» Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:30 am
Some of you may see cloak as 'overused' - a plague that causes your gaming experience to diminish - But to me a cloaked enemy is that much more interesting! A challenge. It forces players to use teamwork and have a keen eye. If you find players are ambushing you with their cloak, you should stay close to your team mates <- this is even written on the loading screen!
I would argue the cloak is merely an effective tool that, when used correctly, can provide great advantages for flanking or evading your enemy. Also there are a multitude of clever tactics and telltale signs to detect cloaked enemies, which make the game very interesting!
Shadows, footsteps, proximity detect, holograms, visor enhance, cloak detect, nano vision, and of course the graphical distortion.
There may be little skill in some peoples tactics... (someone mentioned cloaked silencer + marshall + mobility enhance) but if you're getting killed like that, why not simply flush him out with a hologram, lure the enemy to a bright area, or best of all - switch on nano vision and take a look around! <- the skill is in using your equipment & surroundings effectively and changing your tactics to counter your enemy!
its not impossible to counter cloakers, but it becomes a chore to do constantly. Cloak is just to easy to use and abuse, but countering it takes way more effort. There is a difference between something being impossible to beat, and something being just plain frustrating to play against 24/7.
Gameplay is not very good players are forced to play a certain style just to counter people abusing suit features.