The only way to tell if your're using an illegal copy is to constantly look in on you. People say we should all go back to just CD key authentication, guess what, that doesn't work at all! All you have to do is get a key gen.
Dude, no offense, that's total rubbish. You seem to be living in a world in which people with illegal copies of games connect to clients that require constant authentication. lol The only people getting hassled are the people with legit copies playing the game with the
required digital distribution software. Steam as DRM is a complete fail. It doesn't work. lol It's just a means of distributing costly DLC efficiently, rapid updates for broken games, and it happens to support a large customer base - getting larger with every game that makes Steam a requirement.
This thread is about Steam not GFWL.
I know, but I'm saying the issue isn't with anything Steam is or isn't offering, it's there's no offer to have, or to not have Steam.
Though if I was Bethesda CEO I would make the digital version of games use steamworks and retail CD version have no DRM.
They could also add the option for Steam during the install process. Something tells me though that some contract requires them to make it a requirement. No consumer choice. There's no genuine competition between services decided by consumer interest, it's all just kinda decided by the wallets of huge companies. "You make our client a requirement, and all of your customers are in one place... win. We get sales and services that you can use to ship other games too, we get a percentage, and the customer... doesn't really have a choice. If they want the game, they get the service, if we asked them to choose, they may say no. No is not good for business."
S'like VHS and Beta, or Blu-Ray and HD DVD or something, lol. The better tech goes down because the money and companies with interests are invested in one or the other. Though I suppose it was more porm for VHS, but still... s'not genuine competition or delivering and competing by having the best possible service, s'all about the money, s'all about the dum dum dih dee dum dum.

I dunno what I'm on about now, it's like five to six in the ay em and I need sleep. lol But what I kinda mean by that is... next week Microsoft or some Kid Genius in his bedroom could release a brilliant new client that kicks the balls off Steam, but companies will be stuck with Steam, so will the gamers with their fave games, that could just easily have been released free from the requirements. Or something... yes, sleep time.