her any Chems. Please if nothing else make the ballistic weave available by some other means.
To reiterate, the boathouse and surrounding area is definitely and surely 100 enemy free, my quest marker is leading me to the workbench, yet when I go to use it it says to clear all enemies before using. Both my minutemen and, more importantly, railroad quests are glitched and unable to complete leaving me without my ballistic weave. Please address this issue.