Cloakers - The new Plague on Crysis 2

Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:30 am

Player health 120, player energy 100.
Current EHP in Armor is 185.
With 100% absorption EHP in Armor would be 220.
With 100% absorption with Armor Enhance EHP in Armor would be 320.
In fairness, that could be fixed by fiddling with how much energy each bullet took away, but that's not really the problem with armour mode. The problem is that you're a **** Christmas tree while using it.

The glow should be nothing more than a change in colour equivalent to strength mode in C1. That way people can tell you're armoured without being able to notice you sparkling across the map. Ultimately the power balance is corrupted because of design flaws.

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oliver klosoff
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:25 pm

Some of you may see cloak as 'overused' - a plague that causes your gaming experience to diminish - But to me a cloaked enemy is that much more interesting! A challenge. It forces players to use teamwork and have a keen eye. If you find players are ambushing you with their cloak, you should stay close to your team mates <- this is even written on the loading screen!

I would argue the cloak is merely an effective tool that, when used correctly, can provide great advantages for flanking or evading your enemy. Also there are a multitude of clever tactics and telltale signs to detect cloaked enemies, which make the game very interesting!

Shadows, footsteps, proximity detect, holograms, visor enhance, cloak detect, nano vision, and of course the graphical distortion.

There may be little skill in some peoples tactics... (someone mentioned cloaked silencer + marshall + mobility enhance) but if you're getting killed like that, why not simply flush him out with a hologram, lure the enemy to a bright area, or best of all - switch on nano vision and take a look around! <- the skill is in using your equipment & surroundings effectively and changing your tactics to counter your enemy!
It sound like this in theory, but when you play the game, no one is giving a damn about any tactics with cloak. Everyone is running (literally) around in cloak the whole time That is a gamebreaker. I wouldn't mind, if there wasn't so many doing that. Let's see: I started playing the game. No abusive cloaking, no exploiters. I was pretty good, it was fun all the time, yes, in that time, I defended the cloak. Someone on my German Crysis community was flaming that the cloak is overpowered, I mean that the sound of Wars is missing, and that it's purely invisible (wich is wrong, i disproved that statement), and I told him exactly what you wrote. But now, it's really overused, and not by only pathetic 60% of the players, no, goddamn 95% of the players use cloak as their primary suit mode all the time.

I hope for a shooting out of decloak delay, because at least then, people would stop popping out of nowhere shooting me in the face.

EDIT: No, what really sets me up is the fact that Crytek ignores this issue. Crytek gave us possibilities, but now they failed, because no one is using them. I could live with little bugs, and balancing issues, but this is happening in every mode, in every server and everytime and is a critical inbalance issue. It needs to be fixed, or Crysis 2 is now "Crysis, find the cloak". Direct fights or now meaningless, because when the first starts to shoot out of cloak (with energy recharge so he can recloak after the kill >_<), the other has no chance.
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:47 am

Player health 120, player energy 100.
100-50% absorption..... lots of energy.
Current EHP in Armor is 185.
With 100% absorption EHP in Armor would be 220.
With 100% absorption with Armor Enhance EHP in Armor would be 320.
In fairness, that could be fixed by fiddling with how much energy each bullet took away, but that's not really the problem with armour mode. The problem is that you're a **** Christmas tree while using it.

The glow should be nothing more than a change in colour equivalent to strength mode in C1. That way people can tell you're armoured without being able to notice you sparkling across the map. Ultimately the power balance is corrupted because of design flaws.
LOL Christmas tree
Yeah, MMAMickey said what I wanted to.
About the glow - well, thats the sacrifice for being bulletproof.
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:01 pm

I am down for getting rid of power mode within stealth mode. That means: no power jump, no sprint, no ledge grab. Nothing but invisibility.

Cloak is harder to see. Cloak tracker actually does what it is supposed to do. And armor mode can still stay as a Christmas tree so it still has a tradeoff.

This would drastically change how the game is played. For the benefit, guaranteed.

And I do want to say that I am not entirely concerned with too much cloaking in the game. It is easy to counter with nanovision. But I sure thing the above proposed changes would make the game more interesting because right now it seems that the gameplay is a bit one-sided as it is and doesn't have any room for any other styles of gameplay.
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:50 am

The relationships between stealth and armor is perfect as is. Think about it, if you went 25/6 in a game where everyone is spamming stealth, doesn't that tell you something? I have played more games than 99% of the people on this forum, and I know for a fact you can spam armor and destroy a lobby where everyone is spamming stealth. You aren't the first person to do that, I know about 10 people that all they use is armor and they consistently win matches. Your strategy has to change for every different lobby if you want to consistently win against all players.

