...Nowadays the "good" players (or rather the players getting the highest scores) seem to use their guns as a secondary, while melee is he primary method of attack. For every time i die to a gun, i die 3- 4 times to a melee in the back
Cloaking melee wars is all it is most of the time, very boring and annoying IMO, such a shame
Totally agree, would be nice to see these "Good Players" mix it up a bit; swap their Stealth Enhance, Mobility Enhance (and probably Energy Transfer) ~ then ditch the Feline and shoot rather than punch.
There was a "Good Player" on the other night; winning every match ~ don't think he shot me once. ...although, he quit as soon as a couple more "Good Players" came on and gave him a good fisting

I havnt been victim to too many melée deaths i'm always moving so it's rare someone gets the opportunity. I think it's funny how sometimes your gun still shows even though your supposed to be cloaked
I'm always on the move too - but they still seem to run up and punch me in the back.
sounds like a good plan, too bad i have bad connection, by the time i get notification of the first melee, they've already sent the second one in my back. i jump to get away but im already dead
Just silly that a nanosuit is so suceptable to a gun butt. melee recovery is a bit too fast i think. For crysis 3, you shouldn't be able to speed sprint and power jump in cloak
My connection is fair; but by the time the first hit has registered - I've been hit with the second. Melee recovery should be slowed down if there is a Crysis 3 ~ also, reckon Cloak Tracker should further highlight Stealth Enhance to balance it.
...effective plan is too just do exactly what they do, but that offends my principles
Me too - very rarely use Melee ~ infact, I altered my button layout so "O" is melee. And, only use a weapon until I've leveled it up ...just out of principle