Skylamps. They would actually be, moretheless, the Cliffracers. In short, the cliffracers came to Vvardenfell and pushed the dragons out. At one time, dragons flourished in Vvardenfell, being drawn to the comfort of the warmth in Red Mountain. The cliffracers grew in numbers (just as they appear to do in MW, since they seem to pop up behind you every 8 seconds). At first, this was not a problem for dragons. They were actually pretty good eating. But, just as a praying mantis is a big king of bugs, 1000 ants can easily take him. Thus, the dragons found themselves in a losing battle over the territory. Food sources and dwellings became overrun and the dragons simply packed their bags and moved on. The cliffracers plagued Red Mountain and in the end, drove the dragons out.
Hah, anyone remembers this old interview? Now I can imagine the main quest -
you have to bring cliffracers to Skyrim in order to defeat the dragons!And now seriously - would you like them back? Personally I kinda like those annoying bastards and it would be pretty nice if they appeared at least near the Morrowind border...