I play on X-Box, and the leader in kills (EN3MY) backs out of every lobby where someone is spamming armor because he knows he cannot win spamming stealth. Instead of changing his tactics, he just doesn't play with people spamming armor. I don't know if he realizes why he doesn't do good in such matches.

By far the best strategy is to use stealth, and fall out of stealth in to armor before you fire your weapon, because shooting out of stealth drains all your energy. If I am in a game were people are just spamming stealth, I will personally spam stealth. If I get in a game where someone spams armor (like you did in the video) I uyse stealth to get the drop on them, and then pop into armor for the kill. I own every lobby where the majority of players are spamming stealth or armor, and it's only because I change my tactics after I watch a kill cam or 2 and figure out why what I'm doing isn't working.
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:57 pm

Until a huge amount of people start going 25/6 spamming armour, the results of a handful of people mean nothing.

Players are too mobile in cloak. It doesn't unbalance the game, but it makes the game less fun and less varied. You only ever see variations of about 2 playstyles usually. People who sprint in cloak and armour up before shooting, and people who sprint in cloak and don't armour up before shooting. Anything else you see or claim to see, or claim to do is VERY rare in this game.
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Conor Byrne
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:48 am

Until a huge amount of people start going 25/6 spamming armour, the results of a handful of people mean nothing.

Players are too mobile in cloak. It doesn't unbalance the game, but it makes the game less fun and less varied. You only ever see variations of about 2 playstyles usually. People who sprint in cloak and armour up before shooting, and people who sprint in cloak and don't armour up before shooting. Anything else you see or claim to see, or claim to do is VERY rare in this game.

Which is why the most used modules are Nano Recharge, Energy Transfer, Stealth Enhance and Mobility Enhance. The gameplay can be changed without touching the numbers on either mode to be honest. Improving stealth counters would be an indirect improvement to armor and a direct reduction in the power of stealth.

Personally I have no trouble at all spotting cloaked players at quite a distance but for people who do they just dont want to swap out their cookie cutter class to deal with it. Sadly the PC version still hasnt had any balance changes so I cant say how the gameplay is when the above 4 modules arnt as powerful.

Hologram is very underrated in this game and its great at drawing players out.
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:45 am

Cloak is part of the game. Counter with nano vision. Thats what I do. One of their selling points was being able to play the way you want like stealth or run n gun. You just gotta see them before they see you.


There's also radar, proximity alarm, cloak tracker, but the best weapon you have are your own eyes.

Personally...I've never used nanovision. I rely on shadows, moving grass, birds flying away, cloak field glow and sound. Mostly sound. If everyone decides to cloak at the same time so be it. Pick one by one with a nice shot to the head. easy kills. They fired first? armor mode, and aim down sights.

More important, mind your surroundings. make sure you know where you are and where they are coming from.

Don't let them catch you from behind.

So...cloakers are only a plague for those who don't know how to deal with them.
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Rhiannon Jones
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:13 am

What I mean, is that Cloak can be "overclocked". With Nanorecharge, Stealth Enhance and Mobility Enhance, they could start cheating, because they surely are invisible the whole time. There's no difference. Yes, Cloak is too Mobile and the modules improve the Stealth mode really strong. But for that, there aren't any modes, that to the opposite. Armor only get's improved by AE and that doesn't help getting less damage. It can be called useless, because only the first Level of the Perk is useful. Level 2 and 3 are more useless then any other perk. What about Damage Reduction? Or Improving Strength (Air Stomp and Melee)?
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Joey Avelar
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:54 pm

About the glow - well, thats the sacrifice for being bulletproof.

you aren't bulletproof cause you still take damage when energy is full... the first game you just glowed a little white here your like a neon light...

I wish you would turn red when you use an action requiring the power mode...
dude above me is right
they should make armor mode stronger so its actually a tank, then stealth will be used to counter it so they have to sneak in behind him, then power should have something to counter cloak and armor or something, doesn't Crytek UK have some sort of a combat triangle mapped out?

so does cloak make you more susceptible to damage or what?
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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:53 pm

This has probably been said here a dozen times already, but I'm sorry, cloaking is one of the core features of this game, if you see its existence as a problem, you should probably just go back to Call of Poopy or wherever you came from. Why some people complain when not every shooter is exactly like all the others I'll never understand.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:14 am


And I think it's kinda pathetic to not see cloaked enemies if they're standing right in front of you.
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Imy Davies
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:19 am


You can't read can you?

