Cloakers - The new Plague on Crysis 2

Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:33 am

Classic is lame.
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:53 pm

Like Author write in first post and the Headline shows......

This Issue, the CloakNoobs and the Cheaters are the Reason i not play this ******* Multiplayer!
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:07 am

The only plague in this game is the hacks. Thats all I see. Every server Ive been on. Let them get the hacks fixed than worry about the game play.
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:59 am

I played the game 2 weeks for now, and I've seen no cheaters around. Maybe I just got lucky.

But still, the Cloak Design is a gamebreaker.
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Andy durkan
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:12 am

What I wanted to say, is that Crysis 2 currently has a heavy exploit hole, wich is the combination of shooting out of cloak and energy recharge. So they don't have to turn off Cloak and shoot out of it, wich gives the oponnent really no chance to fight back. My suggestion would block that type of playstyle. Well, it wouldn't, but it would prevent the majority of the players of copying this playstyle.

Hmm...but I don't think that the 'exploit' is so bad. It's virtually the same as not shooting directly out of Cloak, imo. I also use Energy Transfer, but I never intentionally shoot out of Cloak directly. Instead I usually directly go into Armor Mode in 1v1 situations and/or de-Cloak if the opponent isn't aware of my presence. The transition is seamless. If there is a transition delay, it is so minimal that it definitely doesn't amount to a 'chance' to fight back.

That being said, I suppose the 'exploit' only encourages players to be lazy cuz it's still actually effective? There is no real punishment for shooting out of Cloak. I see what you are saying, but perhaps the better players properly transition so they are better ready for the next engagement (ie. more suit energy = advantage)?
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:10 am

I don't think that SM should be nerfed, instead Armour mode should be buffed. Right now as the AM only negates a percentage of the damage, it's just all about "who shoots first". If it would work like in the campaign, where 100% of the damage is taken from the suit energy, energy management would be more important and AM would be a good alternative to SM. Then battles would more about "who has more energy left".
I often use SM because its just safer. If you would want to sprint across Pier 17 in AM, you would suddenly realize you're in the center of everybody's sights because you're simply an easy target. SM is quite effective at making movement across the map safer.

100% absorption has been discussed before and everyone who wasnt stupid agreed its a terrible idea for gameplay. You are right, the game would come down to nothing more than who has the most energy and skill would not be a factor at all. This change would make Energy Transfer, Stealth Enhance and Mobility Enhance even more overused and would add Armor Enhance to the overpowered modules list.
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Emily Graham
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:37 am

cloak has been an annoyance since the demo. people were just too blind/noob/ignorant to see what 95% of matches turn out to be.

sure we are given nanovision and other things to help combat cloak. but at the end of the day 8 people abusing cloak will always overcome your counters to cloak. nanovision is the best counter, and as far as im concerned is the only real counter that will help against a team of cloak abusers who have some aim. The other modules for anti-cloak are pretty bad and arnt worth the slots. because of this, i spend most of my game in nanovision, and the most annoying part of it is it seems whenver i turn off nanovision, one of the many cloakers show up and shoot me in the back. awesome. it takes absolutely no skill and its just so annoying to play against.

the cloak abuse really takes no skill and players who do it dont realize they are getting kills because its hard to defend against 8 cloakers all match, not because they themselves have any skill. Sure, you are abusing the suits powers, but that doesnt mean the suit powers are balanced, and it doesnt mean that they are good gameplay mechanics.

as far as im concerned cloak is just a tool given to noobs to help them get kills.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:57 am

whenver i turn off nanovision, one of the many cloakers show up and shoot me in the back. awesome. it takes absolutely no skill and its just so annoying to play against.
Nanovision doesn't give you 360 degree vision. If they are behind you, being cloaked makes absolutely no difference.

Cloak is fine, it's just being able to sprint across the map in power mode while using it that isn't so great. Although, you're right in the sense that it is a bit of a crutch; I've seen many people doing huge FPS faux pas like running across the middle of open combat areas because they know they're more difficult to see etc.

It helps bad players compete with good players, and maybe in a casual game like this it's not such a bad thing. IDK, but it's a hell of alot better than KZ3, where only one class has the ability.
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:14 pm

Often when I play, there are cloaked people in front of me, shooting out of cloak, giving me no chance to shoot back. If there would be a transition delay, like in the alpha, I would be able to shoot back, and it would be a fair fight, but no...

In alpha, people who used cloak were slower then in Power mode. They were as slow as if they were in Armor mode. That gave the power mode more usability and let cloak stay a sneak mode, and not a runninginvisibleacrossthemapwithmarshallandsilenceroneshootingeveryone - mode.

