After seeing the "Behind the Scenes" Bethesda video, I wanted to have a cleaner version of the map hanging on the wall, but I haven't been able to find one anywhere. So I decided to try and make one myself.
This was drawn using a blurry photo of a wall-hanging as a reference, which you can find here: As a result, some details are probably incorrect. I tried to make it as accurate as I could, but I am no professional cartographer.
I've listed all the "supposed" major cities and 8 divided areas in Skyrim. All of these names are just what from what I could make out from the photo, and from other speculation around the net. So, there is absolutely no guarantee that it's accurate at all. I also have a clean version of the map in case anyone wants to use it.
That's a very good reproduction did you made it overcopying the previouse one you linked at? Very good job may be now you can make a second adding city and other stuff that can be spotted on their maps ...
lol nvm I see you already did ... good job...