» Sat May 28, 2011 1:58 pm
This is an interesting topic, which theoretically has far more to debate than simply wether or not we should be able to jump on a rock and shoot stupid AI.
OT: I personally play this game like an RPG when it comes to combat. In other words, I will only "exploit" this when it makes sense. If I'm being attacked my multiple wolves, or something of the like, I will gladly climb a rock and rain archer hell upon them. In reality, a pack of hungry/angry wolves probably wouldn't run away, they would continue to growl at you and wait for you to come down. In the real world, they wouldn't run until they'd taken 2 or 3 arrows. In ES, it can sometimes take like 10 arrows to kill a wolf, which is why it SEEMS unrealistic for them to just stay there. The unrealistic aspect in ES is that it takes so many arrows to fell an enemy. It takes so many arrows for...BALANCE. So I input the realism back, by exploiting the rock. I don't do this against human/intelligent enemies, as it simply isn't realistic.
OFFTopic: If we are talking about exploits that remove realism from the game, then we should be talking about the item-dupe glitches. Obviously it's not realistic at ALL to have item-duping in the game, but due to Oblivion's levelling system, I abused the hell out of it. I LIKE being able to (eventually) completely overpower any enemy in the game. In Oblivion that was only possible by using the CE strip glitch, which was only REALLY viable by item duping. Should they remove it? IMO, nope. I would find far less enjoyment from the game if it was removed.
The reason I bring this fact up, is because it's not a multiplayer game (to our knowledge). What I do or exploit in my game should have no bearing, whatsoever, on what you do in your game. If you don't like the fact that the AI is poorly designed when it comes to rock climbing, then don't climb rocks. You can't possibly expect us to believe that it effects your immersion level THAT much. If they change it, fine, I won't complain, but if they DON'T change it, you shouldn't complain.