Cloaking - Next level newb tool? - discuss...

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:53 pm

I adamantly believe that Cloak is NOT a 'newb' tool, if it wasn't a huge problem in Crysis and Warhead it shouldn't be a problem now.

Can't compare the two games really because armor mode was a bit better in that game.
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:02 am

I adamantly believe that Cloak is NOT a 'newb' tool, if it wasn't a huge problem in Crysis and Warhead it shouldn't be a problem now.

Can't compare the two games really because armor mode was a bit better in that game.
Try a lot better. Armor in Crysis 2 only stops 33% of incoming damage, whereas in Crysis and Warhead it stopped 100% of incoming damage.
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Celestine Stardust
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:47 pm

After playing this game for several weeks almost everyday I can say I got a fair share of time to fully anolyze this game. My opinion is purely based on my experience playing online. the game graphics & menu Interface is top notch, game play dynamics seem almost perfect. The nanosuit Cloak mode is one of those elements that I believe are limiting this game potential to becoming a really great game. Sure playing single player was fun using cloak mode to sneak up on AI enemies. But when using this feature can be exploited in an multiplayer application it makes the game results very random. There is plenty of people out there that use camp tactics. Cloak + expert camper = ub3r-lame.

what do you guys think?

I think it's a design fault. Cloak lasts for too long now and is too effective because it can be combined with 'power' mode.

Crysis 1 had it right, you choose either stealth or speed, not both.

The decision to change armour mode was also an appalling one. Crysis 1 armour beats it hands down; not in damage mitigation, but in overall utility.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:56 pm

I adamantly believe that Cloak is NOT a 'newb' tool, if it wasn't a huge problem in Crysis and Warhead it shouldn't be a problem now.

Can't compare the two games really because armor mode was a bit better in that game.
Try a lot better. Armor in Crysis 2 only stops 33% of incoming damage, whereas in Crysis and Warhead it stopped 100% of incoming damage.
Hardly believe...
If this is 33% of stoppable damage then what is 100%?
Don't know about the percentage. But for some smart players that uses armor in "berserker" mode when the second between survival and death. They ON it, and I need a full clip of 30 bullets to kill them. I don't know why, but in armor I've got killed for second. Like I'm don't using it. And some players needs to get full 30 bullet clip to die. And they even don't have enhanced armor module. That's pissing me off sometimes.
And with 100% of stopping incoming damage there will be a game for "Who have more energy, survives in battle". That's kind of kiddo I think. "I Have more! I win!"
Just my opinion about armor.
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:37 am

After playing this game for several weeks almost everyday I can say I got a fair share of time to fully anolyze this game. My opinion is purely based on my experience playing online. the game graphics & menu Interface is top notch, game play dynamics seem almost perfect. The nanosuit Cloak mode is one of those elements that I believe are limiting this game potential to becoming a really great game. Sure playing single player was fun using cloak mode to sneak up on AI enemies. But when using this feature can be exploited in an multiplayer application it makes the game results very random. There is plenty of people out there that use camp tactics. Cloak + expert camper = ub3r-lame.

what do you guys think?

I think it's a design fault. Cloak lasts for too long now and is too effective because it can be combined with 'power' mode.

Crysis 1 had it right, you choose either stealth or speed, not both.

The decision to change armour mode was also an appalling one. Crysis 1 armour beats it hands down; not in damage mitigation, but in overall utility.
!00% damage absorb or 33% of incoming damage? I'd rather have Crysis 1's 100% while energy is up thanks.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:21 am

Nanovision. Doesnt help - go COD
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:15 am

Cloak + expert camper = ub3r-lame.

Using stealth technique and taking up strategic position is LAME!? Meh you just insulted every and each military and police sniper in the world. Better be more careful the next time you walk down the street or go near a window: someone may have a crosshair on your~

I agree with you about the being stealth in real life. I understand the circumstances of someone getting killed while in service having to leave a wife with 2 kids behind. But this is a game and the only reason i play this game is for sake of entertainment. I have played many FPS games since 1996, this one seems to be on my top Favorites but it really lacks of several things that would make this game 10000 times better. I Honestly enjoy playing Classic game mode better. for some reason it just feels better, u still can play stealthy and get nice ninja kills but u dont have this transparency feature being exploited by mega campers. With my style of game play I often accidentally run into random cloaked people who just get lucky that i did not notice them.. But in classic mode if i run into someone it comes down into a nice CQB duel and then its a stand off between two players and the person with quicker reflexes and good aim might come out alive.

In my opinion the over-cloaking just results in random game results, it does not contribute to the skillful / good sportmenship wins.

for example: lets say we are playing capure the relay, and all i do the entire game is stay by my relay cloaked. i wait the entire game for you to come by as you pick up my relay i blast you in the back with high explosive weapon such a a rocket or nadespammer. mean while u had to get through like 5 epic battles just to get to my base.