Alpha was better imo. In almost everything.

Nanovision? I see cloaked people with out it, but surely they run invisible across the map with such a speed, that even Nanovision doesn't help. It is also a waste of energy imo.
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:31 pm

I don't think that SM should be nerfed, instead Armour mode should be buffed. Right now as the AM only negates a percentage of the damage, it's just all about "who shoots first". If it would work like in the campaign, where 100% of the damage is taken from the suit energy, energy management would be more important and AM would be a good alternative to SM. Then battles would more about "who has more energy left".
I often use SM because its just safer. If you would want to sprint across Pier 17 in AM, you would suddenly realize you're in the center of everybody's sights because you're simply an easy target. SM is quite effective at making movement across the map safer.

100% absorption has been discussed before and everyone who wasn't stupid agreed its a terrible idea for gameplay. You are right, the game would come down to nothing more than who has the most energy and skill would not be a factor at all. This change would make Energy Transfer, Stealth Enhance and Mobility Enhance even more overused and would add Armor Enhance to the overpowered modules list.
It would make AM a fair alternative to SM.
Just try to sprint across an open map in AM without being shot at. Then try that again in SM.
SM is just very effective at reducing the amount of bullets whizzing in your direction. 100-50% absorption would put AM on par with SM because the bullets wouldn't matter anymore if you're in AM. It would be a mode that would counter SM - the few bullets that the cloaked person shoots out of cloak would be negated by your AM, giving you time to react. Although deflecting bullets would eat lots of energy.
As for overusing of certain suit modules:
ET - This module is overpowered in conjunction with pretty much any mode and I'm not sure about how to balance it.
SE - How is buffing of AM going to make SE more overused? x_O
ME - If people would want to swiftly move in AM, they would use AE instead.
AE - The buff would remove it from the underpowered modules list and put it on par with SE.

I can only see: SCARAB/Feline + Red dot and Silencer + Stealth Enhance, Mobility Enhance and Aim enhance. That's the typical standard loadout of these guys.
ME and AE are in the same group and cannot be used at the same time, but that doesn't matter. I also get angered by people who use Feline. I'm proud to say that I never touched that gun. Not even in SP. Real pros (like me) use K-volt.
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:31 am

Cloak is part of the game. Counter with nano vision. Thats what I do. One of their selling points was being able to play the way you want like stealth or run n gun. You just gotta see them before they see you.
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Jason Rice
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:00 pm

People using cloak are by far the most easy targets. Try proximity alert. It helps.
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Daniel Brown
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:20 am

This mode is not conducive to interesting gameplay in the form in which it is in C2, after a while it just annoying and spoils the impression about the game.
My opinion is that the player must be invisible more visible without additional funds in the immediate vicinity,
such as in C1.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:15 am

To all cloackbobs: BOOM! HEADSHOT!
Loosers hehe!
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:49 pm

What just pisses me off, isn't that I get killed by them so often, it's more the point that Crysis 2 wasted it's potential (like it did in most areas) and that Crytek should rebalence the game. It was so perfect on Gamescom 2010...
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:46 pm

It was so perfect on Gamescom 2010...


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Katey Meyer
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:09 pm

It would make AM a fair alternative to SM.
Just try to sprint across an open map in AM without being shot at. Then try that again in SM.
SM is just very effective at reducing the amount of bullets whizzing in your direction. 100-50% absorption would put AM on par with SM because the bullets wouldn't matter anymore if you're in AM. It would be a mode that would counter SM - the few bullets that the cloaked person shoots out of cloak would be negated by your AM, giving you time to react. Although deflecting bullets would eat lots of energy.
As for overusing of certain suit modules:
ET - This module is overpowered in conjunction with pretty much any mode and I'm not sure about how to balance it.
SE - How is buffing of AM going to make SE more overused? x_O
ME - If people would want to swiftly move in AM, they would use AE instead.
AE - The buff would remove it from the underpowered modules list and put it on par with SE.

Armor mode would NOT be on par with Cloak if it had 100% absorption. It would be so far beyond it that Cloak would be underused by anyone good just like it was in the PC demo.

As I, and even you, have said fights would be nothing more than who has the most energy so the only modules used would be ones that reduce drain. Mobility Enhance isnt about moving swiftly, its about making downtime come less often.

With 100% absorption Armor Enhance would most likely be the only Armor module used. Lets just look at the numbers..

Player health 120, player energy 100.
Current EHP in Armor is 185.
With 100% absorption EHP in Armor would be 220.
With 100% absorption with Armor Enhance EHP in Armor would be 320.

