I can't believe how many stupid complaints could be fixed on this board by people simply choosing not to do what it is they're complaining about.
What's the point of 'abusing' a singleplayer game... You simply play it whatever way you like.
If you like abusing the game then you should do that.
If you like dressing up like a japanese ladyboy wearing a skyscraqer sword then you should do that (and then kill yourself irl)
The list goes on...

Really, stop it, I'm serious.
Are you even aware how much stuff one should ignore in order to enjoy Oblivion?
If I ignored everything that should be fixed, I could simply ignore the whole game all together and go out and have six.
It isn't so much the fact that you can do it, it is that the game doesn't react. If enemies would pull out a bow or fire spells or run and hide because they know they can't get to you it isn't fixing and exploit, it is making the game realistic.
"Oh no, he is on the roof with his bow... I only have a sword. Oh well, might as well take 45 arrows to the face and then die. No point in preserving life." <--- Is that the kind of mentally defunct opponent you want to face?
Well, this is true.
If NPC could counter you jumping on the rock outside its reach, then fine by me.
But most of the NPCs simply stuck their heads into the wall/rock and don't even try to find a way to climb up while there is one just few meters aside.
I mean, how stupid is that?
Only because game is SP, that doesn't mean it should have stuff to abuse!
A proper game should stand alone perfectly fine without any abuses and bugs in SP!
That's what a GOOD game does and a BAD one doesn't.
Now, message to people.
Please, people, don't be retards, I beg you, PLEEEEEEAAAAAASSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!