below is a copy of the anti-cheat log. Something happened..... the time stamp show it happened at 2 different times and two different offenses. Maybe someone can interpret this a little better.
<03:36:57> Player 'LORD THRILL3R', guid '13B37274': Suspicious activity of type 'eCT_UserFlying' with params '9.658464' detected at game time '1472520'
<03:36:57> Player 'LORD THRILL3R', guid '13B37274': Infraction logged of type 'eCT_UserFlying' with severity '10.000000'
<03:36:57> Player 'LORD THRILL3R', guid '13B37274': Player has accumulated an overall cheat severity of '10.000000'
<03:36:57> Player 'LORD THRILL3R', guid '13B37274': Infraction logged of type 'eCT_UserFlying' with severity '25.000000'
<03:36:57> Player 'LORD THRILL3R', guid '13B37274': Player has accumulated an overall cheat severity of '35.000000'
<04:02:05> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Suspicious activity of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with params '0.000000' detected at game time '2980755'
<04:02:05> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Infraction logged of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with severity '20.000000'
<04:02:05> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Player has accumulated an overall cheat severity of '20.000000'
<04:02:21> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Suspicious activity of type 'eCT_UserFlying' with params '6.482710' detected at game time '2996821'
<04:02:21> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Infraction logged of type 'eCT_UserFlying' with severity '10.000000'
<04:02:21> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Player has accumulated an overall cheat severity of '30.000000'
<04:02:21> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Infraction logged of type 'eCT_UserFlying' with severity '25.000000'
<04:02:21> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Player has accumulated an overall cheat severity of '55.000000'
<04:02:52> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Suspicious activity of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with params '0.000000' detected at game time '3027403'
<04:02:52> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Infraction logged of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with severity '20.000000'
<04:02:52> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Player has accumulated an overall cheat severity of '75.000000'
<04:02:57> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Suspicious activity of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with params '0.000000' detected at game time '3032973'
<04:02:57> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Infraction logged of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with severity '20.000000'
<04:02:57> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Player has accumulated an overall cheat severity of '95.000000'
<04:03:07> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Suspicious activity of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with params '0.000000' detected at game time '3042462'
<04:03:07> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Infraction logged of type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak' with severity '20.000000'
<04:03:07> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Player has accumulated an overall cheat severity of '115.000000'
<04:03:07> Player 'LORD KickAr$', guid '13FF6150': Player has been banned for 60.000000 minutes, reason: too many infractions
<04:03:07> Cheat record for player with guid '13B37274':
<04:03:07> type 'eCT_UserFlying', infractions '2', cumulative severity '35.000000'
<04:03:07> Cheat record for player with guid '13FF6150':
<04:03:07> type 'eCT_UserFlying', infractions '2', cumulative severity '35.000000'
<04:03:07> type 'eCT_FiringFromCloak', infractions '4', cumulative severity '80.000000'