Do you understand my point?
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:29 am

I agree with you about the being stealth in real life. I understand the circumstances of someone getting killed while in service having to leave a wife with 2 kids behind. But this is a game and the only reason i play this game is for sake of entertainment. I have played many FPS games since 1996, this one seems to be on my top Favorites but it really lacks of several things that would make this game 10000 times better. I Honestly enjoy playing Classic game mode better. for some reason it just feels better, u still can play stealthy and get nice ninja kills but u dont have this transparency feature being exploited by mega campers. With my style of game play I often accidentally run into random cloaked people who just get lucky that i did not notice them.. But in classic mode if i run into someone it comes down into a nice CQB duel and then its a stand off between two players and the person with quicker reflexes and good aim might come out alive.

In my opinion the over-cloaking just results in random game results, it does not contribute to the skillful / good sportmenship wins.

for example: lets say we are playing capure the relay, and all i do the entire game is stay by my relay cloaked. i wait the entire game for you to come by as you pick up my relay i blast you in the back with high explosive weapon such a a rocket or nadespammer. mean while u had to get through like 5 epic battles just to get to my base.

Do you understand my point?
Amen. This is what I'm talking about.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:31 am

frankly i havent even seen a dozen campers in total since ive been playing the game, im lvl 40 so that should give you an idea about how rare that is. And for those who say roam around in armor mode, pray that you play with idiots. Anyone with some decent skills will farm you for frags.
Cloak has enough penalties to actually make it even with armor mode, only bad thing is you cant switch from stealth to armor mode immediately(transition time around 0.4-5 secs) so that kinda screws up the whole point of using armor. Enemy is already put a few rounds on you until you finally switched modes.
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Jinx Sykes
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:09 am

In my humble opinion, stealth was way less annoying in beta. Then, Nanovision had way more range, which countered stealth properly.

I still don't understand why the nerfed it.
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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:53 am

i think they should find a better solution to stealth then nano vision. It's really tiring my eyes, whole thing is a god damn acid trip
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:51 am

Whilst I agree that nanovision should be a whole lot more useful and that stealth runners do get lame, however all you whiners have the ability to do just the same and even then you should stop complaing and learn to play the game.

I myself use a variety of classes, not just Energy transfer/Nano recharge + Stealth III + mobility + SCARAB but I am equally successful in all. You just have to get used to spotting the shimmer of cloaked guys and use the visor more often.

Oh and Stealth 3 is ALOT harder to get than Visor 3 or Armor 3 so your point (whoever made it) is moot.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:32 pm

I agree, I think cloak mode should be used to sneak up on people, not move around the map undetected. Maybe a lower duration for cloak mode would be fitting.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:26 am

All I have to say to all you haters is L2P. It's a first person shooter with an added 'twist', it's not even close to be as hard or tedious to learn like StarCraft2; is it so hard for you guys to adjust to the gameplay? You shouldn't be approaching the game like any other generic FPS like COD though I think alot of you guys probably mistaken Crysis 2 for "COD:2142" (get my joke? If not that proofs my point even further).
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:39 pm

Cloak + expert camper = ub3r-lame.

Using stealth technique and taking up strategic position is LAME!? Meh you just insulted every and each military and police sniper in the world. Better be more careful the next time you walk down the street or go near a window: someone may have a crosshair on your~

I agree with you about the being stealth in real life. I understand the circumstances of someone getting killed while in service having to leave a wife with 2 kids behind. But this is a game and the only reason i play this game is for sake of entertainment. I have played many FPS games since 1996, this one seems to be on my top Favorites but it really lacks of several things that would make this game 10000 times better. I Honestly enjoy playing Classic game mode better. for some reason it just feels better, u still can play stealthy and get nice ninja kills but u dont have this transparency feature being exploited by mega campers. With my style of game play I often accidentally run into random cloaked people who just get lucky that i did not notice them.. But in classic mode if i run into someone it comes down into a nice CQB duel and then its a stand off between two players and the person with quicker reflexes and good aim might come out alive.

In my opinion the over-cloaking just results in random game results, it does not contribute to the skillful / good sportmenship wins.

for example: lets say we are playing capure the relay, and all i do the entire game is stay by my relay cloaked. i wait the entire game for you to come by as you pick up my relay i blast you in the back with high explosive weapon such a a rocket or nadespammer. mean while u had to get through like 5 epic battles just to get to my base.

Do you understand my point?

I understand that you're explaining how someone that doesn't pay attention to encounter points or isn't aware of the surroundings will die foolishly. They will be killed in a newbish way because they can't use their brain quick enough. I mean, really, how can you not hear them? It makes LOUD footsteps if you move an inch. THINK!!!!!!!!! How can you not have some patience and bust out your visor?

I personally run past the relay 100% the time when I know people are alive and search for them. Or mark them. Or wait for the people I just killed to respawn, kill them again. THEN grab the relay. Have fun facerolling the relay like a dumbledore because you're getting beat by a camper and not stealth as an ability.
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:42 pm

Stealth actually is fine. I even like when people run upto me in stealth. 'cos cloaked folk get 300% dmg or so. And 'cos im running always (!) with nanovision... Well... They die a lot :)

Even if a camper is in stealth, you can easily kill him, never had the problem of losing to stealthed folk.

