at all =/= great
Try again.
Some people do not like it because it does not work for them. That is a fact.
And there are some people who do not like Steam because it works. Maybe that is misconception #7?
Misconception #7 you must like Steam if it works perfectly.
I like to install my games in a certain order, in certain directories. I cannot do that with Steam. It forces me to install my game in the directory it wants me to install it.
When I put things "offline", I really, REALLY mean offline, as in I don't want to hear from you or see you ever again, until that time I decide I want to hear or see you again. Can I do that with Steam? no. Every time I reboot my box (which I have to since Windows is just a slice for gaming, my main OS is OpenSolaris) to play a game, here's this message telling me "hey, you put me offline". Well, no crap, Sherlock. I know , I know, is just a pop-up...right? Do you have pop-up blocker disabled on your browser? I didn't think so.
All the other "benefits" that people perceive as such, to me, are unnecessary annoyances.
I don't need nor want a "social network", phrase coined early by the phone companies looking to sell you cool phones.
I don't need nor want a chat client (got one, thanks) and especially not while I playing a single-player game.
I don't need nor want another internet browser (got one of those too, thanks) and especially not while I am playing a single-player game.
The last 3, funny how people go on and on about game immersion, and there are 3 "benefits" right there that basically break it.
I know, I know, turn them all off... sure.
And digital distribution is not a benefit either from the Steam client. Sure you could use it that way, but digital distribution has been around since before lots of people on this board were born, and I have been using it that long too, so don't tell me I am some sort of "dinosaur" because I am not "up with the times". Given my working experiences/record, must of the stuff that's "in" today, believe it or not, came about over a decade ago.
And please, no one draw comparisons between the Steam client and an OS. Don't ridicule yourselves in public like that.
Although, Windows can be VERY annoying, but that is unfortunately a necessary evil, as of today...