So I bought, redeemed the code, put on my beta account. I see in the control panel of account page to download the client, just like I saw on beta. I still have beta client installed on my PC (which by the way, was a birth to download). Should I...
1) Uninstall the beta client, download from the same page (updated with the pre-order) and install now, patch etc.
2) Keep my beta client and just patch it when the game is launched in April.
3) Uninstall the beta and wait for the download closer to the launcher.
My reason to ask such question is because I purchased it already and want it installed all perfect to grant me a no headache launch experience, because I've lost 2 days of beta just downloading the client (my fault since I didn't do it early).
I can't see how this violate the NDA, I had to mention this beta stuff to be clear. Thank you for any replies.