So - either go nanovision. Or just learn to see stealth (you can see it with practice).

Stealth by the way was nerfed. It was nerfed when mobility enhance was made useless. Before the nerf - i could run from the Lighthouse to the ruins in The lighthosue map - on one charge. Now - i need 3 charges.

And crysis isnt the type of game in which camping is really apreciated. Only 'bout 10% of the snipers i've seen have gotten good K/D's . Others, even with the stealth and sniper power - svcked pretty hard.


So the point is - Stealth is easily counterable, by well - everything. And you shouldnt have a problem with it after 2 weeks of gameplay.


'Bout the campers - if you have issues with campers - just flank them. And stealth kill. Or - there are other areas of the map in which you can run in circles killing people.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:03 am

mobility enhance is STILL good... just does not work well stealth on with it off you can run a lot of places FAST(more of out climb people.) I might make a Enhance class that enhances every suit mode. So that I am just a bit better than your suit in every way. (Armor with no speed loss. Cloak with no shadow and a running with low energy cost.)
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jessica sonny
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:11 am

mobility enhance is STILL good... just does not work well stealth on with it off you can run a lot of places FAST(more of out climb people.) I might make a Enhance class that enhances every suit mode. So that I am just a bit better than your suit in every way. (Armor with no speed loss. Cloak with no shadow and a running with low energy cost.)

Who needs ME without stealth? meh
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:14 pm

Us Air Stomping Nutts who need to climb fast. You do not know how much you need that module to make Air Stomp into a DEALLY weapon. Plus if you knew how to slide you can cover open ground with out cloak with ease...and at a lot less energy. Cloak less, Parkour more, and have fun ;) And look above you I'm incoming.
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:42 am

Armor mode is fine unless sprinting can be faster. If sprinting cannot be inhanced then armor mode needs to be inhanced.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:02 pm

for example: lets say we are playing capure the relay, and all i do the entire game is stay by my relay cloaked. i wait the entire game for you to come by as you pick up my relay i blast you in the back with high explosive weapon such a a rocket or nadespammer. mean while u had to get through like 5 epic battles just to get to my base.
Are you trying to insult good team players who are on a defence role?
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:25 pm

Overall i would say that everybody uses the tactics that suits him. I also prefer running to the action with armor-mode and visor-enhance (where the cost of nanovison is low).
And YES i die very often. But 7 seconds later its forgotten and now i know where they camp and it gives me a good feeling to make kills that way.
Cloaked camping contradicts my natural understanding of gameplay. (Exceptions may be defenders in Assault or Exfiltration). Otherwise I camp when i have to reload my energy/weapon. Moving targets are harder to hit, cloaked or not.
Certainly it`s depending on what game you are playing, but i never play non-team-instant-action in standard-mode. (Idiotic, my opinion)
Classic or Pro-Mode is cool, it gives me a good feeling and ppl are forced to use their skills in aiming, reflexes and last not least their brain.

Beside - Crytek PLEASE DO something against whats happening in the CTR-Mode.
In every third game i see enemies standing side by side taking/dropping/returing relays, making 30000Points or whatever. I shot the enemy and got kicked. That sux.
What does the LV.50 bring u when u have no gaming experience?
Cya on da Battlefield
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:38 pm

Guys! Guys!
Listen to yourself.
This is crysis 2. This is Fantastic.
Don't make out of fantastic Crysis 2, COD. Wanna COD then buy it, and play it. But don't make that sh** out of crysis 2. I played COD, but it's not mine genre of games. I waited crysis 2 cause I wanna play some fantastic FPS. I don't wanna back to COD after that game. And I don't wanna that the crysis 2 became another COD.
And besides. Suit is more visible on maps of crysis 2 than character on the maps of COD, cause it's glowing. So of course suit need stealth and tactics. Stealth also good thing from campers.
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helen buchan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:30 am

I think stealth is pretty fine by now, of course there is always little balance issues in all things, (weapons, modules etc...) but stealth mainly is fine by me. Why... well what Crysis is about? The Nanosuit and nanosuit has armour, stealth etc... so if you dont want play with it change game or play classic mode (which is fun btw ;) )
And as guys have said, you can learn to see stealthed people either with modules or plain eye. As for armour...yes it could be stronger, but with armour enhance I manage pretty fine with armour mode activated.

But this is just my opinion, no offense to anyone ;)
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Aliish Sheldonn
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:51 pm

Actually, Power mode CAN counter Stealth - not even with SE III you CANNOT outrun / outjump / outslide Power mode.
I never get shot in the back by a cloaked enemy in Terminal (WITHOUT CLOAK). Why? I run in circles around the map killing everybody and NEVER STOPPING.
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