You want players in Armor to have 320 EHP? Why dont you think things through before you post an awful idea?
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Ross Zombie
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:23 pm

It was so perfect on Gamescom 2010...



Yes, that was perfect, too. ;)

Look here:

Ignore the commentary (except you can speak italian ;) ), turn on some fancy music and see, how awesome the games pacing was back in GC/ Alpha Version. No massive Cloaking, problemless shooting from hip, armor effect is helping enemy identification (because now you always have to rethink from blue to orange).
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:11 am

^ Your video of an awful player doesnt prove anything.
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remi lasisi
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:16 pm

well like the thread starter said it is annoying but your saying you want a delay in shooting? whats a suit malfunction gotta do with shooting you squeeze the trigger and that overloads the suit, if what you want is shooting out of cloak to say disable suit modes for say 5 seconds then that'll be more realistic, another thing would be to improve nanovision energy consumption? they can figure it out, make cloak less effective when sprinting but better in the dark assuming no light is behind em? i dunno

heres a great idea for a support bonus - cloak disable or paint the cloakers pink for the whole team/people who don't camp 1/10 dog tags lol
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:03 pm

Some of you may see cloak as 'overused' - a plague that causes your gaming experience to diminish - But to me a cloaked enemy is that much more interesting! A challenge. It forces players to use teamwork and have a keen eye. If you find players are ambushing you with their cloak, you should stay close to your team mates <- this is even written on the loading screen!

I would argue the cloak is merely an effective tool that, when used correctly, can provide great advantages for flanking or evading your enemy. Also there are a multitude of clever tactics and telltale signs to detect cloaked enemies, which make the game very interesting!

Shadows, footsteps, proximity detect, holograms, visor enhance, cloak detect, nano vision, and of course the graphical distortion.

There may be little skill in some peoples tactics... (someone mentioned cloaked silencer + marshall + mobility enhance) but if you're getting killed like that, why not simply flush him out with a hologram, lure the enemy to a bright area, or best of all - switch on nano vision and take a look around! <- the skill is in using your equipment & surroundings effectively and changing your tactics to counter your enemy!
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:55 am

Some of you may see cloak as 'overused' - a plague that causes your gaming experience to diminish - But to me a cloaked enemy is that much more interesting! A challenge. It forces players to use teamwork and have a keen eye. If you find players are ambushing you with their cloak, you should stay close to your team mates <- this is even written on the loading screen!

I would argue the cloak is merely an effective tool that, when used correctly, can provide great advantages for flanking or evading your enemy. Also there are a multitude of clever tactics and telltale signs to detect cloaked enemies, which make the game very interesting!

Shadows, footsteps, proximity detect, holograms, visor enhance, cloak detect, nano vision, and of course the graphical distortion.

There may be little skill in some peoples tactics... (someone mentioned cloaked silencer + marshall + mobility enhance) but if you're getting killed like that, why not simply flush him out with a hologram, lure the enemy to a bright area, or best of all - switch on nano vision and take a look around! <- the skill is in using your equipment & surroundings effectively and changing your tactics to counter your enemy!

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Emily Martell
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:56 am

plus you get satisfied when you get busted on the screen :)
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:30 am

Some of you may see cloak as 'overused' - a plague that causes your gaming experience to diminish - But to me a cloaked enemy is that much more interesting! A challenge. It forces players to use teamwork and have a keen eye. If you find players are ambushing you with their cloak, you should stay close to your team mates <- this is even written on the loading screen!

I would argue the cloak is merely an effective tool that, when used correctly, can provide great advantages for flanking or evading your enemy. Also there are a multitude of clever tactics and telltale signs to detect cloaked enemies, which make the game very interesting!

Shadows, footsteps, proximity detect, holograms, visor enhance, cloak detect, nano vision, and of course the graphical distortion.

There may be little skill in some peoples tactics... (someone mentioned cloaked silencer + marshall + mobility enhance) but if you're getting killed like that, why not simply flush him out with a hologram, lure the enemy to a bright area, or best of all - switch on nano vision and take a look around! <- the skill is in using your equipment & surroundings effectively and changing your tactics to counter your enemy!

its not impossible to counter cloakers, but it becomes a chore to do constantly. Cloak is just to easy to use and abuse, but countering it takes way more effort. There is a difference between something being impossible to beat, and something being just plain frustrating to play against 24/7.

Gameplay is not very good players are forced to play a certain style just to counter people abusing suit features.
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:20 pm

Well, you see
Real men don't cloak, But Alcatraz and the cloakers are not 'real men'
If you catch my drift, you gotta forgive them. The only reason they are cloaking is because you look so scary to them. Trust me I am a cloaker, still am. Shame on me, I know.
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