I criticise the missing balancing between armor, power and stealth, wich is currently beeing on stealth having more sucessablity. When they implement an invisible mode, they should design it so that it gives other players a fairness factor. It just requires stealth to be less mobile. That's it. Then everyone is fine. But now the game is just totally inbalanced.
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trisha punch
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:54 am

I personally never use the cloak. Instead i constantly use the armor mode and armor enhance. The cloaks never stand a chance.
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:42 pm

This thread isn't about people not being able to deal with cloak, but if it makes you feel good to come in and pretend you're lee7 by being able to see them, then go ahead dude, grow your e-peen.

This thread is about the fact that Crytek made the game pretty one dimensional. Too many people claim this game has so much opportunity for a customisable experience, but it's just not really the case, because the most successful gameplay style is immediately obvious upon playing for the first time.

Yes, cloaked players are somewhat visible, and yes you can often catch them out, but that's not the point. The game should reward all playstyles, and encourage the use of all suit modes. As it stands the frontal assault approach presented in the MP trailers leading up to release is pretty much non-existant.

Buffing the anti-cloak modules would probably be a good move; it would allow people to choose between extended stealth ability, or anti-stealth. Thus creating a more varied playstyle.

Also, Armour Enhance III should reduce glow to a dim colour change rather than blocking jammer, to encourage the use of modules other than energy transfer and energy enhance.
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:46 am

I really don't care about the glow, it should give a functional boost. Like Enhanced Strength.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:10 am

You can't justify giving enhanced primary attributes as a module if you want a balanced game. Besides, the lower glow IS functional. It makes the mobility boost of Armour Enhance II useful, as you're unlikely to sprint around in Armour mode otherwise.

The idea of 'everyone is OP so it's balanced' doesn't actually work, despite what Killzone 3 tries to make you believe.
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:38 pm

Armor mode should be made better to balance it in line with the effectiveness of cloaking. And to further balance make the transition between armor modes longer so cloak-whores can't as easily take advantage of this.
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Laura Richards
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:14 pm

Armor mode should be made better to balance it in line with the effectiveness of cloaking. And to further balance make the transition between armor modes longer so cloak-whores can't as easily take advantage of this.
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:02 pm

Until a huge amount of people start going 25/6 spamming armour, the results of a handful of people mean nothing.

Players are too mobile in cloak. It doesn't unbalance the game, but it makes the game less fun and less varied. You only ever see variations of about 2 playstyles usually. People who sprint in cloak and armour up before shooting, and people who sprint in cloak and don't armour up before shooting. Anything else you see or claim to see, or claim to do is VERY rare in this game.
Players are not mobile enough in stealth and other modes imo. Seriously you can travel about 1/6th of the map before you have to pop out behind cover and recharge. And if you sprint while using another power that distance diminishes very quickly.

Honestly I think the game would be better off if all of the different modules had their own power sources, would bring a lot more variety and depth of strategy to the game imo.
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Grace Francis
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:04 am

Then it would be perma cloaking.
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April D. F
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:26 am

Then it would be perma cloaking.
No it wouldn't be. The cloak drains power the faster/further you move so if players were more mobile there would be less cloaking. People would probably be using the armor the most.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:30 am

Players are not mobile enough in stealth and other modes imo. Seriously you can travel about 1/6th of the map before you have to pop out behind cover and recharge. And if you sprint while using another power that distance diminishes very quickly.

Honestly I think the game would be better off if all of the different modules had their own power sources, would bring a lot more variety and depth of strategy to the game imo.
Lol, you have GOT to be joking. Have you played Crysis 1?

..The reason players run out of energy is because we don't have normal sprint anymore. I say give us normal sprint and make cloak and 'power' mode drain faster. That way it's more about shooting skill and tactics than running through the middle of the map cloaked.

..and the modules were an AWFUL idea, and attempt to jump on the CoDwagon. They took abilities AWAY from the N1 so they could make them into perks for the N2.
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:21 pm

Ok, I just played a game against a clan. NP, they are pub stomping and I was going to have fun trying to sharpen my skills against them. Well lets just say for the rest of the night I got rolled... not by their team no JUST ONE STUPID CLOAKER named ^Nox. I had no fun because he ONLY used the feline with the OPed set up and he is darn good too. I finally held him off and his team only in relay game by useing C-4 and a rapidfire MK60. We tied at zero and I call it quits because there is no way to beat that set up if you very close in skill. Armor Enhance Should make armor stronger but I think Nano vision need a buff back to demo levels to stop this madness(or to 40 meters). At least then you could kill the darn cloakers with ease. And Cloak tracker should have a MAJOR BUFFFFFFFFF.. Like you can see the cloakers with much Ease and KILL THEM.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:42 am

Cloak tracker imo should give the same level of visibility as when players on your team are cloaked, just their outline should be a different colour. It wouldn't completely negate their cloak, but it WOULD give people a reason to adapt their playstyles.

..and once again, Armour enhance cannot make your armour stronger; balance is key.
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