You have to sometimes get the approach angle just right, but if you keep pressing the forward key, while pressing the jump key, your character inches up the object, kind of like you are climbing it. You can get to the top of those trees and stand up there to look around. The ladders don't work so well, but are still "climable".
I remember way back when I first started playing Morrowind and wanted to get into the Seyda Neen cenus and excise house, I read somewhere that you could climb up the back, hop onto the roof and get in through the second floor door, and I used to do that all the time when starting out. And there were occasional rocks and walls I remember climbing, or trying.
But it took me this long to realize things like trees and ladders could be "climbed" too.
I suspect someone good at modeling might find the property that allows this, and could make proper ladders and items for scaling walls and such.
I mention this because I've been playing around with scripting ropes and ladders for climbing, but it might even be a better solution to just make a nice model.